jtown,man |
May 20, 2020 1:42 PM |
People, I think, aren't thinking about the consequences, some of which are baked in at this point.
It's not "people just want to go to Red Lobster." But it's also not just 36 million unemployed. It's EVERYTHING.
-It's the fact that we are letting out criminals from jail. Cook county let out something like 25% of inmates. Also, people getting arrested are being released and told they will eventually get a warrant for their arrest. When will that be, if ever? Can our judicial and legal system handle ALL of these cases being called in at once in addition to the new cases that will rack up? Of course not. Oh, and when you are releasing criminals has anyone ask "hey what are they going to do for money in this shitty economy?" Of course not, no one has asked any serious question unless it revolves around corona. So we are releasing criminals with ZERO chance of them being employed- what could go wrong?
- People are donating a lot less. This is huge and will have a ripple effect. I've noted this before, but my girlfriend works for a marketing agency that works with nothing but non-profits. Her first campaign, which was for a children's hospital in Ireland, saw a 48% decrease in donations from respondents. This was the largest year-over-year decrease her CEO said they've ever seen...in 15 years.
-My friends dad owns 5 Mexican restaurants here in Arkansas. I asked her how the opening went last week and if they can survive. She said "We can survive but we are doing half to go orders, half dine-in. We rehired everyone back and raised their pay but some of them didn't want to come back to work because of the money they are making through unemployment, so to answer your question, probably no in the end." Even if we open things, it could take months for things to get back to normal and things WONT get back to normal until the government stops paying people 2,400 dollars a month ON TOP of their normal unemployment. This is the classic case of the government trying to do good but having horrible blowback. WHY ON EARTH would you go back to making 1,500 a month when you can sit at home and do nothing? And the Democrats want to extend this until January, they are insane.
-My mom can now get her thyroid surgery. However, it's going to take awhile. Her doctor, who she knows quite well, said that they have cut staff and there is a rush of people wanting to be seen so she is now looking at waiting almost a month for a surgery that she originally was supposed to be waiting 3 days for. My brother inlaw is a rad tech, he's been working roughly 20 hours a week. Him and my sister were in the market to buy some land and build a house, no longer. They are going to sit where they are at and wait to see what happens with his job and the housing market before they make a huge purchase.
-Keeping people "afloat" is not the same as keeping people prospering. Period. It seems people don't understand this. Also, the government help will end, and then what? Of course some will say CONTINUE HELPING but the answer to that is that we can't afford 2 trillion dollars a month. We would up spending 100% of our GDP on government spending.
- The longer this lockdown lasts, the more big companies and the internet-based companies win. There is zero question about this. What will cities look like in the future? Horribly boring. Population loss, vacant offices, restaurants gone, retail gone, and crime up.
-If someone spent a lifetime building a business and it goes under, there is NOTHING the government can do for them, nothing. Starting a business isn't some mathematical equation, it's time, effort, luck, and hard work. It won't come back tomorrow. How many small businesses will be lost after all this is done? It will be massive, even if it's just 10% of businesses. Those families will now have to find another income source, will it be as good as their former source? Chances are no. Most small business owners probably don't have the education or skills to do anything but the work they already did. Where will their employees go? Who cares. What will that do to the existing market? Obviously, it will make things more expensive for others. If you have 10 businesses in town that do some job and now you only have 5, things will get more expensive.
- Three decades of job gains have been lost. HOW LONG will it take to gain those back? No one here knows this. I might be 40-50 years old before it fully recovers.
-Kids are getting screwed. A second-grader on zoom? YEAH RIGHT. And now the writing is on the wall. Teacher unions will resist any and all openings that are workable. The hysteria in America is laughable really, and it's anti-science. But who cares, it makes for nice headlines on CNN. Fuck the kids.
-No tax revenue, no money for local governments. No money for local governments, no services or road repairs etc. We could give everyone in America check, every month. But if they DON'T SPEND IT, then it means absolutely nothing for the economy. It seems people aren't understanding this point. How many people with jobs just pocketed the 1,200 dollars because of the uncertain future? I put 600 into savings because of the crazy economy. I imagine a lot of other folks we're doing the responsible thing and saving the money for the unknown.
- How many places like Orlando or Las Vegas will be facing worst-than-great-depression economic situations? What will that look like, does anyone know? Of course not, no one knows. But then we have idiots going around acting like everything will be AOK once we open up. They aren't doing this based on history or sound economic theory, they are saying this because their religion is #stayathome and they will believe in anything possible to make their position stronger.
- How many people are going to buy homes or cars right now? My girlfriend's job is quite secure at this point, but she is even worried and has started putting a little more in savings than spending based on an uncertain future.
All of these things and 10,000 other issues are all related and aren't going to be fixed by some bullshit government check. The fear-based hysteria the media has been spewing for almost three months now has created enough fear that people are still agreeing with shutdowns, are excusing away our MASSIVE economic issues, and are still saying people that want to open up don't care about people dying. The senator from Ohio said it just yesterday during a hearing. "How many people are you willing to die in order to add .5% to the GDP." That bastard said that. An elected official. When that is what "leaders" are saying, you know the idiots on the ground are also saying insane shit like that.