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HomrQT Sep 8, 2017 2:46 AM

Chicago and Amazon are meant for each other.

Domer2019 Sep 8, 2017 6:10 AM

A greenfield/close proximity "campus" sounds more logical to me. With tech companies that value culture, a 2000 foot vertical tube doesn't sound very inviting and collaborative, not to mention the range of uses they probably want.

denizen467 Sep 8, 2017 6:55 AM

On the other hand, if this doesn't nab Amazon, and stays a white elephant for several more years, I have some random ideas. The country's first urban format, transit-accessible Carmax (irony, right?), or the future site of the City auto pound, after they get kicked out by Vista from Wacker.

k1052 Sep 8, 2017 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Domer2019 (Post 7915430)
A greenfield/close proximity "campus" sounds more logical to me. With tech companies that value culture, a 2000 foot vertical tube doesn't sound very inviting and collaborative, not to mention the range of uses they probably want.

The only major tech company left who really thinks this way is Apple. Yea Google wants a big-er campus in Mountain View but they occupy lots of urban real estate across the country/world.

Another urban campus sounds like what they'll (Amazon) want since that's what they built/still are building in Seattle. They don't seem to be height averse.

emathias Sep 8, 2017 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by LouisVanDerWright (Post 7915124)
The original pipe dream would have to happen to accommodate it. How sweet would a 2000' Amazon tower here be? Would be a fitting sister to the Sears named after the last retail innovator of this magnitude...

Of course shortly after that tower was built, they entered a long, painful decline ...

killaviews Sep 8, 2017 1:16 PM


Originally Posted by ChickeNES (Post 7877016)
In the PD document there's a mention that part of the connection would be built, but the CTA would be responsible for actually connecting it to the existing station. Who knows why they didn't get them to pledge to build the whole thing.

The city will happily build that connection to land Amazon now.

Handro Sep 8, 2017 6:05 PM


Originally Posted by ReeWee (Post 7915756)
No, the campus model is dying. Look at the nice tower Salesforce built.

Not to mention a clever activation of the riverfront/some adjacent property (Holiday Inn lot for starters.... please) could accommodate an "urban campus" feel.

Jim in Chicago Sep 8, 2017 8:09 PM


Originally Posted by Handro (Post 7916011)
Not to mention a clever activation of the riverfront/some adjacent property (Holiday Inn lot for starters.... please) could accommodate an "urban campus" feel.

And, along with the lot that little strip of trashy neglected storefronts, and heck, take down the Holiday Inn at the same time. Clean sweep.

spyguy Sep 17, 2017 6:48 PM

spyguy Sep 17, 2017 6:52 PM

BVictor1 Sep 17, 2017 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by spyguy (Post 7925231)

Looks really nice.

The old 'sugar factory' building seem to still be standing to the far left.

LouisVanDerWright Sep 17, 2017 11:51 PM

Isn't that Riverwalk plaza where the first tower was proposed under the PD?

Jim in Chicago Sep 18, 2017 3:01 PM


Originally Posted by spyguy (Post 7925231)

What's with the line of red vans. The Amazon Employee shuttles?

I'm surprised to see that band of something sticking out above the Congress cut through is still in the renderings. They certainly don't look original to the building, and are sort of ugly. Anyone know what they are?

gebs Sep 18, 2017 3:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in Chicago (Post 7925763)
What's with the line of red vans. The Amazon Employee shuttles?

I assumed those were food trucks.

rlw777 Sep 18, 2017 3:44 PM

This will be especially cool if the riverwalk ever gets built out in front of 300 S. riverside.

Khantilever Sep 18, 2017 5:15 PM


Originally Posted by LouisVanDerWright (Post 7925427)
Isn't that Riverwalk plaza where the first tower was proposed under the PD?

I believe so. The shorter, first phase tower would be north of Congress, and the mega tall in phase two would go on the southern side.

The fact that they're not showing a plaza south of congress makes me hopeful that they believe something can still go there in the future.

spyguy Sep 19, 2017 4:41 AM

Quite a lot of activities available on the rooftop

denizen467 Sep 19, 2017 8:40 AM


Originally Posted by spyguy (Post 7926602)
Quite a lot of activities available on the rooftop

Well it is big enough you could play the Super Bowl on it.

Those interior renders really look like they are cloning ideas done at Merch Mart. That's a good thing, although it seems they are omitting the idea of giant atrium light wells seen in some past proposals.

That first render suggests an underbridge at VanBuren, and there certainly is dead space along the river at 300 South. (Curiously, there is a roadway visible there in Google Earth; I assume that's just railroad property?) Really, 300 South needs to be torn down and the whole half-block redeveloped from scratch.

10023 Sep 19, 2017 8:48 AM


Originally Posted by denizen467 (Post 7926679)
Really, 300 South needs to be torn down and the whole half-block redeveloped from scratch.

I'd be more worried about replacing what's on the opposite side of Canal (the parking garage and that bus depot, which I hope is just temporary).

LouisVanDerWright Sep 19, 2017 2:20 PM

Look up union station redevelopment plans, the garage and bus depot will not remain long term.

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