Before the days of the 51, 7th St. was THE thoroughfare into and out of downtown. In many ways, it still is. Hence, the reversible lanes that people don't want to get rid of.
Most of 7th St. predates the 1950's? I guess so as long as you are south of McDowell. If you are merely advocating to reduce 7th south of I-10, then I guess I misunderstood the scope of what you were talking about. I could see the reduced 7th St. happening south of I-10 actually happening. I still don't understand why that would be a focus when there are ample opportunities to develop pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods and business districts between 7th St. and Ave. that would not require a huge fight at City Hall with a bunch of people living in Desert Ridge or Moon Valley or Ahwatukee or Arcadia. |
It actually was Centre Street. The link I posted includes some information and the original name... ;) |
I don't think there would be any conflict with suburban residents regarding downtown streets. If anything it would only require input from neighborhoods and those "urban village" planning committees that are impacted by the changes. |
Even if the changes occurred only on 7th adjacent to downtown, I'm pretty sure that would still have go before the full Council at a meeting. That's when the suburban types will come to complain because it may take them longer to see the Dbacks or Suns, as will the usual suspects who object to every single thing that happens regardless of where it happens.
Central was once the main thoroughfare into downtown Phoenix, but it hasn't been for about 50 years or so. The 7s are (and will continue to be for at least another generation), commuter roads. Trying to advocate for retail to the 7s when it barely has a pulse at Central and Washington is foolish. The city needs organic growth downtown absolutely, but leapfrogging will only serve to hurt the progress. Downtown will continue to be just a series of disparate parts, rather than a cohesive place. Join the fledgling pieces that already exist first, then worry about how to address the periphery. |
It would also establish a "gateway" into downtown. A nice green street with walkability is a great selling point for tourists, business, etc. It would reverberate throughout the small downtown. The reversible lane "debacle" wasn't as big of an issue as you are making it out to be. How many people actually responded to the change and attended meetings; out of 1.4 million, probably a few hundred if that... Also, I remember when light rail was first advocated for Central the biggest complaint was that it would negatively impact car traffic since Central was a main thoroughfare. People complained that no one would use the light rail and that traffic would back up for miles. Anyway, this conversation is an interesting one, but we all know there is no immediate case or movement to put 7th Street on a road diet. Interestingly, I've noticed that 3th Street/5th Street are often backed up more so than 7th Street before and after downtown events and games... |
Every single lunatic throughout Phoenix would have an opportunity to oppose this just like the reversible lane issue. Obviously nowhere near 1.4 million people ever commented but it still didn't mean goodbye to the reversible lanes. You think a road diet on 7th St. between, say, I-10 and Jefferson wouldn't bring out the same objectors? I'm all for what you are advocating. I agree that we should fight urban heat islands and create pedestrian friendly arterial streets. But if you think this stuff just happily goes through City Hall you are, as noted below, incredibly naive. |
That it would need full council approval is different than how many Phoenix residents would actually care or oppose changes to Central City streets. For all intents and purposes, while downtown is an employment center, it is a very small one and very few of the working population come into downtown. The percentage of the population that comes for events and games is also small. Nonetheless, many are choosing to come downtown on light rail which would (when needed) be a strong argument for road diets in downtown. The loudmouth NIMBY's are just that, loudmouth and very few. Which speaks to the backbone of our elected officials.
i like this discussion. I'd also like to note that St Croix, urbanly horrific as it may be, creates more density than Artisan Village. I know a lot of people in these forums like to poopoo density, but density is an absolute linchpin for walkability.
Note that I'm not saying St Croix's density is enough to get it done - it's not. Eventually (30 yrs) it'll have to be torn down and replaced with something better. But same goes for Artisan Village. |
This is good news if you like music. This should be more successful than the predecessor venue that was in this space:
http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/upo...nnounces_c.php |
"Stateside purchased the historic building, erected in 1917, just a few months ago. Renovations to renew its old-timey charm are currently under way as crews strip the paint and old sheetrock that cover Levy's vision of an authentically Phoenix venue." ...is amazing news!!!!! I love rehabilitation of historic buildings' facades! I'm going to patronize this place because of this. I'm pretty sure this building was under construction not too long ago to become "Bentley's" (I think that was the name). It looked like it was going to be a restaurant. |
It was going to be Bentley's. I think it was even open for an extremely short time.
Stateside Presents brings great bands to town so this should do well. Hopefully others follow suit and start revitalizing that area of Van Buren. It has some great warehouse space, is close to ASU, and would provide a nice link between Downtown and Grand Ave. |
http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i265/phxrep/new.jpg Now we just need some more people to follow suit. There are several dozen buildings in and around downtown I can think of that need their sheet rock masks stripped off. |
things are starting to pop. Just as I thought, we got the chains and corporate places in Cityscape, now the organic development is starting to happen quickly.
They have a facebook page you could probably ask through.
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