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plinko Dec 6, 2009 11:27 AM

If there ever were a site where I'd love to see a tower that breaks from the street grid...this one is it (I've always envisioned a huge tower rotated 45deg terminating the Grand Avenue axis):


Originally Posted by nickkoto (Post 4592527)
There's a Mickey D's downtown, kind of.

But yeah, I wouldn't want to walk there from Central either. Not for a McDonald's.

PhxPavilion Dec 7, 2009 10:41 AM

That quiznos was never very good; the one up north on 7th street is much better. Mcdonalds is complete trash.

glynnjamin Dec 7, 2009 3:45 PM

In other Fast Food news - they tore down the KFC on 7th Ave & Osborn. They are rebuilding it.

Vicelord John Dec 7, 2009 4:02 PM

There was a kfc at 7 av and osborn? Seems redundant with one at thomas as well.

PHX31 Dec 7, 2009 4:12 PM

He meant the one at Thomas.

glynnjamin Dec 7, 2009 4:49 PM

You are correct. 1/2mile off.

bwonger06 Dec 8, 2009 3:17 PM

Holy hell, the winter storm sure did kick Phoenix's but. I do not know if it rivals the big two that occurred in that past year+, but the wind was the most intense of all the storms in my Phoenix neighborhood (7th ave + glendale).

NorthScottsdale Dec 8, 2009 4:46 PM

yeah that was a crazy wicked storm. I don't think it comes even close to past storms though because it was moving so fast last night and blew over in about ten minutes.

Vicelord John Dec 8, 2009 5:19 PM

it came and left pretty quickly though.

We were laying in bed listening to the howling wind and remembered there was an old bathroom (huge) mirror leaning up against the side of the house waiting to be disposed of. The only thing we thought was that it would slam into the bedroom door which is glass mind you, and sure enough before we could get out and move it, it fell. Thank god it didn't break the door glass or it would have been a cold and rainy night in my bedroom.

Leo the Dog Dec 8, 2009 9:23 PM

I actually thought the storm was lame. It didn't really live up to any of the pre-storm media hype. Where was all of the flooding that was supposed to happen with the 1-2 inches of rain in Phoenix? Basically, we got (in Phx) about 4-5 hours of steady rain totally .28 at sky harbor by the 5:30pm newscast. The steady rain, stopped for hours and then we got intermittent showers. Once the front passed, the winds shifted from the south/southwest to the west, with a few strong gusts.

bwonger06 Dec 8, 2009 9:34 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 4597639)
I actually thought the storm was lame. It didn't really live up to any of the pre-storm media hype. Where was all of the flooding that was supposed to happen with the 1-2 inches of rain in Phoenix? Basically, we got (in Phx) about 4-5 hours of steady rain totally .28 at sky harbor by the 5:30pm newscast. The steady rain, stopped for hours and then we got intermittent showers. Once the front passed, the winds shifted from the south/southwest to the west, with a few strong gusts.

We didnt have power until noon so it was pretty bad for our neighborhood. Our windows definitely started shaking and I seriously thought they were going to break from the pressure. Tree-wise, nothing too bad, no 100 year old trees de-rooted.

HX_Guy Dec 8, 2009 9:50 PM

It was pretty bad here in Nw Pboenix, I've seen several uprooted including three big palo verdes in the Chase parking lot at 59th and Union Hills

At my house at 67th and Happy Valley we got .89" of rain and it basically rained non spot from 7am to 11m

dtnphx Dec 8, 2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 4597639)
I actually thought the storm was lame. It didn't really live up to any of the pre-storm media hype. Where was all of the flooding that was supposed to happen with the 1-2 inches of rain in Phoenix? Basically, we got (in Phx) about 4-5 hours of steady rain totally .28 at sky harbor by the 5:30pm newscast. The steady rain, stopped for hours and then we got intermittent showers. Once the front passed, the winds shifted from the south/southwest to the west, with a few strong gusts.

Ah, the inferiority complex continues. First it's the lack of skyscrapers, then the lack of a McDonalds in the city center and now, even God hates us by sending us a dip-shitty storm. Seems as though a storm (reminder: Phoenix is in a desert) that brought rain (.75 at my house Central Phx) hurricane force winds (Deer Valley), lightning, power outages, traffic accidents and ripped out trees would be enough for anyone since it hasn't friggin' rained of any significance since Christ was a boy! OK, I'm better now :shrug:

glynnjamin Dec 8, 2009 10:16 PM

Storm did a number on those Navajo apartment things on Fillmore too. I didn't really think it was that bad downtown but it did remind me that I need new weather stripping around my patio doors.

dtnphx Dec 8, 2009 11:56 PM

A cool article from College News about Downtown Phoenix revitalization going hand in hand with the new university. Nice read.

Leo the Dog Dec 9, 2009 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 4597705)
Ah, the inferiority complex continues. First it's the lack of skyscrapers, then the lack of a McDonalds in the city center and now, even God hates us by sending us a dip-shitty storm. Seems as though a storm (reminder: Phoenix is in a desert) that brought rain (.75 at my house Central Phx) hurricane force winds (Deer Valley), lightning, power outages, traffic accidents and ripped out trees would be enough for anyone since it hasn't friggin' rained of any significance since Christ was a boy! OK, I'm better now :shrug:

While it was very nice to get rain in the desert, we are still at a major deficit for the year. Officially only 3 inches recorded at Sky Harbor.

According to 12 News at 5pm today, Phx Sky Harbor received .29 total. Tempe .39. Peak wind gust at the airport 55 mph Chandler 46 mph. Obviously parts of the "Valley" had it worse than others but then again this metro region is the size of Connecticut! At least half of the region (I-10 and south) Buckeye to Queen Creek, the storm fizzled, with low rainfall totals and just moderate winds.

PhxPavilion Dec 9, 2009 5:14 AM

This one was pretty decent but still nothing compared to the perfect storm of 2008, at least in my area.

SethAZ Dec 10, 2009 1:43 AM

I got an email today from the Phoenix Planning Department. The pdf is pretty large, but there is a ton of cool stuff. It's a draft so some pics and charts/graphs are missing. I haven't read through all of it but it looks like the kind of stuff we all like to know.

Link to draft Downtown Code:

gymratmanaz Dec 10, 2009 2:36 AM

I can't open it for some reason. Any anyone else? Anything good inside????

SethAZ Dec 10, 2009 2:44 AM

It's a pretty big file. It took my computer a few minutes to open it.
gymratmanaz, I sent you a pm with the link. I hope it opens for you. There is a ton of stuff about height, density, pedestrians, etc.

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