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CrestedSaguaro Mar 15, 2024 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 10165831)
Waste of money. Get the convention center activated and redeveloped with a well capitalized and willing partner like Hines and stop f'n around with pointless studies.

Agreed. Phoenix could've most likely had one by now if they would have worked with Hines when approached several years ago.

ChaseM Mar 15, 2024 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 10165836)
Agreed. Phoenix could've most likely had one by now if they would have worked with Hines when approached several years ago.

Agreed, they keep circling the wagon, how many more times is the city going to keep doing this failed song and dance.

Obadno Mar 20, 2024 4:58 PM

Nice to see development pushing west of 7th ave. Grand has basically become what Roosevelt was 10 years ago. And now the city has RFP's for the lots on the Northwest and Southwest corner of 7thave and Washington.

Plus they will be selling/developing the old Police HQ across the street once they finish the update to the former wells Fargo building.

Despite how phoenix RFP's usually go im hoping the downtown momentum will carry projects through.

MiEncanto Mar 20, 2024 7:55 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10168843)

Nice to see development pushing west of 7th ave. Grand has basically become what Roosevelt was 10 years ago. And now the city has RFP's for the lots on the Northwest and Southwest corner of 7thave and Washington.

Plus they will be selling/developing the old Police HQ across the street once they finish the update to the former wells Fargo building.

Despite how phoenix RFP's usually go im hoping the downtown momentum will carry projects through.

CoPs insistence on the iron grip approach to downtown is so tedious.

Why not increase the value of the land by preemptively increasing the entitlements and zoning to what the city wants and then sell it at auction. The entitlements will drive a higher price and force out unserious bidders.

Their insistence on control at every phase simply isn't working. The City simply doesn't have the market knowledge they claim to possess. See for example, the parking lot at Central and Adams. They went with a *LOWER* offer on the parcel because that project supposedly would drive higher city TPT. Of course, city TPT seems to drive many or most city decisions. Years later... we still have no progress on that lot.

combusean Mar 20, 2024 11:20 PM

The City doesn't solely rely on "TPT" (i'm assuming that means transaction privilege tax) but like 3 or 4 categories and scored appropriately. There is a slight issue of building to the RFP that gave us the Central Station proposal rather than the more interesting Davis proposal, but the City doesn't and shouldn't consider visual impact because it's entirely subjective. Some jagoff could just as easily think 500' on that parcel could have been too tall.

And Central Station is getting BUILT, unlike Davis which has sent a number of pie-in-the-sky renderings for *unserious* projects. If I seem to recall the Davis proposal hardly considered the RFP to begin with and didn't propose some key element(s) like student housing the City was really wanting to see on that lot.

The Central and Adams lot has always been challenged by its small size. Period. It is incredibly difficult to get a taller project to pencil out there. If the city just sold it off, it would have languished and horse traded and eventually maybe something like Cambria would have developed there. I think most people would prefer ~225' than seven or eight stories.

The RFP process is imperfect but it's about as good as we can get. Sure, it can be tweaked to ensure performance guarantees but that adds uncertainty to projects that should be shoe-ins. The slow growth of RFP projects is likely because of two reasons: nothing given away for free is valuable, and, the institutional investors that move on these projects have probably on the order of five year timelines anyway and that's probably before being informed by local market conditions that they might not be up to speed on like Medistar who was both new to Phoenix and dicked around on the programming for the project.

Downtown's history of land banking and over entitling land should be reason enough to be more judicious with the lots the city does have, especially when these parcels are off the beaten path. Grace Court has hardly filled up in 20 years because someone grossly overplayed their hand.

Obadno Apr 2, 2024 7:41 PM

Took a long drive downtown. Central station and Palm Tower both look fantastic. Best building downtowns.

And overall the whole area is really getting busy now. it was 11 am on a Tuesday and the sidewalks and restaurants were crowded. People everywhere. Lots of activity.

Great to see!

xymox Apr 2, 2024 8:24 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10176641)
Took a long drive downtown. Central station and Palm Tower both look fantastic. Best building downtowns.

And overall the whole area is really getting busy now. it was 11 am on a Tuesday and the sidewalks and restaurants were crowded. People everywhere. Lots of activity.

Great to see!

I spent most of a week downtown - my company chose downtown Phoenix to bring all of engineering, product and marketing together from across the country for an on-site (we are a fully remote company - I am one of only 4 local employees). Everyone was super impressed with downtown and the city in general. I was also surprised at how active it is over the course of a day - and it seems every night there was some event going on that brought people out. Got to stay at the Palomar (which needs a remodel - furniture in my room was worn). Wish there were more hotel options closer to Roosevelt for large group activities like this. Was able to keep everyone entertained at various locations around downtown each night (why does the Bourbon Room close at 10pm on a game night?). I really wasn't sure what to expect - but we're growing up. Eager to see more stuff show up.

ASU Diablo Apr 2, 2024 9:07 PM


Originally Posted by xymox (Post 10176667)
Was able to keep everyone entertained at various locations around downtown each night (why does the Bourbon Room close at 10pm on a game night?). I really wasn't sure what to expect - but we're growing up. Eager to see more stuff show up.

Why does the Bourbon Room even exist at all? LOL That restaurant needs to close down already and a Twin Peaks needs to open in its place.

I plan on speaking it into existence :cheers:

ASU Diablo Apr 2, 2024 9:09 PM

2nd St & Roosevelt RFP Update
Looks like the recommended proposer for this RFP is "Pennrose, LLC".

Did a quick Google search and looks like it may be this developer?

Anyways, excited to see what is being proposed. I went ahead and submitted a public records request and will be sure to post renderings once received.

combusean Apr 2, 2024 9:14 PM

What parcel was this again?

soled Apr 2, 2024 9:19 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10176712)
Looks like the recommended proposer for this RFP is "Pennrose, LLC".

Did a quick Google search and looks like it may be this developer?

Anyways, excited to see what is being proposed. I went ahead and submitted a public records request and will be sure to post renderings once received.

2nd St, not avenue, right?

Isn't that the Federales taco parcel?

CrestedSaguaro Apr 2, 2024 9:57 PM

I believe this is the lot behind Carly's.

MiEncanto Apr 2, 2024 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10176709)
Why does the Bourbon Room even exist at all? LOL That restaurant needs to close down already and a Twin Peaks needs to open in its place.

I plan on speaking it into existence :cheers:

Twin Peaks is pretty lame. Dying model imo.

I know it's sorta cliche for a downtown, but a big loud Irish restaurant/pub that's also a good place to watch a game would be cool. Maybe the family that owns Rosie/Seamus would be interested in a new concept? Like tilted kilt but better.

ASU Diablo Apr 3, 2024 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 10176718)
What parcel was this again?


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 10176751)
I believe this is the lot behind Carly's.

Kinda. It's the 3 parcels that's north of the building (1014 N 2nd St) that is behind Carly's. 3 parcels are 1016, 1020, and 1024 N 2nd St. Page 30 of the following PDF:


Originally Posted by MiEncanto (Post 10176773)
Twin Peaks is pretty lame. Dying model imo.

I know it's sorta cliche for a downtown, but a big loud Irish restaurant/pub that's also a good place to watch a game would be cool. Maybe the family that owns Rosie/Seamus would be interested in a new concept? Like tilted kilt but better.

You are literally describing what Twin Peaks is, Tilted Kilt but better :haha:

combusean Apr 3, 2024 12:27 AM

Hanging out at Seamus's at night when it was the only sign of life many years ago reminds me of a Bay Area chain I've similarly hung out at recently and would definitely fill a void downtown.

Their location in Newark for breakfast and cocktails that don't mess around was a beacon in an absolute wasteland and that is an incredibly low bar for Downtown.

RichTempe Apr 3, 2024 8:17 AM


Originally Posted by soled (Post 10176723)
2nd St, not avenue, right?

Isn't that the Federales taco parcel?

Speaking of Federales. From the New Times:

Judge backs decision to block Federales from Roosevelt Row

The controversial cantina proposed for Roosevelt Row faces another setback with latest ruling.

ASU Diablo Apr 3, 2024 3:59 PM

Former mayor ushers in reboot of historic Phoenix church as events, dining space


A royal poinciana tree has been sprouting at the western edge of the historic First Baptist Church in downtown Phoenix for the past decade.

For former Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard, the tree, considered one of the most beautiful in the world with its bright red blooms, marked the beginning of his plans to restore the 45,000-square-foot church after the roof burned down and the building sat vacant for decades.

"It's a work in progress, very much so," Goddard told the Business Journal, referring to the abandoned church. "I've got my tree — 10 years ago I planted the royal poinciana in expectation that someday we'd get this fixed."

Goddard, also a former Arizona attorney general, has spearheaded efforts by nonprofit Housing Opportunity Center to turn the Italian Gothic-style church into a space for gatherings, events, dining and other creative uses since 2016.

He has wanted to preserve the church, built in 1929, since its roof burned down in the 1980s — during the second week of his first mayoral term.

Goddard: Discussions underway to add a restaurant
The tree now stands tall against the side of the aging structure as Goddard prepares to open the first phase of the project at the end of April. This includes a new catering kitchen and events that can now be booked for the open-air courtyard at the heart of the church.

The venue, easily recognized in downtown by its rose window and bell tower, is now known as The Abbey on Monroe, located at 302 W. Monroe St.

BTS Event Management and Fresh from the Kitchen have partnered to host weddings and other events in the courtyard. Several weddings have already been held and more are being booked for 2024 and 2025. A catering kitchen has also been built out.

Meanwhile, Goddard is in discussions with potential restaurant tenants to open a new eatery on the west side of the property with outdoor patio seating underneath the poinciana tree. The basement could also be turned into a speakeasy.

But the first phase is only the start of his vision for the maze of rooms scattered throughout the multi-level church.

Work crews have been adding steel beams and structures to support the building and installing tiles, floors, windows, glass and mahogany wood frames across the property.

The bathrooms have been upgraded and modernized, and a host of trees and plants have been embedded in the main courtyard. Goddard said they envision using some of the extra rooms such as the old classrooms as makerspaces or meeting spaces.

"A little side gig we've been able to do is fashion photographers," Goddard said. Photographers like the unique wall backgrounds, some of which were damaged in the fire. They're also planning to keep some of the graffiti left on the walls from decades ago.

At one point they considered turning some of the larger rooms into loft apartments, but at the suggestion of the Dutch architect that restored the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix, Van Dijk, they kept the space for conference rooms.

"Except for hotels, you don't find any conference rooms of this size in downtown," Goddard said.

Building has seen several owners
As a nod to the history of the building, including the major fire that took down the Spanish-style roof decades ago, Goddard said they are preserving as much as possible and also adding touches such as a tribute to the firefighters.

"The firefighters did an amazing job," Goddard said. "Buildings like this don't have roofs collapse and then remain standing. Whatever they did kept the integrity of the walls and I don't know how they did it because the roof was huge."

After the church vacated the building in 1972 it was used by the Urban League for training through 1982. It was then acquired by an investment group headed by former Phoenix Suns player Alvan Adams, which had plans to turn the church into an adaptive reuse project until the fire, Goddard said.

Housing Opportunity acquired the building in 1992 and has owned it since. Goddard said restoration construction is estimated to cost about $10 million.

The main funder in the restoration project is Local Initiatives Support Corp., with assistance from the Arizona Community Foundation and Phoenix Industrial Development Authority. Bankers Trust will acquire the historic tax credits generated by the building.

The design partner in the restoration was architect Tempe-based Jones Studio, which Goddard credits for coming up with the idea for using the church as an events space in the 2000s. Palo verde trees had been growing in the empty, boarded-up courtyard for years since there was no roof.

"They got this idea that this would be a public space that was a garden in a room and that's sort of been the prevailing concept ever since," Goddard said.

Patry Building Co. was the general contractor for the redevelopment of the property. The Los Angeles branch of New York-based EverGreene completed three months of restoration work on signature pieces in the church such as the columns.

Goddard said they would have initially opened to the community several years ago but plans were delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. As downtown Phoenix builds momentum with thousands of new residential units coming online, Goddard believes now is the right time to open.

"It used to be in the evenings and weekends, these streets were empty and that's just not true anymore," Goddard said. "Back when I was mayor we were dreaming about a time when downtown Phoenix would truly be an urban, exciting space. It took 40 years to actually happen and it's happening."

asugrad Apr 3, 2024 4:20 PM


Originally Posted by RichTempe (Post 10177021)
Speaking of Federales. From the New Times:

Judge backs decision to block Federales from Roosevelt Row

The controversial cantina proposed for Roosevelt Row faces another setback with latest ruling.

I don't understand what is so different about this place compared to everything else down there. Why is the community so upset over this proposal?

exit2lef Apr 3, 2024 4:38 PM


Originally Posted by asugrad (Post 10177245)
I don't understand what is so different about this place compared to everything else down there. Why is the community so upset over this proposal?

It seems to be a lingering effect of all the problems with Golden Margarita (noise, shootings, etc.). I think the nearby residents and businesses are looking to avoid a repeat of that situation, and Federales has a sort of party reputation in its home city of Denver. It's disappointing that the suburban notion of parking requirements is being used as a weapon against development in an urban environment, but I suppose that may be the strongest tool available to the opponents of this place.

Obadno Apr 3, 2024 6:12 PM

Didnt realize that WeWork had vacated block 23.

Thats a shame but the commerical real estate market is a disaster.

Also TOLD YA about the church!

Cant wait to see this location thrive!

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