Huh? How can location kill something in that corner of downtown when all the vacant lots make it totally visible to the better traveled streets?
Other factors were the arrogant owner and grossly overpriced food. |
My friends took me for my birthday a couple years back and I loved it. Unfortunately I'm a teacher and I can't drop $25-$30 that often. I think downtown restaurant owners need to recognize the economic reality of the people who come downtown. Or maybe I'm just jealous because I can't eat with the high rollers (I can't imagine if I ever went to a REALLY expensive restaurant).
It wasn't what I would call visible. The only sign they had pointed awkwardly to the north at Fillmore Street, yet was hard to see from Fillmore because it was half a block off the street. There was no other signage to be found. The restrooms were in the same weird hallway which you had to walk down to find the restaurant, and the whole space juat should not be a dining establishment. They made a very poor choice of location, and nevermind the fact the ownder, Nick, was completely full of himself and his servers had bad attitides. I feel like the place survived two years only because they continually threw money at it. |
How the hell can the City of Phoenix fuck up such a great building as the Monroe School (Phoenix Children's Museum) with a fucking chain link fence? Seriously? I mean seriously?! Why in the world did they not make the main building entrance off of 7th St like it was designed? And say they couldn't for some reason...they really can't raise enough money from corporate donations or something to put up a proper wrought iron fence? I mean chain link? It looks like it's abandoned with that fence.
I know it has some stupid green/purple thing draped on the fence now as this is an older picture but it really looks the same... http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1100/...6be8e8e5_b.jpg |
Unfortunately, the architectural mistake with the entrances is not easily remedied, but the chain link fence could be. Even if the main entrance must face the parking lot instead of the street, at least install a more attractive fence out front and have a clear path for pedestrian access. |
How did the city fuck it up? They dont own it.
http://maricopa.gov/Assessor/ParcelA...?ID=116-34-254 |
There should be NO fence. That would look the best. It shouldn't cost any money for replacement (just a bit to take out the existing crap chain link).
Maybe something will pop up in the future? |
That being said, they could have attractively fenced off areas on both sides of the historic entrance while still leaving a clear path for pedestrian entry. Alternatively, they could have put the museum's outdoor component in the back or off to the side where some of the parking spaces are now located. |
Uhh...where exactly is that map trying to show it's located?
I think it is next to Cielo, Brophy Tower, and the Toll Brothers towers.
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