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Obadno Mar 21, 2023 4:17 PM

The Repair shop isnt worth saving who cares.

PHX31 Mar 21, 2023 7:29 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 9897845)
The Repair shop isnt worth saving who cares.

Whether it is or not is beside the point. Ronnie mentioned it looked like some of it was being saved, but I'm not seeing it. Maybe it isn't.

ASU Diablo Mar 22, 2023 9:52 PM

Does anyone have any updates on The Fairmont Phoenix Hotel & Residences? This still moving along?

Diamonddave Mar 22, 2023 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9899236)
Does anyone have any updates on The Fairmont Phoenix Hotel & Residences? This still moving along?

Great question looks like Fairmont and the Jefferson are stalled. These project will be nice around the arena area if completed.

ASU Diablo Mar 22, 2023 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Diamonddave (Post 9899291)
Great question looks like Fairmont and the Jefferson are stalled. These project will be nice around the arena area if completed.

Jefferson has been stalled for years. This is dead.

Now that I think about it, we will know soon enough if The Edith is also dead. I was told by the City that The Edith was going to wait until after the Super Bowl was done before they started construction. The reason given sounded like BS and I guess we will know soon if it was.

TJPHXskyscraperfan Mar 22, 2023 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Diamonddave (Post 9899291)
Great question looks like Fairmont and the Jefferson are stalled. These project will be nice around the arena area if completed.

I was just thinking of The Jefferson the other day when I was walking into Frys by the arena and how that lot needs to be developed soon! I just feel like there has to be a market for downtown condos at this point. With the amount of apartments how could there not? Even if the economy is slowing down, the way the Suns should be with new ownership over the coming years, that would be a prime spot for lots of people to want to live!

MMDelon Mar 23, 2023 2:44 PM

I will give Matt Ishbia a couple years to get his feet under him but I feel pretty confident he would be willing to work with investors or the city to bring some sort of development by the stadium.

TJPHXskyscraperfan Mar 23, 2023 3:27 PM


Originally Posted by MMDelon (Post 9899777)
I will give Matt Ishbia a couple years to get his feet under him but I feel pretty confident he would be willing to work with investors or the city to bring some sort of development by the stadium.

I mean, he got rich through real estate right? So this should be right up his alley!

MiEncanto Mar 23, 2023 3:29 PM


Originally Posted by TJPHXskyscraperfan (Post 9899343)
I was just thinking of The Jefferson the other day when I was walking into Frys by the arena and how that lot needs to be developed soon! I just feel like there has to be a market for downtown condos at this point. With the amount of apartments how could there not? Even if the economy is slowing down, the way the Suns should be with new ownership over the coming years, that would be a prime spot for lots of people to want to live!

I am told the owner of the lot on the SW corner of Jefferson and 1st St refuses to sell which is really disappointing.

I still maintain downtown Phoenix needs a Mercado style open air marketplace flanked by restaurant/retail. It would be nice if this corner could be activated and sort of blended with the arena courtyard to create a really nice multi-use space with a classic fountain, shade, room for a farmers market, etc. I think you could even partially close off 1st street from madison to jefferson or limit to delivery only. But, alas, I'm a dreamer.

I really believe in property rights but seriously if the city could eminent domain that parking lot I'm not sure anyone would mind.

ASU Diablo Mar 23, 2023 4:00 PM


Originally Posted by MiEncanto (Post 9899823)
I am told the owner of the lot on the SW corner of Jefferson and 1st St refuses to sell which is really disappointing.

I still maintain downtown Phoenix needs a Mercado style open air marketplace flanked by restaurant/retail. It would be nice if this corner could be activated and sort of blended with the arena courtyard to create a really nice multi-use space with a classic fountain, shade, room for a farmers market, etc. I think you could even partially close off 1st street from madison to jefferson or limit to delivery only. But, alas, I'm a dreamer.

I really believe in property rights but seriously if the city could eminent domain that parking lot I'm not sure anyone would mind.

This is the dummy that wanted to build a parking garage there right? Eminent Domain sounds good right about now :cheers:

Obadno Mar 23, 2023 4:41 PM

The City has plenty of tools to incentivize sale, basically locking the owner up without being able to do anything with the land through aprpovals, permits. zoning etc.

That would probably get him to sell for a good offer.

combusean Mar 23, 2023 4:43 PM

^ This comment is so uninformed it's weaponized. Maybe if it were 1923 and not 2023, sure.

It's utterly ridiciulous to think city staff as stiff, uniminaginative, risk-adverse, and apathetic as Phoenix's would give a shit what one person does with their lot anywhere.

It's probably more like they couldn't get their project to pencil out on the land they have and that shit head parking lot goon John Garretson didn't want to sell because that's all his lizard brain knows anything about.

Obadno Mar 23, 2023 5:01 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9899914)
^ This comment is so uninformed it's weaponized. Maybe if it were 1923 and not 2023, sure.

It's utterly ridiciulous to think city staff as stiff, uniminaginative, risk-adverse, and apathetic as Phoenix's would give a shit what one person does with their lot anywhere.

It's probably more like they couldn't get their project to pencil out on the land they have and that shit head parking lot goon John Garretson didn't want to sell because that's all his lizard brain knows anything about.

OKay so they'll field an eminent domain claim?

muertecaza Mar 23, 2023 5:18 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 9899955)
OKay so they'll field an eminent domain claim?

Post-2006 when AZ reacted to the US Supreme Court Kelo decision, generalized "economic development" eminent domain claims are a no-go, so they would have to have a legitimate public use.

Warren Peace Mar 24, 2023 1:55 AM


Originally Posted by TJPHXskyscraperfan (Post 9899343)
I was just thinking of The Jefferson the other day when I was walking into Frys by the arena and how that lot needs to be developed soon! I just feel like there has to be a market for downtown condos at this point. With the amount of apartments how could there not? Even if the economy is slowing down, the way the Suns should be with new ownership over the coming years, that would be a prime spot for lots of people to want to live!

I'm definitely in the market for a downtown condo. It sucks that the Summit is the only option for that area.

xymox Mar 25, 2023 5:01 PM

Crane City, AZ
Was downtown for a show last night - grabbed this shot from the parking lot on 3rd Ave & Van Buren. Quite impressive being down there - there were even two more cranes to the north that I couldn't get into a single shot.

MiEncanto Mar 25, 2023 10:11 PM

CoP opened a new RFP for 2 surface lots on south sides of 1st St & McKinley.

This is good stuff hopefully will replace 2 lots with a nice multiuse towers. I wonder if it’s more likely to be 2 separate jobs or potentially a project on both sides of 1st st.

Page 22

MMDelon Mar 27, 2023 3:20 PM

The height restrictions for these two lots looks good. Have a 400’ in this location will be great. Hopefully this RFP does not years to get done.

Obadno Mar 27, 2023 4:42 PM

I was in New Orleans this weekend and a commercial for choice hotels featuring the Cambria hotel downtown was on the tv it and the city looked great!

combusean Mar 28, 2023 5:36 AM

I'm kind of confused at this proposal.

I looked at the assessors' map and it'd have to be a three tower development unless there's the possibility of bridging over the alley like Saiya which seems like a complicated, risky design. On the other hand "All State Homes" which doesn't look like a legitimate high-rise developer is directly to the south on opposing parcels. Oftentimes there's a developer before the RFP but I've never seen a company registered out of a condo to have that kind of experience.

Regardless, I don't think anyone has the capital to pull off a two or three tower project, especially with a 20% affordable/attainable housing requirement--the land isn't *that* valuable, this isn't San Francisco in 2015. Another thing that's slowing projects down is density limitations which is far more problematic than height limits, so the qualified developer would also have to wait for the stupidly complicated text amendments/spot zoning to get approved.

I don't see this going anywhere, really, or it'd take years to do like Central Station.

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