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Busy Bee Jan 5, 2018 4:09 PM

^You sound pretty ignorant. I take it you watch a lot of Fox News?

mrnyc Jan 5, 2018 4:51 PM

yeah, complaining and doing nothing is not an answer.

ignoring the problem and running the trains until the tunnels collapse on somebody is not either.

unless he means as he suggested, just get rid of amtrak? surely he is not that off the rails?

M II A II R II K Jan 5, 2018 4:57 PM

Don’t suppose it could go elevated on a new bridge and throw in a few car lanes for good measure.

mrnyc Jan 5, 2018 5:21 PM


Originally Posted by M II A II R II K (Post 8037408)
Don’t suppose it could go elevated on a new bridge and throw in a few car lanes for good measure.

for one thing i dont think oxford, which i assume you know is canadian, and brookfield, which has a hand in canada, much less related, would all be too happy about that change in plans given what they all have invested in the hudson yards approach.

yankeesfan1000 Jan 5, 2018 5:53 PM


Originally Posted by M II A II R II K (Post 8037408)
Don’t suppose it could go elevated on a new bridge and throw in a few car lanes for good measure.

Doubtful. Related's first phase of the HY is right on top of where Gateway will hopefully eventually run, so a box tunnel was engineered and built, before Related built the canopy above it that the current skyscrapers sit on, you can see it here on Google Earth. It was engineered on the assumption Gateway would be built as tunnels.

If it became clear the Feds didn't want to fund this at all, even via loans, and the current tunnels could literally not wait any longer, than I'm sure it could happen, but the whole project on the NYC and NJ side would have to be re engineered. It would be a mess.

BrownTown Jan 6, 2018 2:39 AM


Originally Posted by M II A II R II K (Post 8037408)
Don’t suppose it could go elevated on a new bridge and throw in a few car lanes for good measure.

The tunnels don't just go under the Hudson, they go under Jersey City as well. You couldn't build it at grade without also knocking down like 20 blocks of buildings.

mrnyc Jan 8, 2018 11:24 PM

good news for your lungs -- 10 new all electric busses join the fleet.

they will run in manhattan.

MTA’s all-electric bus pilot rolls out to B32, M42 and M50 routes

By Vincent Barone January 8, 2018

The MTA has begun a three-year pilot of 10 all-electric buses in an attempt to reduce emissions from its current fleet, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday.

...The MTA has about 5,800 buses in its entire fleet, according to the MTA. Of those, roughly 3,400 buses run on ultra-low-sulfur diesel, while about 1,700 buses are hybrids and another 700 run on compressed natural gas, or CNG...


yankeesfan1000 Jan 9, 2018 1:35 AM

Another segment in the NYTimes running MTA series, New York Leaders Are Failing Its Subway Riders.

Anyone but Cuomo for Governor.

Busy Bee Jan 9, 2018 1:59 AM

I'm excited about the electric bus news, but damn those Proterra buses sure are ugly and the New Flyer's aren't much better. Why can't we get some slick MAN or Benz styling up in NY huh?

canucklehead2 Jan 9, 2018 2:14 AM

Meanwhile in China, 16,359 electric buses later...

Busy Bee Jan 9, 2018 2:39 AM

^Yeah I saw that. Unreal

chris08876 Jan 9, 2018 3:12 AM

Read on Bloomberg that China has 116k as of last year (2016 as article is from Dec 8 2017) electric buses.

When they say they are trying to reduce pollution, they mean it.

I do like how they jail poor performing leaders. We need some of that here. Jail some of the incompetent MTA and Port Authority folks who are too busy lining their pockets. They should start jailing politicians too. Make them actually work for the people. A corruption sweep is definitely much needed in the U.S..

Corruption and ill-management plays a big role in costs and we the people suffer for it.

Its insanity that a subway extension could take decades. Rail expansion same thing. This is too long and self-defeating.

Busy Bee Jan 9, 2018 4:23 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8040501)
They should start jailing politicians too.

Couldn't agree more;)

yankeesfan1000 Jan 9, 2018 3:58 PM


Originally Posted by Busy Bee (Post 8040574)
Couldn't agree more;)

At the very least, all public officials should be required to take mass transit for all travel, outside of life threatening situations. Politicians don't like it? Then fix it.

Busy Bee Jan 9, 2018 4:10 PM

I guess my winkmoji wasn't winky enough

chris08876 Jan 9, 2018 4:10 PM

All it would take is a ride on NJ Transit and then transfer to the PATH and take that to WTC during Rush Hour. Afterwords, take a site walk to Penn (MSG). If the crowds and dysfunction don't wake them up, nothing will.

Really on any given day, Penn is a nightmare.

yankeesfan1000 Jan 9, 2018 5:11 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8040842)
All it would take is a ride on NJ Transit and then transfer to the PATH and take that to WTC during Rush Hour. Afterwords, take a site walk to Penn (MSG). If the crowds and dysfunction don't wake them up, nothing will.

Really on any given day, Penn is a nightmare.

Pick a number out of a hat, and there's a 50% chance that line will be delayed on that day.

In related news, my 20 minute commute this morning took more than an hour, and now the lobby of my office building is full of smoke because the subway is literally on fire at Rockefeller Center. It's like an SNL sketch at this point.

M II A II R II K Jan 11, 2018 7:02 PM

Gov. Cuomo wants a subway in Red Hook



- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) to study options that would bring a subway to the Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood. Gov. Cuomo said Red Hook is full of untapped potential and asked PANYNJ to consider relocating maritime activities that would free up the waterfront for community use. The governor suggested relocating Red Hook Container Terminal activities to the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal.


mrnyc Jan 13, 2018 5:29 AM

untapped potential is right. untapped potential to flood. the light rail plan is good enough. if that ever see the light of day that is, who knows? there are a lot more important new subway routes to fund, starting with 2nd avenue.

chris08876 Jan 19, 2018 12:31 AM

I was thinking about this driving around today near Corona Queens (Roosevelt Avenue) that the city really should put blinking lights near the pillars of the elevated track that cut a portion of the road and forces a sudden and hard merge. Its damn dangerous with some of those pillars. Especially the ones that cut the lane in half with those criss-crossed streets.

But some sort of blinking sign with arrows would help. At least get some awareness because if one is not paying attention, its not going to end well.


Originally Posted by yankeesfan1000 (Post 8040908)
Pick a number out of a hat, and there's a 50% chance that line will be delayed on that day.

In related news, my 20 minute commute this morning took more than an hour, and now the lobby of my office building is full of smoke because the subway is literally on fire at Rockefeller Center. It's like an SNL sketch at this point.

Yeah I've learned never to anticipate a delay free day. Sometimes some days will be great, but others just come out of the blue. One day the Belt Parkway will be moving great, and 5 miles will take 5 minutes to traverse, other times, those 5 miles take an hour. Likewise with trains and every other clogged highway. Being late is guaranteed.

I wonder how much lost productivity is wiped out from employees being late to traffic or apocalyptic transit delays. I'd be curious to see one that measures it in hours or even better, dollar value for 2017.

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