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Obadno Jul 18, 2017 2:52 PM


Originally Posted by nickw252 (Post 7868361)
The 3.1 acre empty parcel at the southwest corner of Indian School and Central Ave just recently sold. Could be more multi-family going up along the light rail.

I was hoping too but in the article they state that the Yoshi Grill and parking lot are staying put for the time being while they look into future development.

Hopefully we see something go there but I got the impression it will be a few years down the road.

biggus diggus Jul 18, 2017 3:11 PM


Originally Posted by CUclimber (Post 7867569)
Is there any information on the developments happening up on Mayo Blvd? Looks like a couple of giant apartment complexes, but I'd like to see some images if there are any.

There are signs all over the fence that say Camden, safe to assume it's nothing of interest to this forum.

combusean Jul 18, 2017 6:45 PM


Originally Posted by CUclimber (Post 7867569)
Is there any information on the developments happening up on Mayo Blvd? Looks like a couple of giant apartment complexes, but I'd like to see some images if there are any.

Camden North End, about 1,031 apartments on 50 acres is what Google is telling me. The first phase is a 4 story luxury building.

It's going to be the largest apartment complex in the Valley, but given the density is probably just a bunch of surface parking and sprawl.

azsunsurfer Jul 18, 2017 8:15 PM

From the freeway it looks like it will be pretty dense there are a lot of elevator towers up. Desert ridge is becoming more dense than most parts of Central Phoenix....the irony!

combusean Jul 18, 2017 8:57 PM

Superficially, 20 du/acre for Camden North End is way too low to be of note. I'm sure a lot of land is getting wasted in things like enormous setbacks, but a 4 story building with garage access is going up, so who knows.

CrestedSaguaro Jul 18, 2017 9:06 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 7868851)
Superficially, 20 du/acre for Camden North End is way too low to be of note. I'm sure a lot of land is getting wasted in things like enormous setbacks, but a 4 story building with garage access is going up, so who knows.

I would rather see 1,000+ units of multi-family over 20 single family homes on the same amount of land...even if there is a little blacktop, single family homes in that area take a lot of land and do nothing for density. The Mayo area is developing quickly, so I'm sure it will develop around Camden either way.

Edifice Jul 18, 2017 9:17 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 7868863)
I would rather see 1,000+ units of multi-family over 20 single family homes on the same amount of land...even if there is a little blacktop, single family homes in that area take a lot of land and do nothing for density. The Mayo area is developing quickly, so I'm sure it will develop around Camden either way.

This is the correct response.

Obadno Jul 18, 2017 9:28 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 7868851)
Superficially, 20 du/acre for Camden North End is way too low to be of note. I'm sure a lot of land is getting wasted in things like enormous setbacks, but a 4 story building with garage access is going up, so who knows.

It looks pretty dense, most new apt complexes pretty much are these days, that's just the design de jur.

In general this is all empty desert up around the north loop 101, in my opinion not the place to bitch about sprawl. Single Family homes? Parking lot? Cow pastures? Who really cares its the far north edge of the city.

ASU Diablo Jul 18, 2017 9:32 PM

Phoenix fights state to form Roosevelt Row business district
Glad to see this issue is making progress and hopefully the courts rule in city's favor.

combusean Jul 18, 2017 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 7868863)
I would rather see 1,000+ units of multi-family over 20 single family homes on the same amount of land...even if there is a little blacktop, single family homes in that area take a lot of land and do nothing for density. The Mayo area is developing quickly, so I'm sure it will develop around Camden either way.

I'm not sure where you get 20 homes.

du/acre (dwelling unit) is a standard measure of density. 50 du/acre is fairly dense--some of the older, larger complexes in Central Phoenix are about this. Decent midrise density is about 100 du/acre, some of the newer urban infill has been about 70.

Being generous with net du/acre, this is about 30 du/acre. It's just suburban schlock by another name.

If this were standard single family homes, which run about 3 or 4 du/acre it'd probably be 200 homes on the same chunk of dirt, not 20.

Sorta dense suburban sprawl, the hallmark of Phoenix, is one of the most obnoxious things to plan around and is horrendously bad for the environment.

It's not dense enough to pretty much ever have decent bus service and will always be built around the car, but it's too dense to retrofit for anything else down the road.

And they blade virgin desert for it, which, of course, has been leapfrogged by other things further north.

biggus diggus Jul 19, 2017 1:00 AM

Seems pointless getting riled up over things happening in the suburbs.

Edifice Jul 19, 2017 2:04 AM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7869073)
Seems pointless getting riled up over things happening in the suburbs.

Your comment is the most pointless in this thread. I don't see anybody getting riled up outside of you. Guy had a question about apartments being built around Mayo Clinic area. There is a lot of construction going on in this area with a lot of additional proposed development as well. I'm sure that businesses along Mayo Blvd appreciate all of this development, and furthermore, nearby residents will also appreciate the additional services and thriving local business community. I live in the area and I'm certainly pleased about it.

biggus diggus Jul 19, 2017 3:34 AM

You must have missed the du/acre bickering and rants about the density of an apartment complex in the suburbs. It's right above my "pointless" post.

Where can I pick up my award for the most pointless post?

combusean Jul 19, 2017 5:13 AM

^ Which I only posted because somebody misread as 20 du/acre == 20 homes. So I gave a brief introduction to the topic.

Nobody was bickering or ranting. I'm completely baffled why you would think that.

CrestedSaguaro Jul 19, 2017 5:52 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 7869286)
^ Which I only posted because somebody misread as 20 du/acre == 20 homes. So I gave a brief introduction to the topic.

Nobody was bickering or ranting. I'm completely baffled why you would think that.

I was just throwing a random number out there and didn't make a calculation of the exact number of homes. 20 or 200 (depending on what kind of homes and how big the lots are), is still far less density on the same 50 acres than the 1,000+ units that this apartment complex is bringing. And as fast as the Mayo area is developing, the surrounding land will develop around the apartments. That was the point I was attempting to make.

I guess the news has been kinda slow lately for us to even discuss the outreaches :sly:

biggus diggus Jul 19, 2017 7:12 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 7869286)
^ Which I only posted because somebody misread as 20 du/acre == 20 homes. So I gave a brief introduction to the topic.

Nobody was bickering or ranting. I'm completely baffled why you would think that.

A seven paragraph lesson about the definition of du/acre is a rant in my book.

Ballister Jul 19, 2017 10:18 PM

More like seven sentences. Talk about hyperbole!

muertecaza Jul 20, 2017 5:06 PM

Interesting summary of the bidding on the large vacant state trust land at 40th St./McDowell.

Apparently Robert Sarver bid with a view toward the land as a potential Suns arena site. He was outbid by QTS, the data center company that owns the data center in the old Arizona Republic building at 1st St./Van Buren downtown.

Not very momentous but interesting takeaways are (1) Sarver says Suns' most likely option is to renovate Talking Stick and stay where they are and (2) nothing in the article indicates this but it would be nice if QTS viewed the 40th/McDowell location as a site for a replacement rather than an addition to the data center downtown.

TAZ4ate0 Jul 20, 2017 5:31 PM

I would like to see the Suns and Coyotes share a new larger arena downtown, or, see them both in a larger renovated Talking Stick arena if space permits.

biggus diggus Jul 20, 2017 5:38 PM

That would actually be a great place for a basketball arena if it did move, though I hope it doesn't move.

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