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Phxguy Nov 8, 2011 1:08 AM

A proposal submitted by developer Eric Brown seeks funding for a small apartment complex — perhaps nine to 12 units—at Fifth and Roosevelt streets.

Details are still in flux, but Brown says he envisions each unit costing between $600 to $950 a month in rent — well within reach of the commuters, ASU students and other downtown dwellers who use the light rail.

From this article...

HX_Guy Nov 8, 2011 1:14 AM

I wonder if that would be where those storage containers sit now on the NEC of 5th and Roosevelt, it's the only place I see empty at that intersection, unless they plan on demolishing a building that is already there.

gymratmanaz Nov 8, 2011 1:58 AM

Cancer Center says 6 stories, but why do I count 7 from the picture?

pbenjamin Nov 8, 2011 6:28 AM


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 5471784)
In defense of my daughter's school, ASA, I kinda like the building.

My son went there too, graduated in 2001.

scottkag Nov 8, 2011 4:35 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 5471975)
I wonder if that would be where those storage containers sit now on the NEC of 5th and Roosevelt, it's the only place I see empty at that intersection, unless they plan on demolishing a building that is already there.

It would have to be the NE corner where the cargo containers are, since Eric Brown owns that lot. That would be a pretty compact apartment building. However he is a residential developer with a substantial urban track record.

PHX31 Nov 8, 2011 5:02 PM

/\ That would be great... northern downtown (really, most of central phoenix) needs these types of small apartment or multifamily buildings, hopefully mixed-use, to be built on the gobs of empty lots we have. Mostly all of the individual empty lots that had their original old houses or small commercial buildings demolished would be prime candidates for these types of developments, probably not the superblocks that the City has accumulated. I would honestly rather see a sea of small, dense, varied multi-family and mixed use buildings throughout downtown and northern downtown, with the odd superblock development or high-rise development thrown in, then an entire downtown of master planned CityScape huge developments (or huge alta-style apartment buildings everywhere).

I'm thinking since downtown Phoenix lost a lot of its historic built environment, we could build a new modern and dense and interesting/varied city.

I imagine our northern downtown could be full of these (below) types of in-fill developments, with their mixed-use ground floor components providing space for more restaurants, bars, galleries, offices, etc. Does anyone know if the Urban Form will help this along?

Roosevelt Street, being one of the hubs of First Friday, seems to be the logical place that the first new development after the recession will be built.

Leo the Dog Nov 8, 2011 5:57 PM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 5465887)
That is an awesome idea, Hoover. Each neighborhood's 'character' could be respesented through the style of the sign. San Diego has these enormous signs for their neighborhoods such as Hillcrest, Balboa Park, etc. I see something not quite that big but it would make a terrific gateway if it was done.

I'd love to see Phoenix adopt this. Phoenix would have to create main street destinations though, reduce the speed limit, narrow the thoroughfares. Roosevelt area is probably the only area that could build something like this immediately.

Mill Ave, Mesa's Main St., DT Chandler, Old Town Scottsdale and DT Glendale could probably do this too. Mesa's future Fiesta district on Southern Ave would be a good location too.

Classical in Phoenix Nov 8, 2011 6:36 PM


Originally Posted by pbenjamin (Post 5472339)
My son went there too, graduated in 2001.

My daughter started in 5th grade, two years ago. It's good to see ASA grow the way it has been. In addition to the 4 story building mentioned on the last page, they refurbished the older building immediately to the North on McDowell. ASA is also holding the SWC of McDowell and 3rd St. for future development.

pbenjamin Nov 8, 2011 7:29 PM


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 5472789)
My daughter started in 5th grade, two years ago. It's good to see ASA grow the way it has been. In addition to the 4 story building mentioned on the last page, they refurbished the older building immediately to the North on McDowell. ASA is also holding the SWC of McDowell and 3rd St. for future development.

We still send them the annual tax credit money and keep up with developments. It was one of the best things that ever happened to our son.

nickw252 Nov 8, 2011 8:30 PM

Chipotle Mexican Grill opens 5 stores in Arizona

In Phoenix, Chipotle opens Dec. 6 at CityScape, 1 W. Washington St., Phoenix. Another location opens Dec. 14 at Corner on 7th in the Roosevelt Historic District, 1515 N. Seventh Ave., Phoenix.
AZ Central

Phxguy Nov 9, 2011 10:15 PM

Downtown students headed west on Roosevelt Street may have noticed the extensive renovations to a building on the corner of Third Avenue. The building, which has seen major upgrades to its exterior, including paint, landscaping and a parking lot, will soon be home to three new businesses scheduled to open Dec. 1.

Sooo U! Fine Clothing and Accessories, Phoenix Natural Medicine and Detox Center and Royal Exchange Furniture will become part of the burgeoning downtown Phoenix retail experience.

Good news to have more diversified businesses opening up. Pretty good locaton too, being close to Portland st.

HX_Guy Nov 11, 2011 3:56 PM

Anyone have full access to this article? I'm curious where this warehouse is located.


Lo-Lo’s spreads its wings
Restaurant expanding in downtown Phoenix

Jim Poulin | Phoenix Business Journal

Lo-Lo’s Chicken and Waffles has increased its profits every year since opening its doors in 2002.
Now the 1,200-square-foot restaurant is expanding into a 6,000-square-foot warehouse in downtown Phoenix.
The expansion will be completed by summer 2012. Owner Larry White said he is planning to hire more than a dozen people to help staff the larger restaurant.
“I’m very confident in my brand, and I am willing to invest it all — meaning not only monetary, but also my time, blood, sweat and tears,” he said.
White said his brand has become known not only in the Valley, but also ...
I hope it pans out wherever it seems we hear about this kind of stuff all the time and then it just sizzles out. There were the three (or five) restaurants that were supposed to go in a couple adjacent warehouses that never seemed to happened. Then we read about Stanley's Sausages that was going to move their operation to the warehouse district and a also open a restaurant and that has fallen off the radar too.

gymratmanaz Nov 11, 2011 4:58 PM

When, I have been to Lolo's, they said it is going where the original is located. There is a building attached to it. LOVE LOLOS!!!!!!!!

HooverDam Nov 12, 2011 3:47 AM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 5476899)
When, I have been to Lolo's, they said it is going where the original is located. There is a building attached to it. LOVE LOLOS!!!!!!!!

That would make sense. This is the PHX Business Journal after all, not a source known for actually knowing where "Downtown" is. While I love LoLos another location in the actual Downtown would probably be too close to their original location to work.

hrivas Nov 12, 2011 6:27 PM

The Low Down on the SE Corner of McDowell and 7th Avenue
by Taz Loomans

When driving by the new redevelopment on the SE corner of McDowell and 7th Avenue, you might do a double take and ask yourself whether you are in the suburbs or in the heart of Phoenix. That’s because the facade of the building, with it’s flat stucco texture, pastel colors, cookie cutter metal decorations, and worst of all, the brick veneer is a style more found in the suburbs, where cutting edge architecture is not as easily swallowed as in urban areas.

Many people, including those who live in Willo and the Central Phoenix community at large, are upset at this suburban (less risky, vanilla, and plain mediocre) attempt on this beloved, historic and important corner of Phoenix. Judging from their reactions, here in Central Phoenix, people demand a little more sense of place, a certain funkiness, some pushing of the envelope and certainly an acknowledgement of history.

A good example is just across the street – the Pei Wei/Starbucks/Side Bar building. It has stucco on parts of it, but yet it very much embraces its historic character. The corrugated metal details on the exterior also help make it fit into the urban context and create a new identity.

The current street view of the SE corner complex. Photo by the author.
Rendering of the vision for the SE corner complex. Image courtesy of Niels Kriepke. [what might have been]

read here:

Vicelord John Nov 12, 2011 8:58 PM

The developers should be grilled over this. It's fucking tragic how they did this, and I hope the neighborhood leaders write letter after letter to the developer, describing exactly how much they bastardized the corner.

I'm really blown away that Hayes had anything to do with this. He and I have met a few times at the local bike shop that we both shop in, and he has told me about a few of his projects, and I'm finding it hard to believe that he was given free reign on this building, or there is something we don't know.

HX_Guy Nov 13, 2011 5:32 AM

If you read the article, it explains why they did what they did..but as it also says, even with the challenges, they could still have made a better effort to make it look more urban.

Vicelord John Nov 13, 2011 5:37 AM

I missed part of it due to attention span.

nickw252 Nov 13, 2011 3:18 PM

I Very interesting article. I agree that its much better than what we had but it could be better.

Leo the Dog Nov 13, 2011 10:30 PM

I'm not sure what anybody really expected, but it doesn't appear to be that bad. It would be one thing if some grandiose building was demo'd for this development.

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