Originally Posted by the urban politician
(Post 4637077)
^ The CTA has already done this.
It was posted a page or two back.
We'll see how far it goes. As long as we have Aldermanic Prerogative, though, that throws a wrench in the situation
^ Well, I can't find where it was posted. Spyguy posted it somewhere about a week or two ago.
The RTA is studying TOD, though. Here's a tidbit:
2010 Program of Projects
The RTA Board approved the following projects on October 15, 2009. The RTA Board will consider approval of funding for these projects at the December 17, 2009 Board of Directors meeting.
Projects are anticipated to begin by March 2010. For specific details and updates about each project please visit the
Regional Transportation Asset Management System (RTAMS).
Applicant Project Title and Description
City of Chicago Washington Park 63rd Street Corridor TOD Study - This project will create a transit-oriented development (TOD) plan for the 63rd Street Corridor in Chicago’s Washington Park Neighborhood between St. Lawrence Avenue on the East and Stewart Avenue on the West. Tasks include the creation of land use development concepts, design guidelines, and implementation strategies for TOD along the corridor. Planning for TOD along the corridor can help maximize the existing transit investments within the neighborhood, including CTA bus routes(Route 63, which ranks ninth in overall bus ridership for the CTA) and rail services (63rd Street Red Line Station and the King Drive Green Line Station). The plan will serve as a guide to enhance development, increase transit ridership and expand housing and economic development opportunities in the neighborhood.
Village of Clarendon Hills Train Station Redevelopment Phase I Implementation - This project will create an implementation plan for advancing the redevelopment of Clarendon Hills’ Metra Station area. The Village completed a transit-oriented development study for their Metra Station area in 2006; this project will further refine the recommendations from that study and develop a detailed blueprint for implementation. The study will consist of a detailed implementation plan for the train station and the adjacent properties, focusing on land acquisition and development costs of three specific sites and an analysis of parking and transportation issues around the station.
City of Geneva Geneva Downtown / Station Area Master Plan - This project will create a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the existing Metra station within the City. The plan will focus on the expansion of retail development, increasing housing diversity, mixed-use development, assessing the need for parking expansion, and improving access to and around the station. This project will also aid in determining how to reassign commuter parking areas that will be lost due to a track expansion by Metra. The project will consist of an existing conditions report, market analysis, concept plans, parking and circulation guide, design guidelines and implementation recommendations.
Village of Lombard Village of Lombard Downtown Plan - This project will create a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the existing Metra station within the Village. The plan will focus on improving pedestrian and bicycle safety and access, improving access to transit facilities and expanding residential, commercial and mixed-use development near the station. Study tasks include community outreach, and residential and commercial market analysis, land use and development concepts, an access and circulation plan and implementation strategies. The study will include access considerations associated with the Innovation, Coordination and Enhancement (ICE) funded circulator route.
Village of Skokie Skokie Dempster Station Area Plan - This project will create a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the future relocated and elevated Skokie-Dempster Station on the CTA Yellow Line. The CTA is currently conducting an Alternatives Analysis to extend the Yellow Line from the current terminus at Skokie-Dempster to Old Orchard Road. If the line is extended, the existing Skokie-Dempster Station will be elevated near its current location. The new elevation presents an opportunity to improve circulation around the station where the at-grade tracks and station currently act as a physical barrier limiting development. The goal of the project is to create a circulation plan, a corresponding market study, and land use analysis for the Skokie-Dempster Station area.
Village of South Elgin Village of South Elgin Transit Improvement Plan - This project will create a transit improvement study for the Village of South Elgin. This project will identify transit needs and opportunities within the Village in response to recent population growth and development. The project will identify potential improvements to the existing Pace Route #801 as well as provide recommendations for potential community-based transit service. Tasks include an analysis of current travel patterns, a mobility needs assessment, development of service recommendations and implementation strategies.