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michael85225 Feb 7, 2023 8:47 PM

Some guy with balls of steel managed to climb the former Chase Tower from the bottom all the way to the top today by wedging himself between the small opening in the concrete elevator section. He is a pro life activist apparently.

somethingfast Feb 7, 2023 9:04 PM


Originally Posted by michael85225 (Post 9859832)
Some guy with balls of steel managed to climb the former Chase Tower from the bottom all the way to the top today by wedging himself between the small opening in the concrete elevator section. He is a pro life activist apparently.

any video of this out there? or photos? that's crazy.

AVTempe Feb 7, 2023 9:41 PM


Originally Posted by somethingfast (Post 9859855)
any video of this out there? or photos? that's crazy.

somethingfast Feb 7, 2023 9:52 PM


Originally Posted by AVTempe (Post 9859892)

Crack AZCentral reporting (as usual): " of the tallest buildings in Phoenix." Chase has only been the TALLEST since...forever lol. :whistle:

CrestedSaguaro Feb 7, 2023 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by somethingfast (Post 9859909)
Crack AZCentral reporting (as usual): " of the tallest buildings in Phoenix." Chase has only been the TALLEST since...forever lol. :whistle:

Fox10 made the same observation. Amazing that the local media here doesn't even know what the tallest building in AZ is. Who am I kidding? They all still use 10+ year old stock for their downtown shots. :haha:

michael85225 Feb 7, 2023 11:25 PM

If you go on Twitter and YouTube there are a ton of videos and the guy himself actually live streamed his climb and the video he filmed was damn impressive. He literally scooted all the way to the top without any protective gear. The more impressive thing is that he did the same thing at the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco last year. With the Super Bowl, he got even more exposure which is why he probably chose to do the stunt in Phoenix.

Buckeye Native 001 Feb 8, 2023 1:04 AM

This is probably the most attention Valley Center has gotten since Downtown Phoenix was obliterated in that godawful 1970s asteroid movie.

somethingfast Feb 8, 2023 3:17 AM


Originally Posted by Buckeye Native 001 (Post 9860128)
This is probably the most attention Valley Center has gotten since Downtown Phoenix was obliterated in that godawful 1970s asteroid movie.

haha too funny!

Obadno Feb 8, 2023 4:32 PM

So something called STorage Cafe has ranked Phoenix #10 city in the country for renting downtown.

Boys.... our time has come. :cheers:


To help decide which vibrant downtown areas offer the best combination of apartment options and amenities balanced by cost, we started out by selecting the 30 most populous cities in the U.S. We then ranked their central areas against a wide variety of factors such as cost of living (rent-to-income ratio, cost of groceries), rental inventory, apartment amenities (personal space, green units, unit quality, access to workout facilities), safety, restaurants, cultural and shopping options and more. Self storage was also included in our analysis as it’s a service frequently used by apartment dwellers as they move or afterwards as they seek to maximize living space.

Based on our report, the South occupies almost half of the top 10 places in downtown living, with Texas nabbing three spots in the ranking.

The Phoenix area has been the Southwest’s rising star in the past few years thanks to the tremendous economic boom that attracted robust migration and laid the groundwork for its currently flourishing city and suburbs. Therefore, it’s not surprising to see that downtown PHX, the business center of the Sun Valley :shrug:, actually comes with all the enviable trappings of the city — think food, culture and sports — all accessible within walking distance.

Multifamily living remains the dominant housing option in downtown PHX. In line with the area’s skyrocketing development, more than 70% of downtown’s large-scale apartment inventory was added in the last decade alone, per a recent StorageCafe report. More than half of the apartment units are part of high-end buildings (64%), and a whopping 92% of them are located in rental buildings that provide access to fitness centers — which makes premier living a tangible reality here. You also get plenty of room when you rent a downtown apartment (790 sq. ft./person), a generous living space by national standards.

Downtown Phoenix’s versatility shines brightly as it provides access to coveted city features powered by Valley Metro Rail, one of the newest rail systems in the country. The city center boasts around 200 restaurants in total or about 12 dining spots/1,000 locals. You also have access to live music, museums, rooftop lounges and art galleries or any of the 2.6 theaters/1,000 residents. Sports fans can also feel at home whether they cheer on the Phoenix Suns, Phoenix Mercury or Arizona Diamondbacks at their local stadiums during home games.

somethingfast Feb 8, 2023 7:05 PM

Of those cities listed, I've visited the DT's of the following (and ranked by personal experience):

1. Nashville (incredible small yet big feel - super hot ladies)
2. Boston (duh, so much history)
3. San Diego (perfect weather and awesome seafood)
4. Chicago (incredible skyline - duh)
5. Seattle (too cold and dirty now so falling in my rankings)
6. Houston (too sweaty but under-appreciated skyline)
7. Dallas (see Houston but Houston's skyline is more impressive)
8. Phoenix (too hot and let's be honest - nowhere near any of the above...but improving!)

ASU Diablo Feb 8, 2023 8:15 PM

Looks like the City of Phoenix is getting ready to issue another RFP for 2 parcels (1016 N 2nd St) directly across from the Knipe House.

Didn't realize the city owned some of these lots North of Roosevelt. Would be nice to see some development activity in this area/empty lots as True North Studio's proposals have gone nowhere.

ChelseaFC Feb 8, 2023 9:27 PM

Speaking of downtown... cool video just released by the DT PHX neighborhood group

Video Link

CrestedSaguaro Feb 8, 2023 10:17 PM

No more conversations about weather in the Development thread. if you want to talk about it, make a new thread or converse privately.

ChelseaFC Feb 9, 2023 5:38 PM

City of Phoenix announces new Planning and Development Director:

az_daniel Feb 13, 2023 9:58 PM


Originally Posted by ASU Diablo (Post 9860744)
Looks like the City of Phoenix is getting ready to issue another RFP for 2 parcels (1016 N 2nd St) directly across from the Knipe House.

Didn't realize the city owned some of these lots North of Roosevelt. Would be nice to see some development activity in this area/empty lots as True North Studio's proposals have gone nowhere.

Currently there is a sustainable container home demonstration located on these lots funded by a grant from the city. These will be there until May - they are awesome and would recommend checking them out. I hope the city is able to find temporary uses for it's other lots while they are out for redevelopment.

Not sure if others have mentioned it but tried Central Records this weekend - it opened a couple weeks ago. Awesome little place, will be spending lots of time there.

TheSpud0 Feb 13, 2023 11:46 PM

Found these two images and thought it was a good contrast between Downtown’s skyline over time, especially in the Roosevelt area.

Not sure when the first image was taken but the Biomedical science building was being built.

Phxguy Feb 15, 2023 5:53 PM

Was looking around and spotted a new fact finding permit (FACT2300273) was filed for the SWC of Central and McDowell on 01/13. Description is 'Mixed-Use Tower'. Could be an attempt to keep the tower concept alive since the expiration of last year's FF is approaching.

CrestedSaguaro Feb 17, 2023 8:43 PM

Metrocenter Demolition
Went by Metrocenter today. Couldn't get any pics because I was late for a meeting. But a large amount of the East parking lot is fenced up with construction equipment onsite, debris from a few things they've demolished and Dillards has store closing sale signs up. I'd say that demolition has begun on Metrocenter.

Buckeye Native 001 Feb 17, 2023 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpud0 (Post 9865198)
Not sure when the first image was taken but the Biomedical science building was being built.

I should know this, but from where were those taken? Phoenix Mountain Preserve?

locolife Feb 19, 2023 2:45 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpud0 (Post 9865198)
Found these two images and thought it was a good contrast between Downtown’s skyline over time, especially in the Roosevelt area.

Not sure when the first image was taken but the Biomedical science building was being built.

That second photo is outdated already, someone with a proper camera should go walk up the road on the South side of Phoenix Mountain Preserve and get a photo from this same angle. My cell phone camera doesn't do it justice.

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