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Diamonddave Mar 4, 2021 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9207231)
Staging lot and construction trailer getting setup for Skye on 6th (Garfield). Just got confirmation from crew that Garfield breaks ground on Monday!!


That's great news finally a ground breaking in downtown for this 1Q

MMDelon Mar 5, 2021 2:35 AM

That was fast. Hopefully it goes up as fast as Adeline.

CrestedSaguaro Mar 5, 2021 5:44 PM

Adeline tower crane coming down this weekend.

PyroD Mar 7, 2021 7:26 PM

Redevelopment plans Christown Mall

combusean Mar 7, 2021 9:22 PM

Holy crap. They're going all out with that, especially with 200' parapet-height office buildings.

xymox Mar 8, 2021 6:34 AM


Originally Posted by PyroD (Post 9210147)

Color me highly skeptical this will work out. At least PV Mall has the demographics and existing office space nearby. I can’t see why you’d want an office here vs midtown or the Camelback corridor.

combusean Mar 8, 2021 2:22 PM

I wouldn't call PV Mall nearby but that's a philosophical discussion.

I don't think the office component makes any sense now, but they're also going all out with hotel and residential unlike other single-use power centers. They are absolutely maximizing the site plan and only limited by their current lease inhibitions, and the office product is on maybe a 10-20-year timeline.

I also anticipate that GCU's building boom is going to finally cause some ancillary benefits later on as students want to remain in the area and employers eventually follow them.

The site plans are conceptual at this point but if they did a Tempe-style product with abundant parking and massive floorplates they could actually nail something. Nobody has touched that product in Central Phoenix for a decade or more. I think the last time was Grace Court 15ish years ago and that offered nothing close to the onsite amenities this does.

xymox Mar 8, 2021 3:53 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9210622)
I wouldn't call PV Mall nearby but that's a philosophical discussion.

Sorry - meant nearby as in - there are office buildings near PV Mall (on the ring around it). They contain some smaller startups/spin offs from larger corporations. (I.e. Choice Hotels). Plus its not all that far from the Airpark...

I forget GCU is there and kinda opposite corner from there off I-17. So some hope.

I dunno - this all comes from living near there for a while so I’m pretty down on that area. It’s not nice - it needs something to turn it around. But I’m afraid its too far gone - just like Metrocenter.

exit2lef Mar 8, 2021 4:29 PM

Christown/Spectrum/whatever itself doesn't bother me. I've never felt uncomfortable shopping there. What is troubling is all the vagrancy in Solano Park. I don't know what effect, if any, this project would have on that problem.

muertecaza Mar 8, 2021 9:30 PM

Here is the full PUD for Christown:

exit2lef Mar 8, 2021 9:40 PM

It's a frustrating detail that Target owns its store property and the adjacent parking lot. That's the part of Christown that abuts the light rail station, and with Target being omitted from the PUD, it appears to be the area least likely to be transformed into a more pedestrian-oriented development.

MMDelon Mar 8, 2021 11:39 PM

With everything going on with Christown (Yes, it's Christown to me lol) and PV Mall, would it be out of scope to think the same will happen to Metrocenter? I feel like they could do some great things with Metrocenter.

xymox Mar 9, 2021 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by MMDelon (Post 9211309)
With everything going on with Christown (Yes, it's Christown to me lol) and PV Mall, would it be out of scope to think the same will happen to Metrocenter? I feel like they could do some great things with Metrocenter.

While I’d love to think so - you gotta figure what builds demand for companies and people to move to these old - and in some cases - blighted areas? How many ‘Kierland/Scottsdale Quarters’ can we support in the region? Probably not many.

You really have to stop and think - what would cause companies to move here - and bring along higher income residents? And if you can’t get higher income residents - can you do this as affordable housing and make it profitable for the developer? Probably one of the 3 will hit and be successful - I envision the other two as non-starters or half way completed disasters down the road.

Obadno Mar 9, 2021 4:46 PM

I actually expect almost everything between i-17 and the SR51 will largely gentrify.

So could the northwest part of central phoenix house a lifestyle shopping area like Biltmore? Yeah I think it could easily especially being right off the highway and near plenty of high wealth individuals in north central and a future Sunyslope that is now gentrified.

I dont suspect Arizona's growth will slow down anytime soon, maybe sometime around 2050, I think the Phoenix metro will easily gain another 3 million people in that time.

az_daniel Mar 9, 2021 5:59 PM


Originally Posted by MMDelon (Post 9211309)
With everything going on with Christown (Yes, it's Christown to me lol) and PV Mall, would it be out of scope to think the same will happen to Metrocenter? I feel like they could do some great things with Metrocenter.

In some ways I think Metrocenter is even more primed for good redevelopment as it is directly on 17 and will be a major "flagship" elevated light rail/transit center. There is already a decent foundation of offices, hotels, and attractions in the area, and there is way more land to develop in general. I think it's potential as a mixed use transit village is high, and they'll also be attracting more transient north and northwest valley commuters who stop over to catch the rail. Good stuff overall for some of the valley's malls!

biggus diggus Mar 9, 2021 6:03 PM

All these malls will become neighborhood centers. It's funny to think about how many urban centers around the valley will eventually be the site of old malls.

Classical in Phoenix Mar 9, 2021 6:41 PM

Although, not an indoor "mall", I think Park Central is a prime example of redevelopment using the neighborhood around it, ie. the hospital.

Obadno Mar 9, 2021 7:15 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 9212027)
All these malls will become neighborhood centers. It's funny to think about how many urban centers around the valley will eventually be the site of old malls.

Sort of Ironic that the mall is finally living up to its original marketing claim from half a century ago. :haha:

I mean they had to fail, die and then be rebuilt as fake urban centers but still...

ASU Diablo Mar 9, 2021 8:47 PM

Development Ideas Sought for South Phoenix Site
Nice to see the City finally get started on the potential for development on these empty lots in a blighted area. Drove by the other day and noticed some additional site work being done on the lots immediately south from here...affordable residential maybe?

The City of Phoenix owns a parcel at the SWC of 24th Street and Broadway Road, and is looking for some fresh ideas for future development.

Also, noticed the City once again put out the RFP for the mid-century building at 1 South 24th St as well. (24th St and Washington)

soled Mar 9, 2021 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9212278)
Nice to see the City finally get started on the potential for development on these empty lots in a blighted area. Drove by the other day and noticed some additional site work being done on the lots immediately south from here...affordable residential maybe?

Also, noticed the City once again put out the RFP for the mid-century building at 1 South 24th St as well. (24th St and Washington)

This is nice to see. South Phoenix has been making strides the last few years-especially along Baseline.

But, man, do I have some personal memories of how deadly that neighboring intersection was in the 80's and going into 90's. With Keys Market and Rainbow Market in mind, it was the deadliest corner in the state as far as the drug trade was.

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