When your breath was billowing what were you wearing? We know gaters are pretty useless as are bandanas. Also, of course, blowing breathe is water vapor, not droplets or particles. Vapor will pass through any mask as it is supposed to, otherwise you couldn't breathe through it. Personally, I've never worn anything but N95s and KN95s and those are what I think everybody should be wearing so show me the data on those that says they "aren't important enough". I've not heard a single virologist who would agree with that. But I must repeat: Wearing a mask is a simple harmless thing that virtually every "expert" is saying we should do. Why are you being so stubborn about it? It is unseemly and clearly an ego trip for you. Even if you don't believe they work, it's something that society asks of you. Waiting on that link that quality masks "aren't important enough" to bother you by asking you to wear one . . . . |
I never said those masks arent useful, those aren't the requirements. Any mask will do, hence it is a political point, not a medical move. |
An unmasked jogger pretty much has a 0% chance of infecting your kid. We are a year into this and people still are lying or misrepresenting how outside transmission works. I would bet my next paycheck that less than 5 people have been infected from a jogger running by them. It's a non-issue but talked about by people that fear everything without evidence. |
The virus is on the way out. The vaccines are effective against the variants. A great example of what is to come has already occurred in Israel. They have administered 114 shots per 100 people in the country. Their case count has dropped from over 10,000 people per day in around January 15th to 300 new cases today. The US has administered 167 million shots or about 50 shots per 100 people. A mini spike in a few states is nothing to be fearful of because at this point the at risk population has received or will receive the vaccine really soon. Canada 18 shots per 100 Mexico 7.4 shots per 100 France 19 shots per 100 Spain 19 shots per 100 Germany 17 shots per 100 Brazil 10 shots per 100 India 6.1 shots per 100 Australia 3.4 shots per 100 Japan 0.9 shots per 100 South Korea 2 shots per 100 |
I forgot to post that 55% of the Israeli population is fully vaccinated. They are very close to that magic herd immunity percentage.
The percentage of population that has been fully vaccinated in the US is 19%, vaccinated 32%. UK: 8.2% Canada: 1.9% German: 5.2% France: 4.6% Spain: 6.1% Italy: 5.8% Brazil: 2.3% Mexico: 0.9% India: 0.8% Japan: 0.2% South Africa: 0.5% |
Me and my gf have been avoiding things that require the wearing of masks. For example, we went to the Cleveland art museum about a month ago but only stayed about 2 hours because you’re required to wear a stupid mask the whole time, even though nobody was hardly there. Wearing a mask just sucks all of the humanity and joy out of doing things socially. It’s not normal to not see people’s faces. But I’m afraid that democrat run cities and states will mandate the wearing of masks for political points for freaking ever because they want to show everyone how much better and holier than thou they are than the republicans. |
As of Monday, metro New Orleans is now 21.5% fully vaccinated. The city of New Orleans is nearing 25% fully vaccinated. https://ldh.la.gov/covidvaccine/
The CDC released a study that there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of infection by surface transmission of Covid. That's a lot lower than what they feared it was.
It should also be known that the effectiveness of a single dose, single shot from Moderna's and Pfizer's vaccine is 80%. Now that 32% of the US population has received at least 1 shot, combined with those that have antibodies (I get it, there's some overlap there) this disease has one foot out the door. |
Maybe it's because I, along with tens of millions of others have been wearing masks at their job for a year now. Maybe it's because I used to have to wear a half-face mask for years when I did asbestos air monitoring and clearances. Or maybe it's just that I understand that, even though I've been fully vaccinated, not everyone around me has been, therefore its the right thing to do for me living in society to keep others safe. I do tend to agree that masks being worn outside is a bit over the top, as long as you're not in crowded spaces (ie: farmer's market, other large outdoor events), but inside it's just stupid not to wear one. Aaron (Glowrock) |
They seem to have been an outlier over the last year in so many ways. |
People walking around outdoors wearing masks are doing it more for show.. "Look at me! I'm cool and hip, I'm part of the 'In' crowd, I'm so progressive and 'scientific'!" Bozos.... :haha: |
But all indicators are showing that this doesn't happen or it happens so rarely as to be a non-issue. |
Don’t worry, they’ll say there’s a slight chance of transmission with vaccines to keep us wearing masks for all time. |
If you have a pint of beer in your hand, pull your mask down to take a swill and then pull your mask back up. Same with hot dogs or peanuts. It's a small adjustment. Now, if beer and hot dogs aren't allowed at sporting events....well then...there ain't NO CHANCE IN HELL that I'll be going |
Sorry, but ZERO risk is never gonna happen. |
still, when no one's around, i do pull my mask down. :P |
My friend texted me a few hours ago; she's in Taiwan visiting family.
She told me it's soooo different there than in the US right now; people are all out and about like everything's normal, they're only required to wear masks when they go inside stores and inside the trains. Our media hasn't really been covering Taiwan, either (apart from their political situation with China), but Taiwan is one of the few places in the world that has successfully controlled COVID. |
Yes, this should be quite evident after all of this time that masks do little to nothing, unless youre wearing a medical grade mask, which probably 99% of people arent. In every major city in America, everyone has been wearing masks since the beginning and yet NYC fared very poorly early on, even though everyone was wearing masks. Just like how everyone is supposedly wearing masks in Brazil, yet cases are still through the roof there. If masks did work than cities like Miami where people arent wearing them and in Texas where they are no longer mandated than shouldnt those cities be seeing more death than places where masks are mandated, even outside? |
And currently, they are seeing about three times as many deaths as the US, with an obviously much smaller population. |
I think it's very hard to precisely measure if/how masking helps. I believe the experts and the arguments that, when used widely, it lowers infection rates and especially lowers hospitalization and death rates. The rationale (ie lowered innoculum) is convincing enough to me.
I don't know if I want to live in a culture of shaming like Taiwan, though. I think they kicked ass with COVID and all, but there seems to be a bit of an 'Authoritarianism Porn' element with some people in this forum that baffles me. If you look at the big picture, I still prefer living in a Western Society. And deep down, so do you. |
I flew to California in February. I don't even remember getting my temperature checked. Not one covid question asked that I can recall. |
Either way, the questionnaire that you have to fill out to print your boarding pass should have at least asked you about COVID symptoms and whether you recently tested positive. |
That's the point. And also, we have had lulls and surges in the US, did masks play a part in that? The surge that we just got out of, was that the result of everyone in our large cities deciding to not mask up? Of course not. Masks are marginal in impact, their benefits are insanely exaggerated for political reasons. |
I haven't worn a mask outside since the pandemic began, unless it's in a street that was converted to a pedestrian mall, or from my car to the store, I'll strap it on on the walk to the front door.
I do wear a mask every single time I am in indoors in a public place. Also, when I'm walking and come across a senior citizen (they're usually wearing a mask), I give them space by either crossing the street, or walking in the street. They're the most at risk and it's common courtesy towards them. |
It makes a huge difference in public transportation, for instance. This was scientifically proven by epidemiologists already. They just watch their stats, then tell the media about their conclusions to make the general public aware. I don't think there's any politics in that matter. The fact that it's annoying to wear it has nothing to do with it. In fact, the French government grossly lied to the French population about masks a year ago. France didn't have any reserve of masks, so they told us - masks are useless. We don't have to wear any. As soon as the French market was invaded by trillions of masks, they suddenly said - wearing it is mandatory. |
As to epidemiologic data showing mass effectiveness, the epidemiology of this (and many viruses) is so complex that I doubt it's possible to convince people like you. Your mind is made up. Why you and 10023 are so bothered by the idea of wearing a simple mask is what's much more interesting (and, I believe, pathologic). |
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