^And how in general, many members of socities' underbelly consistantly misbehave themselves.
Something in your account doesn't add up (no, people who give you the heebie-jeebies on the train don't count as "incidents")... |
I've only seen 3 instances. About 3 years ago a woman had her purse stolen on the Brown Line and called the police, and about 6 years ago some thugs were talking crap to random people and shoved this guy on the Blue Line, and two people got on a fight on a bus late at night about 4 years ago. |
With 444 West Lake on the fritz I wonder if the idea of giving the approach to Union 4 tracks like I think Mr.Downtown said could be an idea revisited. I wonder if it would throw the West Loop out of whack by making Clinton as a dedicated bus transitway/LRT like how I think Minneapolis has part of 5th St. through downtown. I would be up for demolished 222 Riverside but then I don't know how much money you are saving in the end. Would like to see the projections even just for the demolition of 222 Riverside. |
I believe a total of four through tracks could be squeezed in on the east end of Union Station without altering any foundations. The original caissons were placed to make another runthrough track possible, and this alteration was contemplated during WWII. Earlier discussion of subject.
^ NYC has over 20 subway lines crossing under 3 separate rivers and Jamaica Bay.
We have subways crossing the river too, obviously. Those weren't involved in the 1992 flood, that was the old freight tunnels.
In any case, putting HSR in the bottom level of the WLTC under Clinton seems to be pointless if they can only fit 2 tracks. It might be adequate for the next 10 or 20 years, but building a multi-billion dollar infrastructure project with the expectation that it will serve your needs for 10 or 20 years is unwise. |
The Circle Line
+ Quote:
:tup: :yes: |
"Gee, George, uhhh... ain't that a river? What are we gonna do 'bout that? What are we gonna do about the train, George?" http://videodetective.com/photos/135/005685_18.jpg |
http://i40.tinypic.com/2aeowed.jpg Seems odd that there's no transfer to Blue or Green at Milwaukee/Lake |
I wonder how that will impact the U-Pass program, which currently only works on CTA. |
The paulina stop on the brown line is reopening:
http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2...rown-line.html |
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