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exit2lef Oct 1, 2011 5:13 AM

Here's the link for the article on the Thai Elephant closure:

I have heard many times that Thai Elephant and Thai Basil are owned by different wings of the same family, but that may have changed as both brands expanded.

combusean Oct 3, 2011 12:05 AM

I wonder how many people are posting construction updates for a 3 story building in other cities on this whole forum. Meh.

I saw them drag in a whole pile of rocks on what was an otherwise flat site. Any idea what's going on?

Sonoran_Dweller Oct 4, 2011 1:28 AM

Does anyone know about this?

gymratmanaz Oct 4, 2011 2:20 AM

Impressive. I hope it is true. it would really put AZ on the map for solar. I wonder how we find out if this is true and happening or just a pipe dream, no pun intended.

PHX31 Oct 4, 2011 2:22 AM

Crescent ballroom opened downtown and their facade renovation looks great.

Vicelord John Oct 4, 2011 2:39 AM

no indication of where that thing is supposed to be built.

combusean Oct 4, 2011 4:26 AM

It's supposed to be built in La Paz County, if they ever build it.

I hate it when people post non-Phoenix projects in this thread. There's a statewide thread for it.

Vicelord John Oct 4, 2011 4:36 AM

With no location listed, how would one know?

combusean Oct 4, 2011 7:14 AM

^ Point taken. It's on their website, in the latest news release, but it's somewhat ambiguous on the second newest release.

Lilljemalm Oct 4, 2011 3:43 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5432541)
It's supposed to be built in La Paz County, if they ever build it.

I hate it when people post non-Phoenix projects in this thread. There's a statewide thread for it.

My mother-in-law, who was up until last year on the Quartzsite Town Council, says that it has been proposed to be built just north of Quartzsite, but that over the past 2 to 3 years, the talk has died down and there is considerable doubt that it will ever be built.

combusean Oct 4, 2011 4:40 PM

The company appears to be moving forward with the project in hiring various contractors.

I think solar projects are this decade's equivalent of the condo boom. So many pie-in-the-sky proposals, and this one is about as realistic as Metro Lofts ever was. They don't even have a price tag on it yet.

Tempe_Duck Oct 4, 2011 4:50 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5432936)
The company appears to be moving forward with the project in hiring various contractors.

I think solar projects are this decade's equivalent of the condo boom. So many pie-in-the-sky proposals, and this one is about as realistic as Metro Lofts ever was. They don't even have a price tag on it yet.

Didn't the article state $750 million? And they would be profitable in 11 years?

Vicelord John Oct 4, 2011 5:23 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5432936)
The company appears to be moving forward with the project in hiring various contractors.

I think solar projects are this decade's equivalent of the condo boom. So many pie-in-the-sky proposals, and this one is about as realistic as Metro Lofts ever was. They don't even have a price tag on it yet.

all three articles posted above said $750 mil. :shrug:

combusean Oct 4, 2011 6:14 PM

Whoops. I didn't remember reading that.

/eats his omelette

combusean Oct 8, 2011 10:49 AM

Not even going to bother pasting the whole article because even tho it's mixed use in Arcadia, it's such a waste of space. 146,000 sqft on 12 acres giving an FAR of any other bullshit sprawlsville project.

I sometimes appreciate what Paul Barnes stands for but other times I just wish he'd kick the bucket already or otherwise retire from being the worst damn NIMBY on the planet. Three stories starts a fight and 2 is barely acceptable to those nimrods.

Vicelord John Oct 8, 2011 3:12 PM

I hate azcentral reporting. They say east of Scottsdale border. That would male it Scottsdale. If it's Scottsdale then why are Phoenix council voting on It nimrods?? Most of Arcadia is in phx.

combusean Oct 8, 2011 3:26 PM

They were talking about the Arcadia neighborhood itself, and screwed up the relation to the border.

This project is in Phoenix, at 48th St and Indian School. The City Council approved the rezoning.

Leo the Dog Oct 8, 2011 4:52 PM

Sounds so country and I mean that in a bad way. Just the phrasing of Central Phoenix being equated to a suburb of the midwest is unbelievable.


The Biltmore has its own identity. Central Phoenix has a sort of Midwest feel like the western suburbs of Chicago," Paceley said. "This could be a place where you stop off and have a cup of coffee after walking the canal in the morning. And have lunch or dinner later - it has this flow throughout the day.

KingLouieLouie76 Oct 9, 2011 1:06 AM

Interesting video here..a lot of fascinating insight provided:

nickw252 Oct 9, 2011 3:46 PM

NE Corner of 7th Ave and McDowell (Willo Corner)

Developers are gearing up to renovate a retail complex on the northeastern corner of Seventh Avenue and McDowell Road, replacing at least two major tenants and updating the look of the center.

Lawrence & Geyser Development began buying the property, in the Willo Historic District, piece by piece in 2006. Construction begins Monday.

The developers intend to preserve the historical character of the complex while implementing improvements, according to Lawrence & Geyser co-owner Jeff Geyser. Plans include swapping out storefront glass and cracked tile, treating exterior bricks, bringing in "old-style" lamp posts, replacing the metal awning and adding landscaping to make the surrounding area more pedestrian-friendly.

"The idea was never to really change it and make it look like every other strip center you see in metro Phoenix, but rather to create something that looks a little fresher," said Gabe Ortega, retail vice president at NAI Horizon, the real-estate company hired to fill the center.

Pizzeria chain New York Pizza Dept. will replace an antique market. The name of the tenant preparing to replace My Florist Cafe on the endcap won't be released until a lease is finalized, but Geyser confirmed that the spot will be occupied by a regional burger-and-sandwich restaurant.

Developers expect the renovations to be completed by February or March.

Work is starting Monday - I'll post pictures as progress is made.

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