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HooverDam Feb 3, 2011 10:35 PM

Uggg, Maddox and Nealy have the most money in their Mayoral war chests right now, depressing. The last thing PHX needs with Brewer in the Governors seat is a visionless dolt like Nealy as the Mayor, what a horrifying thought.

I hope Stanton can get his shit together, he's the only candidate I've heard of that isn't totally awful.

HX_Guy Feb 3, 2011 10:44 PM

Glad you brought it up, I was wondering the other day if anyone running is pro-downtown in the same way that Gordon was. anyone of them?

exit2lef Feb 3, 2011 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 5151069)
Glad you brought it up, I was wondering the other day if anyone running is pro-downtown in the same way that Gordon was. anyone of them?

I support Greg Stanton. The interviews that Stanton, Neely, and Maddox did with the Blooming Rock blog really show how well attuned they are to Downtown needs. Based on their responses, I rank them as follows in term of my preferences:

1) Stanton

2) Neely

3) Maddox

HooverDam Feb 3, 2011 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 5151069)
Glad you brought it up, I was wondering the other day if anyone running is pro-downtown in the same way that Gordon was. anyone of them?

The thing is Gordon is the minimum for what we should hope for. Im glad he put a focus on downtown, but he lacks the in depth knowledge about what makes for good urban places in order to really take Downtown PHX to that next level we all want it to go to.

Someone like Neely who lives way out at Tatum & Bell is obviously not much of an urbanist herself and no matter how much lip service she pays to the Central Corridor it should be obvious that its not really where her heart is.

dtnphx Feb 4, 2011 12:23 AM

I'm a big Stanton supporter as well. He's been a real champion for this city and is smart, too. Nealy is an idealouge and that's one thing we don't need in the mayors office. Maddox's heart is in the right place, but he's a yesterday guy. Can't see him as mayor. Gullet would be OK too, because he's a consensus builder and he's got a brain. Frankly, what we have to worry about is Sal DiCiccio (Dist. 6 Councilman) ever running for anything else. He's creepy and vengeful motherf**ker.

bwonger06 Feb 4, 2011 3:13 PM


Lexington nets new future: Developers plan artsy renovation for downtown Phoenix hotel
Phoenix Business Journal - by Jan Buchholz
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 4:00am MST
Related: Commercial Real Estate, Travel
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Habitat Metro principals, from left, Tim Sprague, John Hill and Feliciano Vera recently purchased the Lexington Hotel in downtown Phoenix. They plan to renovate and expand the property, which will include a public art gallery upon completion.

The Phoenix development group that built Portland Place Condominiums has purchased the Lexington Hotel downtown for nearly $5 million and plans to turn it into an art-themed boutique hotel with an on-site gallery.
Habitat Metro principals Tim Sprague, John Hill and Feliciano Vera are teaming up with two San Diego-based companies — Bond HD LLC and McKinney Capital Group LLC — on the redevelopment project.

Read more: Lexington nets new future: Developers plan artsy renovation for downtown Phoenix hotel | Phoenix Business Journal

PHX31 Feb 4, 2011 3:59 PM

That thing needs a massive overhaul. It's so forgetful. Even though it's multi-story, I barely notice it when driving Central near downtown.

exit2lef Feb 4, 2011 5:00 PM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 5151181)
I'm a big Stanton supporter as well. He's been a real champion for this city and is smart, too. Nealy is an idealouge and that's one thing we don't need in the mayors office. Maddox's heart is in the right place, but he's a yesterday guy. Can't see him as mayor. Gullet would be OK too, because he's a consensus builder and he's got a brain. Frankly, what we have to worry about is Sal DiCiccio (Dist. 6 Councilman) ever running for anything else. He's creepy and vengeful motherf**ker.

I live in District 6. Stanton made me proud to live within its boundaries. DiCiccio makes me embarrassed to live there.

exit2lef Feb 4, 2011 5:17 PM


Originally Posted by bwonger06 (Post 5151759)

Is that the hotel on the west side of Central between Portland and Hance Park? If so, it's hideous in its current form, so any improvement would be welcome.

HooverDam Feb 4, 2011 5:47 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 5151928)
Is that the hotel on the west side of Central between Portland and Hance Park? If so, it's hideous in its current form, so any improvement would be welcome.

Yes it is, the arts district needs a place like what they're planning, this sounds like a good project.

nickw252 Feb 4, 2011 7:18 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 5151928)
Is that the hotel on the west side of Central between Portland and Hance Park? If so, it's hideous in its current form, so any improvement would be welcome.

Yeah that's the place. I stayed there once before I moved here. It was pretty forgettable but not necessarily bad.

I think the Portland Place Condo is one of the best designed buildings in the Valley - hopefully they do the same to the Lexington.

Also - more news for that area is that the Irish Cultural Center adjacent (North) of the Lexington is currently building a new library. The whole place is fenced off and there is dirt moving.

PHX31 Feb 4, 2011 7:56 PM


Originally Posted by nickw252 (Post 5152083)
Yeah that's the place. I stayed there once before I moved here. It was pretty forgettable but not necessarily bad.

I think the Portland Place Condo is one of the best designed buildings in the Valley - hopefully they do the same to the Lexington.

Also - more news for that area is that the Irish Cultural Center adjacent (North) of the Lexington is currently building a new library. The whole place is fenced off and there is dirt moving.

Cool, i saw that there was construction on site at the Irish Cultural Center. I think the current ICC buildings are cool with the stone (good job at reproducing an old style). The problem with the Irish Cultural Center is it's location (kind of lost there as you go over the Hance Park bridge) and the fact that it's set back and orientation make it even easier to miss it. Hopefully the new library is set up against Central.

EDIT: Whoa cool, check out the rendering from the ICC website:

Sure, it's totally faux-old world, but it's something unique. Plus it will be right on Central, which should draw more interest. (orientation of the picture is looking southeast - the tall building behind it is the Lexington to the south.)

nickw252 Feb 6, 2011 6:34 PM

A few new pictures
Phoenix Biomedical Campus is making vertical progress

Hotel Palomar continues to sit idle with no vertical progress, any news on it?

Westin Hotel continues to move forward but it's hard to see in this picture

Vicelord John Feb 6, 2011 6:40 PM

thanks for the photo updates. I live caddy corner from the biomed building and have been watching it closely from my bedroom window. I'm definitely going to be able to see it at about 5 stories.

nickw252 Feb 6, 2011 7:25 PM

GateWay Community College moving forward on new building construction Read more: htt

This is good news in that it's more development along the Metro line. Does anyone know where the building will be located? Right now GCC has a real anti-urban appearance from the trains because all you see is acres upon acres of surface parking.

HooverDam Feb 6, 2011 9:26 PM

I'm sure some of you are on this email list as well but I got this from DVC, I thought some here may be interested:


Many I have talked to feel that Phoenix needs changing and that Neighborhoods, Businesses and Citizens all over the city are being harmed by present policies and direction.

This August, we will be electing a new Mayor. Greg Stanton is one of the candidates. As indicated in the flyer forwarded herewith, Stanton will be holding a town hall style meeting on Wednesday, February 16th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. It will be held at the Biltmore Church of the Nazarene located at 5604 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, 85016. This event is NOT a fundraiser or just a meet and greet. It is an opportunity for you to ask the hard questions on the issues that matter to you and hear the vision for the City of a candidate who could be our next Mayor. As other candidates may schedule similar town hall meetings, we shall endeavor to so inform you.

Please plan on attending on Wednesday, February 16th. Even if you don’t ask a single question and just listen to others and watching Stanton interact with the crowd, you will have a better basis for voting than you otherwise would have.

In the last Mayoral/Council election only 11% of the city’s voters chose our Mayor and Council persons in the odd numbered districts. This is a pathetic turnout in any city, never mind in a city the size of Phoenix. Don’t let 11% of the voters, many driven by special interest groups – decide who your next Mayor will be. Attend candidate town hall meetings when they are scheduled and then show up to vote.

bwonger06 Feb 6, 2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by nickw252 (Post 5153992)

This is good news in that it's more development along the Metro line. Does anyone know where the building will be located? Right now GCC has a real anti-urban appearance from the trains because all you see is acres upon acres of surface parking.

The building is just north of the park and ride. There were two former dirt lots, the on the west side is getting paved for more surface parking and the east lot is getting the buildings.

exit2lef Feb 7, 2011 5:22 PM


Originally Posted by bwonger06 (Post 5154134)
The building is just north of the park and ride. There were two former dirt lots, the on the west side is getting paved for more surface parking and the east lot is getting the buildings.

I remember hearing two or three years ago that Gateway was planning a new major entrance that would face the 38th / Washington light rail station. Right now, the placement of walkways and entrances makes it clear that Gateway expects most students and staff to arrive by car. That's not surprising given the free parking there. Do you know anything about the plan for a new entrance?

nickw252 Feb 9, 2011 3:24 AM

The Phoenix CityScape Facebook page had this as its status earlier today: "Pouring concrete starts this week on the hotel space...You are going to see that crane start working now!"

Do we have any elevations of the exterior yet? How many floors? Will there be office space on top of the hotel?

As a side note: I work in a building west of cityscape looking east and today I saw the crane moving!

gymratmanaz Feb 9, 2011 4:40 AM

check out the Cityscape thread. Most of your answers are there already. :)

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