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ASU Diablo Oct 11, 2023 6:14 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 10057210)
Both of those buildings are historic (i.e. pre-war maybe from the 20s or so). I'd be interested in what the plans ultimately are for them. I'd sacrifice any and all height to just nicely restore them back to their original look with some new functions. But that's unlikely.

Well, you're in luck. Now whether it actually comes to fruition is another discussion...

Curious to see how The Blue turns out as they incorporate their tower into the exterior facade. Project has been kind of quiet lately, last update I remember is the website going live.


Almost three years later, Hansji is exploring possible developments such as a hotel or apartment complex. But any project would prioritize preserving the original building and exterior elements to incorporate into a proposed design.

combusean Oct 11, 2023 6:52 PM

Hansji is luhrs block and they have to have a 50' easement from the north side of the block to preserve the Luhrs Arcade in between the two older high-rises.

Thunderbird Legacy (formerly known as Blue) released updated renderings on their website and I suspect it will break ground spring of next year if it's still a real project.

ASU Diablo Oct 11, 2023 6:55 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 10057280)
Hansji is luhrs block and they have to have a 50' easement from the north side of the block to preserve the Luhrs Arcade in between the two older high-rises.


We are talking about the old Sing High building, also owned by Hansji Corporation.

combusean Oct 11, 2023 7:00 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 10057210)
Both of those buildings are historic (i.e. pre-war maybe from the 20s or so). I'd be interested in what the plans ultimately are for them. I'd sacrifice any and all height to just nicely restore them back to their original look with some new functions. But that's unlikely.

I have such a hard time believing those buildings are historic or there's anything salvageable, but the Pratt Gilbert building is the former name of 1 W Madison, built 1913, and the Stag Hotel/Patio Hotel is the former name of 27 W Madison, built 1931.

There's an old photo of the Pratt Gilbert building (which looks confused with the building behind it) and surprise, it's just a garage where those stone inserts are.

I suspect similar conservation easements for Pratt Gilbert and Stag/Patio will occur but those lots look too small to redevelop on their own and have such an easement without being assembled.

PHX31 Oct 11, 2023 7:00 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 10057236)
Well, you're in luck. Now whether it actually comes to fruition is another discussion...

Curious to see how The Blue turns out as they incorporate their tower into the exterior facade. Project has been kind of quiet lately, last update I remember is the website going live.

Disregarding any ownership situations... ideally the Sing High and adjacent building would be nicely fully restored with one of these new re-uses and the two small remaining parking lots on the overall block would be developed with some sort of skinny residential buildings (~10-20 stories). The building on the SW portion of the block already appears to have been marginally restored or renovated. The current view of the east side of that building from Central looks like shit, but would be perfect to have a new building constructed because there wouldn't be any view/blocking concerns.

Obadno Oct 11, 2023 8:09 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 10057286)
Disregarding any ownership situations... ideally the Sing High and adjacent building would be nicely fully restored with one of these new re-uses and the two small remaining parking lots on the overall block would be developed with some sort of skinny residential buildings (~10-20 stories).

Why would we care to restore these ? They are garbage buildings. Flatten them

combusean Oct 11, 2023 8:48 PM

They are listed as historic, but why, I'm not entirely sure. I sorta like the brickwork on Sing High but as far as art deco it's still pretty ugly...maybe there's something underneath that stucco on the second floor... maybe.

If you remove the non historic stone elements on 1W you could get some arcade and I like those historic columns ... but I'm just not seeing any purpose of preserving these outright.

IndyAZ Oct 11, 2023 10:17 PM

The proposed development is only the South half of the block, 1W Madison and Sing High would remain with possible renovations. I believe its a 15-story residential building that is proposed.

PHX31 Oct 12, 2023 3:15 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10057340)
Why would we care to restore these ? They are garbage buildings. Flatten them

Old buildings of all shapes and sizes add a lot of visual interest, and typically have the best street presence, i.e., I think they're cool to keep around. Imagine our downtown and warehouse district full of nothing but Block 23s and pock marked with Summit at Copper Squares. :yuck:


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 10057358)
They are listed as historic, but why, I'm not entirely sure. I sorta like the brickwork on Sing High but as far as art deco it's still pretty ugly...maybe there's something underneath that stucco on the second floor... maybe.

If you remove the non historic stone elements on 1W you could get some arcade and I like those historic columns ... but I'm just not seeing any purpose of preserving these outright.

You're getting there. Look at this link ASU Diablo posted regarding restoration/reuse of historic buildings like these. The interior spaces and buildings themselves (columns, trusses, small architectural details, brick, etc.) are always interesting and make for a nice reuse.


Originally Posted by IndyAZ (Post 10057400)
The proposed development is only the South half of the block, 1W Madison and Sing High would remain with possible renovations. I believe its a 15-story residential building that is proposed.


MiEncanto Oct 12, 2023 3:52 PM

Arguing buildings should be saved simply because they are old undermines the whole preservation movement because it strikes outsiders as unreasonable. There’s nothing noteworthy about the Sing Hi building; in fact it’s a dump. Preservationists would fare better with a targeted approach rather than a blanket “save it” policy.

PHX31 Oct 12, 2023 4:36 PM


Originally Posted by MiEncanto (Post 10057848)
Arguing buildings should be saved simply because they are old undermines the whole preservation movement because it strikes outsiders as unreasonable. There’s nothing noteworthy about the Sing Hi building; in fact it’s a dump. Preservationists would fare better with a targeted approach rather than a blanket “save it” policy.

Don't mistake me for one of those Preservationists. I'm just stating what I hope happens because I like our old buildings of most all types and conditions. I find very little a "dump" and can very easily see the value in a single decades old brick (you're talking to someone that went around to various well-known building demolitions downtown and grabbed piles of the rubble and bricks off the ground before they went to the dump.).

But I'm just becoming an Old now myself. I'm not going to try standing in the way of someone's private development. I agree that actual historic preservation needs a targeted approach in the grand scheme of things.

If these buildings ultimately meet the wrecking ball, I just think that would suck and would make our City less interesting. Old buildings are typically cooler and show better craftsmanship and overall building materials than new builds, height be damned.

Obadno Oct 12, 2023 4:45 PM

If we are really lucky we can save the Sing Ha Building and it can sit ugly and abandoned for a decade just like Melrose Liquors!!!!!:koko:

PHX31 Oct 12, 2023 4:51 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10057899)
If we are really lucky we can save the Sing Ha Building and it can sit ugly and abandoned for a decade just like Melrose Liquors!!!!!:koko:

Hahahaha. Touche.

That was a ridiculous situation. However, if Melrose Liquors actually could be used and look nice (or just not deteriorate in the first place) it would be a cool building and use to keep around for that neighborhood. All other factors disregarded.

Obadno Oct 12, 2023 4:52 PM

Posting only because its a new skyline shot!

CrestedSaguaro Oct 12, 2023 5:00 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10057910)
Posting only because its a new skyline shot!

Of course it's nearly ruined by that enormous Chick-fil-A parking lot :haha:

Also, has anyone heard of the construction status of X phase 2? There still isn't any movement on construction starting back up since halting a month ago. This seems to be more than just a little contract dispute. :shrug:

Obadno Oct 12, 2023 5:03 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 10057922)

Also, has anyone heard of the construction status of X phase 2? There still isn't any movement on construction starting back up since halting a month ago. This seems to be more than just a little contract dispute. :shrug:

It actually probably is a contract dispute, Subs and GC's blow up all the time. And especially in our post covid shortage backlog reality it can take a while to get things back on track.

Obadno Oct 12, 2023 5:46 PM

Debated where to drop this but Its not really a stadium development:

Do we know where this is going? its in the warehouse district but which block? from scratch or is it reusing old buildings? I cant seem to find any specifics even with very detailed renderings.

combusean Oct 12, 2023 5:55 PM

^ This is the Lincoln Union property that the Mercury is taking over, discussed in either the stadium thread or here a few pages back.

Mr.RE Oct 12, 2023 7:28 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 10057925)
It actually probably is a contract dispute, Subs and GC's blow up all the time. And especially in our post covid shortage backlog reality it can take a while to get things back on track.

Rumor has it that X Communities never had Loan docs signed with a lender just a signed term sheet so they went at risk on construction with equity with the goal of finalizing terms later. Now that they've exhausted the equity they have no committed loan funds to draw from as the Lender got cold feet as rates rapidly rose....

Socalzonie Oct 14, 2023 1:01 AM

Does anybody have any details on what this might involve? Implies might be multifamily and hotel.

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