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halicem Jun 13, 2023 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9968120)
Screenshots I grabbed from today's subcommittee presentation. Unfortunately, I got scheduled for a last minute meeting so I had to mute the call but I was grabbing screenshots as they went along. Of course, I wasn't able to hear any of the timing details. I don't really see anything new being shared here, maybe a couple of the proposed renderings. Looks like they were just voting to approve the Master Plan to serve as a roadmap for future expansion. It may be a while for this one to get off the ground and see any real movement.

They also approved moving forward w/ the RFP for the creation of the entertainment district. I wasn't able to tell if this district would be part of the re-imagined South Hall of the PCC.

Here's a few more slides too:

Envisioned pedestrian flow surrounding the development, especially showing the 4th st activation:

I wasn't able to take a screenshot of the ground floor cutout, but here 2nd floor:

Level 3, the "bridge" to the North building is 120' wide and is to be considered an exhibition hall as well. Note there's another bridge to the west of the wide hall/bridge and looks like the loading bays will also be connected by a bridge for a total of 3 crossings over Washington (they can't have an underground connection anymore):

Level 4 and the sky terraces, they want the outdoor component to be a big part of this redevelopment since they expect this to be a big selling point for big conventions over the winter months:

Slide 15 showing the 2 towers on the South perimeter are block outs as per max allowed by the FAA height restrictions for the lot and may not be as high.

The residential tower doesn't need to be residential, it could be another hotel.

The entertainment district basically builds on top of this plan so how this connects to it is a TBD.

halicem Jun 13, 2023 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by MiEncanto (Post 9968180)
staff presented several options about expanding in all directions.

It seemed like Council was primarily interested in catching the State Fairgrounds, west to 23rd ave, and south to the Rio RDA on the river. Option B was what they centered on, but it appears they will shift it West a few blocks, so instead of ending at 12th St, it would be 7th St in order to move it 23rd Ave from 19th Ave. This probably caused some consternation among developers and staff, who know there's far more likely to be GPLET usage between 7th and 12th Streets than 19th to 23rd Ave. They talked about going farther north closer to Indian school but noted there's not enough Slum and Blight up there to make the designation.

Here's the map, I added the colored areas for what the council seemed to be going for (the black-dashed rectangle):

With the CBD being defined back in 1967 (the area surrounded by the red-dash) and only now getting redrawn... Who knows what the city looks like 50 years from now. This redrawing lets Phoenix CBD have a river/"riverfront" to play with. What the river would look like then, no idea! :shrug:

az_daniel Jun 14, 2023 1:02 AM


Originally Posted by YourBuddy (Post 9968215)
The parking lot between footprint center and chase field needs to go. They are talking about a 4th street activation they need to turn that block into something like the Bucks did with their “deer district.”

with the way both footprint center's covered outdoor pavilion and chase field's outdoor plaza are situated, and aside from the random proposals we have seen pop up for the site now and then, i have always had the belief that the parking garage between them was not supposed to be a permanent feature of the area. They are begging to be better connected, and the light rail platform between them needs more room anyways. :tup:

locolife Jun 14, 2023 3:57 AM

I used to be able to fairly easily name all the projects downtown, now I can barely keep up with new announcements/plan updates coming almost daily. Tempe is on fire too and even Scottsdale has a few cranes up it's sleeves.

It's crazy how the infill has taken off in recent years, having been here for 21 years now there's never been a better time to be a urban/high-rise enthusiast in the valley. Looking forward to seeing many of these new proposals get off the ground soon, especially Astra of course.

ASU Diablo Jun 14, 2023 9:13 PM

Phoenix takes first step to create downtown entertainment district
Unfortunate that Hines is no longer interested. The City has probably irked them after this and the Hyatt Regency Garage RFP.

In hindsight, it probably made sense for the City to slow things down and really figure out its long-term vision for the the CC. But Hines is doing really great things in Tempe.


The council's vote comes five years after Houston-based developer Hines proposed building an arts and entertainment district in downtown Phoenix, unsolicited. The Council rejected the 2018 proposal, saying it had not yet determined its long-term vision for the Phoenix Convention Center area.

Hines did not lose interest in the convention center area after the Phoenix City Council recoiled from the developer's offer. Representatives from the company continued reaching out to Phoenix council members when the city discussed potentially selling the convention center's south building.

A representative for the company has since told The Arizona Republic, however, that the developer will not pursue the entertainment district at this time.

CrestedSaguaro Jun 14, 2023 9:24 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9969404)
Unfortunate that Hines is no longer interested. The City has probably irked them after this and the Hyatt Regency Garage RFP.

In hindsight, it probably made sense for the City to slow things down and really figure out its long-term vision for the the CC. But Hines is doing really great things in Tempe.

When you burn developers, you pay down the road. Someday Phoenix may learn some lessons.

TJPHXskyscraperfan Jun 15, 2023 5:15 PM


Originally Posted by YourBuddy (Post 9967299)

They bring up some county island locations, and to me the Oceanside ice arena is kind of an interesting area if you could get them to do something interesting with the wash leading to Tempe Town Lake. Probably some infrastructure questions with that site as well.

I think they are building apartments at the old Big Surf location, too bad they couldn’t get in on it as an option!

ASU Diablo Jun 23, 2023 6:59 PM

The Jefferson Hotel: Downtown Phoenix’s Original Garden Spot
The article makes it seems that this development is still alive. Does anyone have any insight into this? With the South Central Light Rail extension right in front, Moxy Hotel right across the street, and downtown development being hot right now, I am shocked that this project/lot hasn't made significant progress yet.


The city sold the building in 2015 to developers for a mixed-use redevelopment, which stalled out**. Rehabilitation plans are in progress for the adaptive use of the building, carefully integrated with new development.

**Editor’s Note: That development team is leading efforts to adaptively reuse the property.

CrestedSaguaro Jun 23, 2023 9:31 PM

It's my understanding, the owner of the parking lot refuses to sell? :shrug:

combusean Jun 23, 2023 9:49 PM

They own enough of the lot to develop. As for the rest of the block, they should get the mob/hired goons to rough up a certain notorious holdout. Kinda getting tired of that guy downtown and his parking lot empire.

Warren Peace Jun 23, 2023 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9976413)
The article makes it seems that this development is still alive. Does anyone have any insight into this? With the South Central Light Rail extension right in front, Moxy Hotel right across the street, and downtown development being hot right now, I am shocked that this project/lot hasn't made significant progress yet.


The city sold the building in 2015 to developers for a mixed-use redevelopment, which stalled out**. Rehabilitation plans are in progress for the adaptive use of the building, carefully integrated with new development.

**Editor’s Note: That development team is leading efforts to adaptively reuse the property.]

To me, this just reads like canned text from the "development team" to indicate they haven't forgotten about this property they've been sitting on for 8 years.

ChaseM Jun 23, 2023 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9976529)
It's my understanding, the owner of the parking lot refuses to sell? :shrug:

Last I heard he wanted to build a parking garage there with ground floor retail, seriously hope that never happens. That’s a prime spot for commercial/residential development.

YourBuddy Jun 24, 2023 1:00 AM

It would be interesting to know the types of deals the lot owner is being offered to still be turning them down.

combusean Jun 24, 2023 1:35 AM

The guy seems to be a classic example of why land value taxes are a good thing: his empire has been untouched afaict and it wouldn't surprise me if he were the largest private land owner by acres in the downtown area. If he does (or his kids) sell, it'll be when there's nothing left to develop and he'll realize maximum value that only others have produced.

PHX31 Jun 24, 2023 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9976694)
The guy seems to be a classic example of why land value taxes are a good thing: his empire has been untouched afaict and it wouldn't surprise me if he were the largest private land owner by acres in the downtown area. If he does (or his kids) sell, it'll be when there's nothing left to develop and he'll realize maximum value that only others have produced.

So are you saying "Don't hate the player, hate the game"?

For years I would have agreed with you. But I really think that was just my selfish desire to have a bigger and better looking city, or at the very least to get rid of all of our empty parcels and parking lots. Now I don't think it would be fair to levy such a tax just to force someone's meager hand to sell to a developer of means.

This dude played his hand right for years and ultimately will win the game for his family at some point. Kind of sucks for us and others in the mean time, but oh well.

I can foresee a response of "but there is a housing crisis!".

:shrug: Oh well. That will have to be figured out in another way besides more taxes on private landownership. Remove density limits, remove some other regulations and unnecessary red tape. Dissolve the RAA and all of these other levels of cooks in the kitchen. Anything before just going to more taxation.

combusean Jun 24, 2023 11:35 AM

^ Land value taxes wouldn't be more taxes, it'd be just taxing the value of the land instead of improvements to discourage the exact sort of speculation and land banking that has plagued downtown for decades.

Although, tbf, I'd be actually happy to see that guy taxed into bankruptcy.

PHX31 Jun 24, 2023 1:29 PM

/\ I get it. But it would essentially act as a new tax. I feel private property rights are more and more important these days. If the guy wants to keep parking lots on his land... sucks, but oh well. Hopefully no one parks there and the maintenance somehow makes it not worth it to him to keep it up and he eventually cashes out to a developer. Better than the govt forcing his hand.

combusean Jun 24, 2023 6:37 PM

Stringing concepts together like "new tax" or "private property rights" isn't an argument, you're just adding unrelated conservative bogeyman words that don't mean anything.

Libertarians have been advocating LVTs for like 150 years before the urbanists picked up on it, for one, as they argue it's much more fair.

PHX31 Jun 24, 2023 8:22 PM

GTFOH with your bogeyman words garbage. You're talking about being happy if someone was taxed in to bankruptcy.

Warren Peace Jun 25, 2023 1:42 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9976694)
The guy seems to be a classic example of why land value taxes are a good thing: his empire has been untouched afaict and it wouldn't surprise me if he were the largest private land owner by acres in the downtown area. If he does (or his kids) sell, it'll be when there's nothing left to develop and he'll realize maximum value that only others have produced.

I'll join you in the desire to see more commercial investments that incentivize staying in downtown to spend more money downtown. But I'll never be a fan of using government mandates to suck resources from investors for the sake of ideological solutions to perceived problems. Can we keep Big Brother out of it?

But as long as people want to drive their own vehicles, they will demand parking lots and will be willing to pay more for proximity. If more people used alternatives such as Waymo (big fan), Uber, Lyft, and even Valley Metro, earning revenue from parking lots would alter property development strategies. Let's try expanding Park and Ride lots with Valley Metro to add routes/times for big downtown events.

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