Don. You have an extraordinarily jaded thought process and continue to believe that the world is not only flat, but it is flat because it is trying to somehow upsurp your life goals in some way. Citing an AZ Republic article as your proof that this city is done for is kinda weak. One can look at other data that would show we didn't lose population at all and how it will again grow once people in other places can sell their homes and then move here. Jobs will come back and people will move here again, too. If you think it can't and won't happen in a place like Phoenix, then you must believe the whole nation is doomed. Right now, things suck. At some point they will suck less. Then not suck. Sucking can be good :yes: but enough, now.
WOW- well said. Who knew there was a moral to any story so involved with "Sucking" ?
depends on what type of sucking. I knew a girl in high school that a couple guys really learn a hard lesson from... that shit never goes away.
Different moral. |
From COP Website Phoenix's Civic Space Park Wins Prestigious National Design Award Nov. 23, 2009 The city of Phoenix’s Civic Space Park has earned a coveted national award for Landscape/Urban Design. The park was the “Best of 2009” winner in the Engineering News-Record’s annual awards of notable design and construction from throughout the country. Civic Space Park entered the national competition because it was named the regional winner in the Landscape/Urban Design category by Southwest Contractor magazine. Civic Space Park beat out 10 other regional winners in the Landscape/Urban Design category. The Engineer News Record ( is a major trade publication for the design and construction industries. Civic Space Park, developed as a partnership between community members, the city of Phoenix and Arizona State University, utilizes sustainable design techniques to generate power, keep the area cool and capture rain water. Sustainable park features include: Solar panels on the park’s shade structures will generate 75 kilowatts of power (enough to power 8-9 residential homes) to offset the park’s lighting and electrical needs. Extensive shade; more than 70 percent of the park’s surface area will be shaded when its trees and vegetation reach maturity. Hard surfaces made with pervious concrete and pavers that reduce heat reflection and allow rainfall to seep through. Water passing through the pervious concrete and pavers will enter an underground rainfall collection system that allows water not used by the park’s plants to seep naturally back into the ground. Trees planted with a system that utilizes grates and specially engineered soils to protect roots, minimize compaction and allow ample room for root expansion. The park also houses the A.E. England building, named for the business formerly housed there. The building houses Fair Trade Café in its storefront retail space on the basement level. The building also offers space for meetings, presentations, small banquets, art events, classes, offices and restrooms. Arizona State University and the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department will collaborate to manage and program the building. |
Students design projects for vacant Phoenix lots
Low-cost ideas, including the construction of planter boxes, to transform vacant lots in downtown Phoenix for temporary use until their development, will be presented at 11 a.m. Dec. 8 on the Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix campus. The multimedia presentation of research models was developed by university students in an urban design practice class taught by Nan Ellin, an associate professor and director of the planning program in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning in ASU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She also is an affiliate faculty member with ASU's School of Sustainability. "In 2000, the Phoenix metropolitan area contained 42.6 percent vacant land, significantly higher than most American cities," said Pei Zhai, a doctoral student in sustainability. "To address this vexing challenge, the office of the mayor requested that ASU students develop a model for the temporary use of publicly-owned vacant lots," explained Ellin. "In response, students developed the Desert TULIP - Temporary Urban Laboratory Infill Project - a low-cost strategy to transform vacant lots until their development," Ellin said. The students were asked to focus specifically on lots south of Garfield between 3rd and 6th Streets, an area designated to become part of the Phoenix Biomedical Campus. Undergraduate and graduate students, of various backgrounds and majors, searched worldwide for city vacant lot strategies, Ellin said. "In Phoenix, they spoke with citizens, community organizations, local businesses and city officials for input on the project. High-resolution 3-D models of Phoenix were employed to envision Desert TULIP projects; and a collaborative project constructing planter boxes was undertaken as a first step toward turning Phoenix's vacant lots into urban amenities," Ellin said. The multimedia presentation with results from the class research, including the introduction of the demonstration planter box project, will be followed by a panel discussion that includes representatives from the city of Phoenix, the Phoenix Community Alliance, and Roosevelt Row. The presentation is scheduled from 11 a.m. to noon in the Phoenix Urban Research Laboratory, located on the 8th floor of the Security Building, southwest corner of Van Buren Street and Central Avenue. For more information about Desert TULIP, contact Ellin at, 480-965-6160. |
^Wow that sounds wonderful, just what we need. Lets hope something actually happens and its not just another good student design project that just sits there.
On another note, I went to the Radiate Phx meeting tonight and I think I was the only one from the forum there and boy howdy are you guys lucky you missed it. The host, this ignoramus named Taylor Hurst just ended up yelling and doing a (very shitty) monologue for about an hour and would shout down and swear at anyone trying to get a word in. I hope no one here has had the displeasure of meeting this guy, it was like watching a drunken frat boy Howard Stern wannabe try to emcee an event, it was just awful. EDIT: VV Yah if you check out his post on that list I (I posted under my real name, Will Novak) corrected him about his claim that the Civic Space park 'has no shade'. He continues to argue with me about it, when he doesn't have a leg to stand on, its quite silly. The guy is really immature and intolerable. |
i thought about going to that but now am glad i did not. He had some list of 17 things Phx needs to do or something like that, and it seemed kind of odd and unproductive or unrealistic. but i was curious that he seemed interest in promoting the city. thanx for being the fall guy Hoover!
Hoover - he called you out on Twitter. Pretty weak.
on a somewhat related note - I don't really understand what the point of these groups are. UrbanAffair, Radiate, etc. I mean, they do what we do...but without focus. They have no power, they really have no numbers, and they have a disjointed voice. In other words, they get about as much accomplished as we do on here when we suggest that LRT run down Glendale or Northern (or Thomas) instead of the freeway. Sure, we all feel better for saying how it should have been done better but Simonetta isn't reading this going "dammit, they are right!" and storming off to the city counsel meeting...and he's not doing it after a Radiate mtg. I'm all for grass roots but this whole thing reminds me of college. A bunch of self-righteous hippies would get together and complain about something stupid like Nalgene making the plastic that houses animals used in lab testing. They would protest it and tell people to get rid of their bottles. As long as you didn't leave the campus, you felt like you were making a difference. Once you noticed the rest of the world didn't give a shit - the apathy set in.
I see where you're coming from. I guess I feel sometimes theyre generally useful because people from the city planning commissions are there and such. But really they're more useful as a means for private citizens to network, bounce ideas off each other, etc. For instance I overheard some guys today talking about a performance/venue space they want and discussing where and what type of building would be best, I mentioned a few for sale warehouses and such that I am aware of and they seemed appreciative, so I guess its good for that kinda thing.
About the Twitter thing, ah well, who cares? If you read his Tweets you can see the guy is an overgrown child. If you read what he posted on the DPJ site you can see he's ignorant, and if you saw the way he behaved tonight you know for sure the guys a tool. I mentioned what a wreck the guy was to a friend (who wasnt there tonight) and she said "Oh was it Tyler Hurst?" so the guy has a reputation that proceeds him. Its also funny he's asking who I am considering Ive been to about twice as many of those Radiate meetings as he has, am a native, and have been active/supporting downtown shit since I got back from St Louis/college in 06. I guess when you don't wear a self promoting T-shirt with your Twitter account handle on it people don't know who you are. :/ EDIT: The whole night kinda made me want to have a Forum Meet sometime soon. It would be nice to spend a night with intelligent urban enthusiasts who can at least try to disagree without being disagreeable. |
For pure curiosity, I'd love to know more details about tonight's Radiate meeting at Local Breeze. I haven't spoken to anyone who's been yet. I wanted to go, and almost did. Now I wish I would have, as Twitter sort of exploded with drama about it. And yes, mostly as a result of the infamous Mr. Hurst.
Are you on Twitter Hoover? Did you speak with him at the meeting? I'm just curious as to why he seems to hell-bent on knowing more about you. |
Im not on Twitter no, because Im very very lazy. I also don't have a smart/good cell phone so I dont know of how much use it would be to me.
Basically I think I initially pissed him off by telling him on the DPJ thing that the Downtown Park does have shade, is well designed and will get more shade as the years go by and the trees grow. Im not sure why that angered him (he hates the ideas of trees growing perhaps?) but it did. So then at the meeting they bring him up to Emcee and I figure he'll talk for like 5 minutes and then either open it to the floor or say "Ok first topic is 'connectivity' (or whatever) how is Downtown doing with that? Good? Bad? What specifically is bad about? How can we do better?" Or just say "Ok who has something theyd like to say they dislike about downtown?" or any sort of normal Emcee sort of behavior. Instead he literally talked for an hour straight with very few interruptions. Anytime anyone offered an opinion or tried to get a word in he'd redirect what they said, raise his voice, cut them off, etc. He was also talking in a very obnoxious tone, a lot of swearing, he was very loud (not projecting more like yelling) and just hard to listen to. He talked a lot about shit like Twitter and then told people who run downtown businesses that if they want support they shouldn't be crappy and they should offer better products/art/music/whatever. Which is true, but that can be said in one sentence and doesn't need to be dwelled on for 15 minutes. So anyway at one point he said something like "if there's problems with Downtown we need to open our mouths about it" and I muttered to the people around me "How can we open our mouths if you never shut yours?". Im not sure if he heard it, but I got a mix of chuckles and 'ooohs' from the people right near me. Then later when I finally had enough (and about 30-40% of the people just left because it was obnoxious) I raised my hand and sternly said "excuse me", he called on me and I said, "I think a problem with downtown is when a bunch of people get together to have a discussion one person dominates the conversation for 90% of it and won't let anyone else speak. I think thats a problem." He was just sort of stunned and someone from the back shouted "ok now you have the floor" and I said "Ok Id like to talk about how we can improve shade downtown" and then it was back to the cluster F**** of his moderating, switching to another topic, etc. A very nice fellow whos name I believe is Steve Weiss (he runs No Festival Required) kept interrupting the host to say "I thought the topic of the evening was 'whats the matter with downtown?"" and then Mr Hurst would quickly just turn the conversation back into him yelling about nothing and utter confusion. |
Interesting, thanks. Yeah, Steve Weiss is a nice guy.
I've also been reading those comments on DPJ. I definitely wish I would have gone now, if only to have absorbed things first-hand. I'm curious if silverbear went, too? |
On another note... Quote: |
Don't get me wrong, I like local trails and I'll take more, but there's absolutely no pedestrian utility to connecting those existing parks & trails. Just doing the National Trail (the green stretch shown through South Mountain) in one day is a pretty decent hike, even if you have a car waiting at the other end instead of making the round trip. Nobody's going to be hiking from Spur Cross to White Tanks. Quote:
The real benefit is obviously going to be for bicyclists. |
I think it's cool as hell. |
Detroit in the Desert
What happened to common sense? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you can't rely on construction to continue indefinitely. It was inevitable, same as the economic collapse.
That article is just comparing the percentage change since the recession. Michigan's unemployment is still at 15.1% while Arizona's unemployment is at 9.3% as of October 2009. Even if Phoenix's unemployment was at the same level, the crime would have to go up significantly in order to truly compare it to Detroit imo. I'm not saying the economy here doesn't suck right now. I'm just saying its not as bad as Michigan or Detroit
To Leo The Dog:
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