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ASUSunDevil Aug 2, 2021 7:01 PM

Latest renderings of McKinley Green:

CrestedSaguaro Aug 2, 2021 8:46 PM


Originally Posted by IndyAZ (Post 9355172)
I was curious about that one too, thought someone mentioned it recently being fenced? Also, thought we would have heard something on McKinley Green too, that should have broken ground or be getting really close, hopefully that is still going forward.

Correct, the Edith lot is fenced off. I originally thought it was because of some underground piping they were replacing, but that was completed a couple of weeks ago and the lot is still fenced off. I have been trying to dig for some info, but Edith/Berger aren't cooperating.

biggus diggus Aug 2, 2021 8:57 PM

They were given two years to obtain a permit when they were approved for zoning amendments last year. Still time to dilly dally.

edit: they're deep into civil permitting with Sundt Construction at the helm. It looks promising for you guys.

IndyAZ Aug 2, 2021 11:24 PM

That's great news! Thank you both for the info and looking into it!

TJPHXskyscraperfan Aug 3, 2021 8:05 AM

So we got skye taking off soon. What is that construction just south of that lot. Is that something with ASU?I remember that destroyed a building I believe not too long ago, is that supposed to be another ASU building?

CrestedSaguaro Aug 3, 2021 3:26 PM


Originally Posted by TJPHXskyscraperfan (Post 9356145)
So we got skye taking off soon. What is that construction just south of that lot. Is that something with ASU?I remember that destroyed a building I believe not too long ago, is that supposed to be another ASU building?

Just the staging lot for the Roosevelt APS project.

Regarding Skye, I went by yesterday and there is a lot of heavy equipment on the lot, so it looks like it's definitely started again. Also, Moontower is getting heavy machinery onsite after completing the demo of the Valley Youth Theater. It looks like they've already graded the lot. They seem to be keeping to their word of immediate ground-breaking after the demo was completed.

Also, the Ida container project is progressing and adding decent density on the corner and Derby should be putting up the forming for the final floor in a couple of days. So damn exciting to see how fast Phoenix is recovering with these projects after the epidemic slowed everything to a crawl 1 year ago. I think that says a lot for future upcoming development.

Diamonddave Aug 3, 2021 3:36 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9356312)
Just the staging lot for the Roosevelt APS project.

Regarding Skye, I went by yesterday and there is a lot of heavy equipment on the lot, so it looks like it's definitely started again. Also, Moontower is getting heavy machinery onsite after completing the demo of the Valley Youth Theater. It looks like they've already graded the lot. They seem to be keeping to their word of immediate ground-breaking after the demo was completed.

Also, the Ida container project is progressing and adding decent density on the corner and Derby should be putting up the forming for the final floor in a couple of days. So damn exciting to see how fast Phoenix is recovering with these projects after the epidemic slowed everything to a crawl 1 year ago. I think that says a lot for future upcoming development.

Amen to that Crested it does look like this 3Q is going to be exciting

ASU Diablo Aug 3, 2021 4:09 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9355164)
Safe to assume that The Edith (Berger) is dead?

Thanks everyone! Glad to hear Edith is alive and kicking.

Speaking of the new APS substation on 7th St and Roosevelt, came across this on IG. Rendering of what it will look like along with a welcome mural

MMDelon Aug 3, 2021 5:54 PM

I am happy these projects are taking off. If Central Station can get started next month that would turn this quiet year around.

ASUSunDevil Aug 3, 2021 6:03 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9356371)
Speaking of the new APS substation on 7th St and Roosevelt, came across this on IG. Rendering of what it will look like along with a welcome mural

Also here:

gymratmanaz Aug 3, 2021 6:39 PM

WOW...the APS substation actually could be a nice attraction. If the land has to be used, at least they came up with a good way to add something asthetic.

ASU Diablo Aug 3, 2021 9:43 PM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 9356529)
WOW...the APS substation actually could be a nice attraction. If the land has to be used, at least they came up with a good way to add something asthetic.

Agreed. Newer rending looks a whole lot better than what I posted.

Quick drive around downtown and everything looks great.

- St James Hotel was demo’ed today. Thanks Sarver /s
- Temporary BofA drive-thru ATM by new ASU dorm is being taken down. Wonder what plans ASU has in store for this lot. Narrow lot so something with some density/height would be cool

CrestedSaguaro Aug 4, 2021 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9356696)
Quick drive around downtown and everything looks great.

- St James Hotel was demo’ed today. Thanks Sarver

Saw that too. Took a pic from the second level of Fry's. So there was no fight from the preservationists on that one? :shrug:

TJPHXskyscraperfan Aug 4, 2021 1:34 AM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9356312)
Just the staging lot for the Roosevelt APS project.

Regarding Skye, I went by yesterday and there is a lot of heavy equipment on the lot, so it looks like it's definitely started again. Also, Moontower is getting heavy machinery onsite after completing the demo of the Valley Youth Theater. It looks like they've already graded the lot. They seem to be keeping to their word of immediate ground-breaking after the demo was completed.

Also, the Ida container project is progressing and adding decent density on the corner and Derby should be putting up the forming for the final floor in a couple of days. So damn exciting to see how fast Phoenix is recovering with these projects after the epidemic slowed everything to a crawl 1 year ago. I think that says a lot for future upcoming development.

Oh, thanks. But yeah, definitely exciting to see so many projects almost completed. We will be having 1,000s of new residents downtown over the next year with new towers on the rise. Only negative right now, it looks like they took down the Chase sign on the Chase tower last week. Definitely sad to see our tallest tower will prob sit empty for a while. Idk how that happens. You would think they could have some discounted rates for businesses to least short term for a while until they figure out what they are going to do. Even during a remodel why wouldn’t they try to get some leases? Idk, still exciting times, it will be perfect timing for the Super Bowl in 2023, showing casing Phoenix, hopefully most of the events and media are downtown, I’m sure they will have the NFL Experience at the Convention Center again with some kind of block party, prob next to Foot Print Center, prob trying to sell some condos,lol, to rich out of towners.

combusean Aug 4, 2021 5:51 AM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9356696)
Agreed. Newer rending looks a whole lot better than what I posted.

Quick drive around downtown and everything looks great.

- St James Hotel was demo’ed today. Thanks Sarver /s

Sarver is such a punk. He's never developed anything that wasn't handheld by the government. Demanding a surface lot in the middle of a downtown for his exclusive VIP use is just myopic 1980s-level crap. It's like he's blissfully unaware that Phoenix has literally grown up since the Suns arena was built downtown.


- Temporary BofA drive-thru ATM by new ASU dorm is being taken down. Wonder what plans ASU has in store for this lot. Narrow lot so something with some density/height would be cool
It's not narrow when they factor in the mostly-two parcels to the south of the creative commons tower that are used for staging and the two parcels that sits on. I'm assuming they'll have the better part of those 4 parcels with a pedestrian path or potential abandonment just north of YMCA.

However, I don't think ASU knows how to build skinny towers or we would have seen some of that quality development on the smaller lots they already control, all we have as the painfully short Thunderbird center. The couple quarter blocks they own are generally too small for academic space but work well with luxury residential like Link.

CrestedSaguaro Aug 4, 2021 11:25 PM

X Phase 2
Just received my records request on phase2 of X Phoenix.

Unfortunately, no renderings other than the 1st floor markup. But phase 2 is being proposed with 31 floors at 370' and 378 additional residential units. This will put the 2nd phase a tick over 100' taller than the first phase. Not bad.


ASU Diablo Aug 4, 2021 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9357634)
Just received my records request on phase2 of X Phoenix.

Unfortunately, no renderings other than the 1st floor markup. But phase 2 is being proposed with 31 floors at 370' and 378 additional residential units. This will put the 2nd phase a tick over 100' taller than the first phase. Not bad.


That’s awesome. Props to IndyAZ as I think it was him providing those details a while ago. Can’t wait to see the renderings

Phxguy Aug 5, 2021 12:41 AM

If built, X Society Phase 2 would become the tallest development of this building cycle! :cheers:

If Phase 2 is moving forward, is there anything to suggest X Basecamp will also be moving forward??

CrestedSaguaro Aug 5, 2021 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 9357669)
If built, X Society Phase 2 would become the tallest development of this building cycle! :cheers:

If Phase 2 is moving forward, is there anything to suggest X Basecamp will also be moving forward??

Only a fact finding has been submitted so far. Probably at least 2022 before it moves. Nothing new on basecamp yet.

PyroD Aug 5, 2021 3:35 AM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9357634)
Just received my records request on phase2 of X Phoenix.

Unfortunately, no renderings other than the 1st floor markup. But phase 2 is being proposed with 31 floors at 370' and 378 additional residential units. This will put the 2nd phase a tick over 100' taller than the first phase. Not bad.


Looks like this might come out being a rather interesting addition to the skyline. Looking on Google Earth, the first phase takes up more like 2/3 of the block than half. So this second phase may actually be kinda slender on the top end.

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