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Don B. Nov 13, 2009 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tempe_Duck (Post 4557487)
I have had it with him. How do I block him?

Click on the username of the person you wish to block, then click on the first option from the drop down menu that appears (view public profile). When that page comes up, over on the right side of the blue bar in the middle of the page, you will see the option to ignore that person's posts.


HooverDam Nov 16, 2009 7:20 AM


Solar-panel maker plans HQ in Valley
by Ryan Randazzo - Nov. 15, 2009 09:36 PM
The Arizona Republic
Chinese solar-panel manufacturer Suntech Power Holdings Co. announced Sunday night it would locate a 100,000-square-foot North American headquarters and manufacturing facility in the Valley.

The facility should be running within a year, employing 75 people at first, 150 after a year of operations and 250 or more at full build-out.

Suntech is well-known in solar development, and is likely to take advantage of new state incentives intended to land just such investments. The incentives are part of a broader effort to diversify the state's real estate-dependent economy and attract high-paying jobs.

“This is a great day for Arizona,” Gov. Jan Brewer said. “I've been so determined that we have a business climate that will bring us jobs. We committed to Suntech we will make the transition as easy as possible for them.”

Suntech is deciding between an East Valley and West Valley location for its factory that will make panels that convert sunlight to electricity, said Barry Broome, president of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. GPEC has been negotiating to convince Suntech to open a facility in Arizona for two years, Broome said, and the decision came down to the Valley or Austin, Texas.

“It's been a while since we won something over Texas,” he said.

Earlier this year, Brewer signed into law legislation that gives tax breaks to companies that open new manufacturing plants or headquarters buildings for renewable-energy companies, which Broome said was “pivotal” to Suntech.

The renewable-energy incentives law offers factories that make renewable-energy equipment up to a 10 percent income-tax credit on capital investment.

Companies that spend at least $25 million also could have their property taxes reclassified, saving them about 80 percent of that tax.

Brewer said Suntech plans a $13 million investment in its first phase and more down the road.

To apply for the incentives, companies must pay at least 25 percent more than the state median wage, with higher wages eligible for higher tax breaks. To be eligible, they also would have to provide health-care coverage and meet other requirements.

“We set the standard very high, and they are willing to do that,” Brewer said. “(The bill) is one of those great things that a lot of people worked on that is going to be a godsend.”

Other locations that didn't make the short list for Suntech's new facility include Nevada, New Mexico, California and sites in the South and Northeast, Broome said.

Texas offers an enterprise zone incentive for manufacturers that would have given Suntech tax relief in that state, making the decision to come to Arizona even more impressive, Broome said.

GPEC began pushing for state incentives for solar companies during the 2008 legislative session.

At that time, nine companies that make solar equipment had passed up the Valley of the Sun in the past year in favor of neighboring states.

From those nine projects alone, Arizona is missed out on more than 3,800 jobs, $2.3 billion in investment and $732 million in state and local revenues during the next decade, according to GPEC.

And in the next year it took to pass the Arizona incentives, several other international solar manufacturers moved to neighboring states.

Arizona not only offers the tax incentives, but also gives Suntech and other solar companies easy access to the booming solar-power market in California, Broome said.

Suntech officials said they plan to grow their U.S. market from the new facility.

“Bringing manufacturing jobs to the U.S. is part of Suntech's vision to grow the solar market in every corner of the world," Suntech's CEO Zhengrong Shi said in a prepared statement. “We are eagerly watching growing markets and see the potential of bringing manufacturing capabilities to other markets where we see the combination of rapid local market growth and manufacturing cost competitiveness.”

The announcement from China coincides with a visit there by President Barack Obama.

Suntech makes solar panels and designs large-scale solar-power plants in China and the United States. It has regional headquarters in China, Switzerland and San Francisco.

Broome declined to name the Phoenix-area cities competing for the Suntech facility.

He said they both are offering other incentives in addition to the state tax breaks.

He also said it would be possible for the company to be up and running within a year because Suntech is likely to take over one of the Valley's vacant semiconductor facilities, which are well-suited to handle solar-panel manufacturing.

“Stay tuned,” Brewer said. “This is just the beginning, I hope.”
Welp thats good news. Anyone wanna take bets on what city they end up on? Id bet Chandler. Its really disgusting how far behind we already are in Solar. Whoever our next governor is (Id bet anything its Terry Goddard) needs to put on the full court press in this area.

gymratmanaz Nov 16, 2009 2:19 PM

AMEN on the solar press!!!!

glynnjamin Nov 17, 2009 4:22 PM

So the SE Corner of 7th Ave & McDowell will have a Smashburger, Ace Hardware, and the Pita Jungle that was supposed to go into Gold Spot.

Vicelord John Nov 17, 2009 5:17 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4562731)
So the SE Corner of 7th Ave & McDowell will have a Smashburger, Ace Hardware, and the Pita Jungle that was supposed to go into Gold Spot.

You already dont have much credibility. Where did you hear that?

dtnphx Nov 17, 2009 5:35 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4562731)
So the SE Corner of 7th Ave & McDowell will have a Smashburger, Ace Hardware, and the Pita Jungle that was supposed to go into Gold Spot.

That's great news. When is this supposed to happen?

glynnjamin Nov 17, 2009 7:32 PM

What did I do to lose credibility? Quote Ben Bethel? While you may not like him, he does know some people and is in with a lot of the downtown crowd. I won't believe a target is coming until I'm standing at the checkout stand but that doesn't mean he has no credibility.

As far as where I heard it, I called today to inquire about available space and the lease terms and he quoted me at $24/sqft which I said was way too high for a that space. Then he said they had Smashburger, Ace, and Pita Jungle going in so it would become a high-traffic area.

Vicelord John Nov 17, 2009 7:54 PM

Usually in commercial real estate, when people start naming lesees to potential tenants, i want to raise the bs flag.

glynnjamin Nov 17, 2009 8:07 PM

What does that have to do with my credibility?

In any event, Smashburger has confirmed that they are going there. Hell, their logo is on the damn sign. It was over a year ago that someone on here said Pita Jungle was going into Gold Spot and that still hasn't happened. It wouldn't surprise me to see them move up the street but I'm not really sure why they would. As far as an Ace goes - downtown needs a hardware store, just wish it was more in town.

The only other piece of information I got from him was that the refurb project would start in January and should be finished by "summer". If the antique place is out by December, maybe there is some truth.

Im just passing the info along.

dtnphx Nov 17, 2009 9:21 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4563165)
What does that have to do with my credibility?

In any event, Smashburger has confirmed that they are going there. Hell, their logo is on the damn sign. It was over a year ago that someone on here said Pita Jungle was going into Gold Spot and that still hasn't happened. It wouldn't surprise me to see them move up the street but I'm not really sure why they would. As far as an Ace goes - downtown needs a hardware store, just wish it was more in town.

The only other piece of information I got from him was that the refurb project would start in January and should be finished by "summer". If the antique place is out by December, maybe there is some truth.

Im just passing the info along.

And thank you for doing so, glynnjamin. Rumors and people passing along info sometimes is dead on and part of forums like this. Don't get sucked into him questioning you or your credability. He questions everybody because he's a pain in the ass. He thinks being contrary to everyone makes him cool. It just makes him a dick.

gymratmanaz Nov 17, 2009 9:29 PM

Here is a scoop. I was told by the architect of OCPE that the lower floors of OCPE will have a boutique hotel, with the upper floors having offices.

plinko Nov 17, 2009 9:36 PM

Not a bad idea, the only thing making it complicated would be the elevators (depending on how they are divided up) and possibly the parking ratios.

*cue John talking about how there aren't any hotel operators looking at downtown hotels in Phoenix right now*

HX_Guy Nov 17, 2009 9:51 PM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 4563312)
Here is a scoop. I was told by the architect of OCPE that the lower floors of OCPE will have a boutique hotel, with the upper floors having offices.

Hmm maybe that's what my source over at RED meant by a hotel
going in on that block and I understood
it as another tower on that block. Maybe we'll find
something out tonight.

HooverDam Nov 17, 2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 4563312)
Here is a scoop. I was told by the architect of OCPE that the lower floors of OCPE will have a boutique hotel, with the upper floors having offices.

Wow that would be kinda disappointing. Additional to the issues Plinko raised would be the lobby space, an office building lobby and a hotel lobby and very different type of spaces. Plus it would likely mean reduced ground floor retail. Plus OCPE just doesnt look or feel like a hotel...I really hope its the current surface lot becoming a hotel like we all thought.

gymratmanaz Nov 17, 2009 11:33 PM

See you in a few HX. I am heading for light rail now..... Call me in a bit.

bwonger06 Nov 18, 2009 2:54 AM

Sounds like BS on the hotel + office combo at OCPE unless we are talking about 7+ years down the road. The downtown office market is already saturated, (empty OCPE, CityScape not full, and Luhrs is still completely empty even though its been on the market for over a year).

gymratmanaz Nov 18, 2009 4:25 AM

bwonger06. I don't even know where to begin with your last statement.

HX_Guy Nov 18, 2009 5:43 AM


Originally Posted by bwonger06 (Post 4563931)
Sounds like BS on the hotel + office combo at OCPE unless we are talking about 7+ years down the road. The downtown office market is already saturated, (empty OCPE, CityScape not full, and Luhrs is still completely empty even though its been on the market for over a year).

How do you expect Cityscape to be full when it's still 6 months from being move-in ready? They are 74% pre-leased and it's not even done being don't think that's pretty damn successful?

bwonger06 Nov 18, 2009 8:43 AM

If you count Wachovia's huge lease (which is on the market right now up for lease) it might be 75% full. CS is really successful in this economy, but it is not the only project out there and should not be an indication of the market, although Gordon says it is over 70% lease.

No bank is going to finance a commercial project for the next two years... period. 7 years was a stretch, but realistically five years is the consensus by any broker in the valley. Look at all the A+ commercial space out there (rent is $30/Sq Ft+) on the market.

New washington & 44th street development: three small tenants. FirstSolar building three tenants. Tempe Gateway: completely empty. Hayden Ferry I & II one of the buildings is only half leased while the other is 70%. Luhrs (over 140,000 sq ft of office space) completely empty. OCPE, so far still completely empty. Ryan Companies Cammelback (185,000 sq ft) not completed but empty. Esplanade (80% filled, considered low for esplanades standards).

Any new development downtown would be competing directly against these properties and until we start seeing these places filling up, we are not going to see a commercial development unless the company wants to go bankrupt. And it also not like occupancy is going to magically go up.


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 4564162)
bwonger06. I don't even know where to begin with your last statement.

Do you know something that I do not know?

Don B. Nov 18, 2009 4:31 PM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 4563306)
And thank you for doing so, glynnjamin. Rumors and people passing along info sometimes is dead on and part of forums like this. Don't get sucked into him questioning you or your credability. He questions everybody because he's a pain in the ass. He thinks being contrary to everyone makes him cool. It just makes him a dick.


In other news, Phoenix's growth engine has been silenced (news media claiming zero pop growth since 2007; which I still call as BS...I think we are declining). The question is, for how long?


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