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chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 4:30 PM

Speeding, that is an American right. On a side note, Valentine released the 2nd gen radar detector.

People infringing on my rights to do 30 mph over on a perfectly empty highway with limited traffic that poses no immediate issue so long as one respects the left lane rule.

The Germans show that it could be done, but they are also German, and don't have American's behind the wheel. The one's that can't drive or change a tire because our driver training system sucks.

bnk Mar 21, 2020 4:39 PM

This is very good new.

NY liquor stores deemed "essential businesses" under new order

MSN ^ | 3/20/20 | Audrey McNamara

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday announced an executive order that mandates 100% of the state's workforce "must stay home, excluding essential services," until further notice. That order does not apply to liquor stores, the New York State Liquor Store Association clarified later Friday.
"Liquor stores have been deemed an essential business and may remain open," the association said in a press release. "You do not need to reduce your workforce. This applies to all SLA licensed entities as per the SLA."
Beverage manufacturing, including alcoholic beverages, is also considered an essential operation, and is included under the state's list of exemptions, according to the SLA.

Other exemptions from the executive order include shipping, media, warehousing, grocery and food production, pharmacies, healthcare providers, utilities, banks and related financial institutions. "Bars and restaurants are closed, but takeout can be ordered during the period of closure," the governor's website said.


chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 4:39 PM

Funny thing is that U.S. Route 50 in Nevada, also known as the loneliest road, is heavily enforced. When there isn't a car for miles upon miles and you can see a mile+ visibility when the nearest car is present, why the hell are they so anal about speed. Its all revenue folks. American speeds are antiquated, and serve as a collection pathway for states. Its just a tax on the people.

The idea that its for safety, its just all stroking the you know what.

In Europe, parts of it, they warn you in advance when there is a speed camera. For safety. In America, a giant fuck you as the speed cam takes you plate with no upcoming warning. That's why as a form of advice, I recommend all get Waze, and a good detector, for peace of mind against the tax collection. Detectors can pick up the K or Ka signal that cameras emit as well.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 4:45 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869320)
Those two things are not comparable.

The us government has not right to keep me in my home and they wont. Once again I don’t care how you feel about that.

The government can suspend your rights, your ass ends up in jail and you'll be tapping your fingers on your bedbunk instead of your keyboard.

If you're lucky, you'll be bunkmates with someone a little less enamored of rules than you.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 4:47 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8869335)
Speeding, that is an American right. On a side note, Valentine released the 2nd gen radar detector.

People infringing on my rights to do 30 mph over on a perfectly empty highway with limited traffic that poses no immediate issue so long as one respects the left lane rule.

The Germans show that it could be done, but they are also German, and don't have American's behind the wheel. The one's that can't drive or change a tire because our driver training system sucks.

A German that hits the wall at 130mph is a dead German.

Same divverenz.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 4:50 PM


Originally Posted by montréaliste (Post 8869347)
A German that hits the wall at 130mph is a dead German.

Same divverenz.

Likewise with 65 or 75mph. 75 mph common on certain roads in certain states. But that's not the issue. What's more of a concern are folks that text, and folks that impede the flow of traffic. Not necessarily speed under ideal circumstances with excellent situation awareness.

The key is under ideal circumstances. If your in the middle of Utah, on an empty road, doing 85 mph, that's not a threat to society. Now if your doing 55 mph and the flow of traffic is 70mph, and one is blocking the passing lane, the odds of something going wrong increase as folks have to break, causes a backlog, and risks incident when folks pass on the right.

Under Ideal Circumstances is key.

Now there are physics involved, and kinetic energy increases as one goes to higher speeds, but point being, any incident 65mph will still incur some bad things or likely hood. At some point, it does become irrelevant but could be mitigated by situational awareness and good judgement. Something a lot of folks don't have. I'd argue texting, improper traffic protocol are far bigger issues than the guy doing 15 over on an empty road.

hauntedheadnc Mar 21, 2020 5:02 PM

First cases reported today in my city. One here, one in the next county south, and five in a county to the west.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 5:06 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8869350)
Likewise with 65 or 75mph. 75 mph common on certain roads in certain states. But that's not the issue. What's more of a concern are folks that text, and folks that impede the flow of traffic. Not necessarily speed under ideal circumstances with excellent situation awareness.

The key is under ideal circumstances. If your in the middle of Utah, on an empty road, doing 85 mph, that's not a threat to society. Now if your doing 55 mph and the flow of traffic is 70mph, and one is blocking the passing lane, the odds of something going wrong increase as folks have to break, causes a backlog, and risks incident when folks pass on the right.

Under Ideal Circumstances is key.

Now there are physics involved, and kinetic energy increases as one goes to higher speeds, but point being, any incident 65mph will still incur some bad things or likely hood. At some point, it does become irrelevant but could be mitigated by situational awareness and good judgement. Something a lot of folks don't have. I'd argue texting, improper traffic protocol are far bigger issues than the guy doing 15 over on an empty road.

I see so many drivers driving like madmen under less than ideal circumstances, though.

Not to mention the lack of distance between drivers in the left lane even when folks are driving way above the speed limit.

Just sayin.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 5:08 PM


I agree. No argument on my part. Believe me, I wish people would use better judgement and situational awareness. Eh... I know... I know... alas the issues of the world lol.

I also wish they could understand when engine breaking versus hard breaking is ideal. But, I know... I'm wishing for too much.

Pedestrian Mar 21, 2020 5:10 PM

San Francisco in a time of epidemic is like San Francisco any other time:

Video Link

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 5:21 PM

Regarding the NJ press conference, make sure to refresh the youtube feed. Murphy just started as of now.

Obadno Mar 21, 2020 5:35 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869320)
Those two things are not comparable.

The us government has not right to keep me in my home and they wont. Once again I don’t care how you feel about that.

Lol no they can't. And if they tried I would gladly enjoy the settlement money after the fact.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 5:36 PM

Only essential businesses to be open after 9 pm tonight.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 5:39 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869398)
Lol no they can't. And if they tried I would gladly enjoy the settlement money after the fact.

I hope you are using your "alter ego" as a sounding board. That's a start to a better conscience, unless your mind is unalterably damaged.

cabotp Mar 21, 2020 6:13 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869091)
Not because of 'murica but because I am not going to be told that I cannot travel to my parents house, or that I cannot go to see other people I care about because of some edict from some politician

Dont care, I cannot tell you how pleased I am we live in a nation that doesnt allow for such limitation of movement. You dont realize it now but its a good thing for you too.

How would you feel if you gave the virus to your parents and they ended up dying?

You may think that the government is trying to restrict your rights. But what you don't understand is they are simply just trying to protect everyone.

SlidellWx Mar 21, 2020 6:31 PM


Originally Posted by bnk (Post 8869302)
Some real assuring numbers an stats in this link.

This is the most thorough examination of the pandemic that I have seen yet. It is much more reassuring than what I see on tv and social media. Thanks for sharing. Let's all keep up the good work of social distancing for another week or so to keep lowering the mortality rate (down to 1% of those tested and confirmed positive now), and then we need to start living life normally again ASAP.

mhays Mar 21, 2020 6:49 PM

Obadno doesn't care if other people die.

He's literally a sociopath, mixed with a big dose of entitlement because he's all that matters.

Buckeye Native 001 Mar 21, 2020 7:12 PM


Originally Posted by cabotp (Post 8869436)
How would you feel if you gave the virus to your parents and they ended up dying?

You may think that the government is trying to restrict your rights. But what you don't understand is they are simply just trying to protect everyone.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to realize the measures being taken now are to limit/minimize the strain on our hospitals and healthcare workers. Hell, there's a couple of doctors on this forum who've been saying basically the same thing about how we're not equipped to handle this at the present time.

I didn't realize how unprepared we were in Flagstaff until my gf, who works at the local hospital, informed me that they only have a couple of isolation rooms and maybe 15 ventilators for a town of 70,000. Mind you, FMC is a level one trauma center that also serves a huge rural community. Phoenix is 142 miles away. Vegas and Albuquerque are both over 250 miles away.

Long story short, there are trolls here who just enjoy pissing everyone else off. There's also people here who think that their lives are more important than everyone else's.

SIGSEGV Mar 21, 2020 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by SlidellWx (Post 8869448)
This is the most thorough examination of the pandemic that I have seen yet. It is much more reassuring than what I see on tv and social media. Thanks for sharing. Let's all keep up the good work of social distancing for another week or so to keep lowering the mortality rate (down to 1% of those tested and confirmed positive now), and then we need to start living life normally again ASAP.

Lots of plots and bravado, not very much substance. The author has no apparent qualifications in anything other than making plots and spewing right-wing polemic. He cherry-picks evidence that suits his point ("low evidence of community transmission!") while talking up the uncertainty of evidence that doesn't. He says some big words but shows no math. Everybody with any qualifications says the opposite of this random "growth hacker."

Pedestrian Mar 21, 2020 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by Buckeye Native 001 (Post 8869485)
I didn't realize how unprepared we were in Flagstaff until my gf, who works at the local hospital, informed me that they only have a couple of isolation rooms and maybe 15 ventilators for a town of 70,000. Mind you, FMC is a level one trauma center that also serves a huge rural community. Phoenix is 142 miles away. Vegas and Albuquerque are both over 250 miles away.

Having a Level 1 trauma center, a couple of isolation rooms and maybe 15 ventilators is actually quite a lot for a town of 70,000.

It would be fairly unusual under normal circumstances in such a place to get someone who needs high level isolation in an ER. Ventilators are more common because they can be needed for trauma victims with chest injuries, stroke and other brain injury patients and so on.

San Francisco, a town of almost a million, has one trauma center also (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital) although I'm certain several other hospitals have lots of ventillators and probably isolation rooms.

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