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soled May 20, 2024 6:20 PM


Originally Posted by azliam (Post 10208030)
We have gone down that rabbit hole quite a bit over the years lol. Here's that old thread:

My vote(pretending my vote has any value) is still for the Phoenix bird.

I wish I could remember which thread someone posted it in...

azliam May 20, 2024 6:43 PM


Originally Posted by soled (Post 10208087)
My vote(pretending my vote has any value) is still for the Phoenix bird.

I wish I could remember which thread someone posted it in...

It's in the link I posted for the other thread above.

soled May 20, 2024 7:29 PM


Originally Posted by azliam (Post 10208102)
It's in the link I posted for the other thread above.

I brought it up in that thread, and you and I discussed it there. You responded to me with a similar image. I'm talking about the original image we had both seen before that.

azliam May 20, 2024 8:45 PM


Originally Posted by soled (Post 10208128)
I brought it up in that thread, and you and I discussed it there. You responded to me with a similar image. I'm talking about the original image we had both seen before that.

I think that was the original image that I had posted before in the PHX development thread earlier on.

ASU Diablo May 23, 2024 6:25 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10183364)
Upcoming DVC Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.
  • Firehouse (1130 N. 1st St) RFP ~ Heather Rasmussen, City of Phoenix CED office
  • Milum Textiles HP update
  • TA for height bonus 1st Ave /Central area update (Z-TA-10-23-7)
  • City of Phoenix budget - discussion of priorities and formalizing input

Curious to learn more about the Firehouse RFP update if anyone attends. Last I recall from this, it was awarded to Poolhouse Group (group behind Gadzooks and Poolboy Taco)

I'm not sure if City Council still needs to approve this but the latest update on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to increase height for Downtown Gateway Character Area was recommended for approval (as of 5/13).

Height increase up to 30% of the previously allowed height of 250', so up to 325'.

ASU Diablo May 23, 2024 6:42 PM

Harkins Ciné Grill movie theater concept for PV project canceled
Interesting. Wonder if another theatre chain will take over?

exit2lef May 23, 2024 7:23 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10210283)
Interesting. Wonder if another theatre chain will take over?

I hope so. Harkins seems to have an allergy to any site that is even remotely central or involving reuse. For a locally based company, they're disappointingly oriented towards sprawl.

CrestedSaguaro May 23, 2024 7:56 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10210258)
I'm not sure if City Council still needs to approve this but the latest update on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to increase height for Downtown Gateway was recommended for approval (as of 5/13).

Height increase up to 30% of the previously allowed height of 250', so up to 325'.

This building would be gorgeous for this part of downtown. Between this, 2nd and Portland and Central and McDowell, that gap sure will start closing up. If only something could've been built in the lot next to Spaghetti Factory :(

azsunsurfer May 23, 2024 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 10210325)
I hope so. Harkins seems to have an allergy to any site that is even remotely central or involving reuse. For a locally based company, they're disappointingly oriented towards sprawl.

So that's true, this is the second "redevelopment" project that Harkins backed out of....Harkins also backed out of repurposing an old Sears building at Chandler Fashion Center for a new Grille concept as well which will now be a Round1 location....not sure what's going on with them....

Also the space that the Harkin's suppose to build on at PV reimagined will be....and I kid you not this is based from the broker's updated site a self storage building....

exit2lef May 30, 2024 12:08 PM

This was on NPR's Marketplace last night. The show was devoted to development in far north Phoenix near TSMC:

combusean May 30, 2024 2:59 PM

These people aren't on the edge and the growth there is tangentially related to the TSMC site which is some miles away.

I think somebody from the local bureau was just bored.

Obadno May 30, 2024 3:56 PM


Mack Real Estate Group has been working since 2022 to prepare 2,300 acres of raw desert land surrounding TSMC for a public auction. The New York firm has placed the winning bid for the land and will be spearheading the development of a $7 billion science and technology park in north Phoenix.

Obadno May 30, 2024 4:36 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 10214848)
This was on NPR's Marketplace last night. The show was devoted to development in far north Phoenix near TSMC:

NPR falling all over itself in its reporting to try to tell those rubes who they owe! Grating. Why I stopped listening to them years ago

That said the industrial policy and protectionism we are seeing are features of both Trump and Biden admins making it a wash to political equation since both parties are now on board for this stuff. The language people use for politics is still stuck in the 1990’s when it’s very different today. We are still catching up and in the midst of the political realignment.

PHX31 May 30, 2024 4:46 PM

/\ I was unaware this was being planned. I would need to read the story, but this seems massive.

Regarding the Golden Triangle NPR thing: That was a God-awful story/article or whatever it is (no surprise coming from NPR). Is it purposefully vague? I live in this north phoenix general area (family has for 40+ years) and I've never heard of the "Golden Triangle". Regardless, can they not provide any cross streets? I know of a bricks and minifigs as well as a kids haircut place, but that's in Norterra, which was planned, opened, and been chugging along way before TSMC came along, and is hardly "a freshly built strip mall", it's more of a gigantic regional shopping and entertainment center.

Also, "about 7 miles south" of TSMC is the Loop 101. I can deduce having some knowledge of the area, and looking at google earth aerials, that they're probably talking about the area immediately east of Norterra by the canal and those mountains. Which would be an insane stretch to describe this area "about 7 miles south" in an article.

Just pure trash. :yuck:

azsunsurfer May 30, 2024 4:54 PM

NPR is just someone in DC using Google Images trying to piece together a story about Arizona for its largely East Coast audience.

Obadno May 30, 2024 5:39 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 10215062)
/\ I was unaware this was being planned. I would need to read the story, but this seems massive.

Regarding the Golden Triangle NPR thing: That was a God-awful story/article or whatever it is (no surprise coming from NPR). Is it purposefully vague? I live in this north phoenix general area (family has for 40+ years) and I've never heard of the "Golden Triangle". Regardless, can they not provide any cross streets? I know of a bricks and minifigs as well as a kids haircut place, but that's in Norterra, which was planned, opened, and been chugging along way before TSMC came along, and is hardly "a freshly built strip mall", it's more of a gigantic regional shopping and entertainment center.

Also, "about 7 miles south" of TSMC is the Loop 101. I can deduce having some knowledge of the area, and looking at google earth aerials, that they're probably talking about the area immediately east of Norterra by the canal and those mountains. Which would be an insane stretch to describe this area "about 7 miles south" in an article.

Just pure trash. :yuck:

This is to be expected kind of like autos chips have a huge supply chain and lots of end users that would rather locate near tsmc and produce final products right there. This is why landing tsmc is such a huge deal.

Now as robotics and ai is going to start taking off too we are in a great position for the long term manufacturing of these items.

Now if only we can land the national semiconductor and quantum computing laboratory !!!

DennisM May 30, 2024 6:07 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 10195576)
Big news on Central and Palm. No mention of what they're going to do with the expansive grounds.

I worked at this church for a couple of years and left in May 2022. Before I left, the church was looking into developing a part of the property into affordable housing by way of a 30-story high-rise as well as developing a large parking structure that would be shared by the Phoenix Theater, Phoenix Art Museum, and the residents of the proposed high-rise. The housing would be for police officers, firemen/firewomen, other first responders, and teachers. The last time I spoke with the pastor in February, he said that they found a developer who plans to purchase a part of the property and build the high-rise. I don't know how far they are in that process nor do I know if they are sticking with the 30 floors.

CrestedSaguaro May 30, 2024 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 10215062)
/\ I was unaware this was being planned. I would need to read the story, but this seems massive.

Regarding the Golden Triangle NPR thing: That was a God-awful story/article or whatever it is (no surprise coming from NPR). Is it purposefully vague? I live in this north phoenix general area (family has for 40+ years) and I've never heard of the "Golden Triangle". Regardless, can they not provide any cross streets? I know of a bricks and minifigs as well as a kids haircut place, but that's in Norterra, which was planned, opened, and been chugging along way before TSMC came along, and is hardly "a freshly built strip mall", it's more of a gigantic regional shopping and entertainment center.

Also, "about 7 miles south" of TSMC is the Loop 101. I can deduce having some knowledge of the area, and looking at google earth aerials, that they're probably talking about the area immediately east of Norterra by the canal and those mountains. Which would be an insane stretch to describe this area "about 7 miles south" in an article.

Just pure trash. :yuck:

It's this area here bounded by Happy Valley and 19th Ave. They have been under construction for a while now and also, 19th Ave is getting widened to accommodate for the new apartments.

muertecaza May 30, 2024 6:21 PM


Originally Posted by DennisM (Post 10215139)
I worked at this church for a couple of years and left in May 2022. Before I left, the church was looking into developing a part of the property into affordable housing by way of a 30-story high-rise as well as developing a large parking structure that would be shared by the Phoenix Theater, Phoenix Art Museum, and the residents of the proposed high-rise. The housing would be for police officers, firemen/firewomen, other first responders, and teachers. The last time I spoke with the pastor in February, he said that they found a developer who plans to purchase a part of the property and build the high-rise. I don't know how far they are in that process nor do I know if they are sticking with the 30 floors.

Man, that would be awesome!

Obadno May 30, 2024 7:37 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 10215152)
It's this area here bounded by Happy Valley and 19th Ave.

Weird they don't use its actual name: Deer Valley

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