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SethAZ Jul 1, 2011 7:05 PM

I just saw this. Sounds like good news.

Application #:
215 N. 7th St.

Historic District:
Monroe School

Construct new art fence in place of existing chain link fence surrounding the front (west) yard of the school

Ordinance Section:

Children’s Museum of Phoenix
Applicant’s Representative:
Deborah Gilpin

Staff Representative:
Erika Finbraaten, MA, AICP
Hearing Officer:
Ted Brookhart, AICP

Vicelord John Jul 1, 2011 7:31 PM

yup, we were talking about that and discovered that the fence will not go around the parking lot, just the yard. Just a little disappointing.

phxSUNSfan Jul 1, 2011 7:36 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 5334881)
yup, we were talking about that and discovered that the fence will not go around the parking lot, just the yard. Just a little disappointing.

Could it possibly mean that the chain link fence around the parking lot will be removed since the yard will be enclosed? The reason for the yard's fencing is to allow outdoor installations to be enjoyed without the fear of kids running out onto 7th Ave. With the new, and hopefully beautiful "art fence" perhaps the need for the parking lot fence will be no more.

Vicelord John Jul 1, 2011 7:44 PM

The parking lot fence will stay because there are still kids running around the parking lot.

HX_Guy Jul 1, 2011 7:47 PM

What the hell is an "art" fence?

Vicelord John Jul 1, 2011 7:48 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 5334896)
What the hell is an "art" fence?

Google image search left that one open to intrepretation.

HX_Guy Jul 2, 2011 11:28 PM

They've made all the windows matte on the Security Building...guess just so it doesn't look deserted/under construction like it did with the black plastic in the windows?

nickw252 Jul 6, 2011 4:31 AM


Originally Posted by pbenjamin (Post 5334499)
The "Tom Horne building" has windows knocked out and appears to be gutted inside.

There were workers inside the building today and it is completely gutted - I could see right through it.

I'll try to get pictures up later this week.

nickw252 Jul 8, 2011 2:38 AM

7th Ave and McDowell
All the windows are out and the building is basically a hollow core.

I just noticed you can see the shadow of my dog in the bottom right hand corner of this pic /\ :cheers:

HX_Guy Jul 9, 2011 10:01 PM

This surprised me and I had forgotten all about it. It's the new Irish Cultural Center being built a little north of Roosevelt on Central.

combusean Jul 11, 2011 1:10 AM

Saw this about the Margaret T Hance Park Visioning project.

There is a community meeting at August 2nd for those interested.

HooverDam Jul 11, 2011 1:48 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5343360)
Saw this about the Margaret T Hance Park Visioning project.

There is a community meeting at August 2nd for those interested.

I went to a bunch of the early visioning meetings and its mostly a waste. They talk about how Hance is the same size as Millenium Park in Chicago and how it should be great like that, but then their plans are mind numbingly vision-less and small. They refuse to be open to the idea of expanding the park, improving the "outer park" (that is the area surrounding it, which is why the park is a failure) or doing anything worthwhile. That park needs about $100M to turn it into what it needs to be/can be, but this "vision" is more about putting a band aid on a severed limb.

combusean Jul 11, 2011 3:22 PM

Say goodbye to 809 N 5th Ave.

combusean Jul 12, 2011 1:56 AM

demolitions are cool.

glynnjamin Jul 12, 2011 8:56 PM

fuck me i hope someone is salvaging all of that glass block and brick. i know I would if I were there

SunDevil Jul 13, 2011 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 5345308)
fuck me i hope someone is salvaging all of that glass block and brick. i know I would if I were there

Brick maybe? but I'm pretty sure they purposefully avoided the glass block.

nickw252 Jul 13, 2011 2:14 PM

Solar Power Project Begins at Burton Barr Central Library
A new project at Phoenix Public Library is helping build a sustainable city. Construction begins today (July 5th) on the installation of 42 SolarWings in the north parking lot of Burton Barr Central Library at 1221 N. Central Ave. Each SolarWing covers two parking spaces for a total of 84 covered parking spaces with lighting at night. Once completed, the project will be capable of providing 148.05kW DC of power for the library.

Construction will occur in two phases to minimize inconvenience to library customers. The $1.3 million project is funded by an Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

SunDevil Jul 14, 2011 11:21 PM

Was walking by One Lexington on my way to lunch today. There were some landscapers doing xeriscaping and there was work going on inside one of the ground floor retail spaces!

Tfom Jul 15, 2011 5:43 AM


Originally Posted by nickw252 (Post 5345979)
A new project at Phoenix Public Library is helping build a sustainable city. Construction begins today (July 5th) on the installation of 42 SolarWings in the north parking lot of Burton Barr Central Library at 1221 N. Central Ave. Each SolarWing covers two parking spaces for a total of 84 covered parking spaces with lighting at night. Once completed, the project will be capable of providing 148.05kW DC of power for the library.

Construction will occur in two phases to minimize inconvenience to library customers. The $1.3 million project is funded by an Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

I'm glad we are finally realizing exposed black pavement is uncomfortable to walk across in Phoenix. On another note, it pisses me off that people always park their cars in the Alternative Fuel spot, especially the shaded one right near the door, when clearly their car is not AFV. Maybe its just because I want the spot, but shouldn't I get a little perk for trying to not kill the Earth.

Vicelord John Jul 15, 2011 5:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tfom (Post 5347869)
I'm glad we are finally realizing exposed black pavement is uncomfortable to walk across in Phoenix. On another note, it pisses me off that people always park their cars in the Alternative Fuel spot, especially the shaded one right near the door, when clearly their car is not AFV. Maybe its just because I want the spot, but shouldn't I get a little perk for trying to not kill the Earth.

Not really.

I won't have the hybrid sucks debate with you but you aren't saving the earth and you aren't special for buying a hybrid car.

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