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aaron38 Jan 10, 2008 2:50 PM

In other news with Springfield gridocked:

EJ&E railway plan met with protests

Barrington is up in arms it seems. And this is moving past NIMBYism. Rep. Don Manzullo objected, as did my Congresswoman, Mellissa Bean, who is from Barrington. The big guns are getting involved.

But this line from the article was telling:
CN intends to move freight trains from some of its more congested lines to the EJ&E. Overall, the changes mean 34 towns will see more freights and 80 will see fewer.

But the communities this benefits aren't the rich exurb sprawl communities, so it's not going to matter that this is an overall good for the region.

the urban politician Jan 10, 2008 3:13 PM

^ What's the best cure against NIMBIES? A taste of their own medicine. Bwahahahahahahaaa!!!

Railway deal opens up debate on noise, traffic
Switching tracks to skirt Chicago irks some suburbs
By Richard Wronski, Tribune staff reporter. Freelance reporter Robert Channick contributed to this report
January 10, 2008
The proposed sale of a short-line railroad whose tracks arc around the Chicago area, from Waukegan to Gary, threatens to pit suburb against suburb in a battle over noisy and congestive freight train traffic.

On one side of the tracks, so to speak, are those who bitterly oppose the purchase, fearing it will bring more trains, noise and blocked grade crossings to their communities. On the other are those who see welcome relief from the never-ending line of freight cars that already tie up vehicle traffic in their towns.

MayorOfChicago Jan 10, 2008 3:38 PM


Originally Posted by aaron38 (Post 3270007)
The article also mentions the posibility of extending the line to Iowa City. That makes the most sense of all. Lots of Chicagoland kids go to college at the University of Iowa

I'm from Iowa City - it would be awesome if they started rail service for me to go back home!

It' almost disturbing how many people from the Chicago area are in Iowa City. I actually see people in Iowa City walking around with shirts that say "Welcome to Iowa City, the westernmost suburb of Chicago". As it stands now around 11,000 students at Iowa (34%) come from Chicagoland. There have also been many thousands of people from the inner city of Chicago that have moved to Iowa City during the past 5 years, because of all the public housing in Chicago being torn down. The local paper said during an 8 month period of 2007, over 300 new students from the city of Chicago started going to school in Iowa City. As of 2008 school year, around 8% of the students in the local school district are from the city of Chicago. In 2000 that number was 0%.

I think they could get a very high ridership between the thousands of Iowans who moved to Chicago after college, the college students from Chicago going to school in Iowa City, and the new transplants who might opt for a cheaper train ride than driving cars back and forth to Chicago.

MayorOfChicago Jan 10, 2008 3:45 PM

So do you think they'll actually fix this by Jan. 20th? I just can't imgaine them actually going through with the cuts, the city would go into chaos. I know I wouldn't be able to get to work without the #11 Lincoln, the #76 Diversey, and having the Diversey brown line shut down.

I'd have to walk 20 minutes to Fullerton, and then fail to board any of the horribly overcrowded trains that come through there. Hell, I normally have to wait through 4 of them as it is....yesterday the platform was so crowded I sat for 4-5 minutes before even getting up the stairs, let alone on a train.

pip Jan 10, 2008 4:13 PM

I am confident that a transit funding bill will be passed at some point.

I don't understand how downstate thinks is is a Chicago power grab. The sales tax increase would have been for Chicago and its suburbs. It would have in no way effected downstate. But yet they voted against it. I am getting tired of them.

jpIllInoIs Jan 10, 2008 5:08 PM


Originally Posted by pip (Post 3272769)
I am confident that a transit funding bill will be passed at some point.

I don't understand how downstate thinks is is a Chicago power grab. The sales tax increase would have been for Chicago and its suburbs. It would have in no way effected downstate. But yet they voted against it. I am getting tired of them.

Downstate Politicos know this is not a power grab, but it makes good local headlines. "Joe Schmoe Senator from Crabapple Cove stands up to Chicago Machine..and delivers local highway funds".. Meanwhile he is well aware that he suckles at the teat of Chicago...why do you think Madigan has the entire state under his thumb. These locals can not get squat without Madigan. This entire fiasco is a standoff between Madigan and Blago.

aaron38 Jan 10, 2008 7:02 PM


Originally Posted by jpIllInoIs (Post 3272857)
Downstate Politicos know this is not a power grab, but it makes good local headlines. "Joe Schmoe Senator from Crabapple Cove stands up to Chicago Machine..and delivers local highway funds"..

Yep, that is exactly what's going on. Everyone knows the bill MUST pass. Therefore, everyone's vote is in high demand, and high demand brings high prices.

Everyone in Springfield wants their share of the bacon to bring home for the re-election effort. They especially don't want to be the only one without bacon, when everyone else is getting some.

One Senator's holding out for a bigger bribe.

pip Jan 10, 2008 7:45 PM

so would these down state senators vote for a sales tax increase on the whole State or is on on the shoulders of metro Chicago?

The latest proposal, the tax increase, was for metro Chicago only.

Dr. Taco Jan 10, 2008 8:02 PM


Originally Posted by jpIllInoIs (Post 3272593)
Yeah Tom Cross (R) is Dennis Hasterts sock puppet FWB. What he means by "Illinois other transportation needs" is the Prairie Parkway freeway.

If you really want to get sick check out the IDOT web page for project planning;

There is a plan for a 4 lane highway connecting Peoria to Macomb (pop. 18,000) A 60 mile- $640 millino dollar project.

Or the "Gateway Connector" project. Which is bassically a 3rd ring road FREEWAY around the Illinois side of the the St.Louis metro. Meanwhile Chicago still does not have a completed 2nd ring and ours are tollways.

But the best is the 209.5 mile route that would eventually link Davenport,IA to Alton,IL by a four lane freeway. Est cost $1.295 billion not including the 58 mile section between Jacksonville and Alton.

I would love to see them complete those projects with Zero dollars from the Chicago 6-7 county region.


j korzeniowski Jan 10, 2008 8:15 PM

Lawmakers send transit funding to governor

Link, Chicago Tribune

Please, please, please call the governor's office!

(217) 782-6830

Edit: I guess it is not quite a done deal. New provision for DuPage Co. may hold it up in the House, but if they only need a simple majority, I pray it still passes. Then what Blago does is anyone's guess.

j korzeniowski Jan 10, 2008 8:32 PM


Originally Posted by j korzeniowski (Post 3273327)
Lawmakers send transit funding to governor

Link, Chicago Tribune

Please, please, please call the governor's office!

(217) 782-6830

Edit: I guess it is not quite a done deal. New provision for DuPage Co. may hold it up in the House, but if they only need a simple majority, I pray it still passes. Then what Blago does is anyone's guess.

Ok, it is with the governor! Please call (217) 782-6830!

honte Jan 10, 2008 9:01 PM


Originally Posted by jstush04 (Post 3273280)

Yeah, those figures make you really sick to your stomach.

I've just jumped off the secession bandwagon because now I've got a better idea: Move the capital to Chicago and make those porkers suffer.

Chicago3rd Jan 10, 2008 9:14 PM

So anyone think BagofAir will screw this one up? Or will he finally heal?

pip Jan 10, 2008 9:25 PM

blago won't sign it

update in the Tribune

VivaLFuego Jan 10, 2008 9:34 PM


Originally Posted by pip (Post 3273524)
blago won't sign it

update in the Tribune

O. M. G...

j korzeniowski Jan 10, 2008 9:36 PM


Originally Posted by VivaLFuego (Post 3273547)
O. M. G...

i cannot believe it. i cannot fucking believe it.

has he mentioned this before today? what the hell is this?????????????

pip Jan 10, 2008 9:39 PM

he sucks, there is no other way around it. Asks law makers for this and that. They provide it then he changes the rules again and won't sign the bill. Then you got downstate to contend with.

Nowhereman1280 Jan 10, 2008 9:48 PM

That's it, I'm registering to vote in Illinois specifically so I can vote AGAINST that dumbass Blagovich...

tintinex Jan 10, 2008 9:50 PM

He's signing it...

"Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Thursday he'll sign a measure increasing Chicago-area sales taxes to pay for metropolitan mass transit systems sent to him by the state Legislature"

pip Jan 10, 2008 10:00 PM

no he isn't until his provisions are met.

The link is from an AM Radio Station that was last updated before the gov refused to sign the bill.

The Tribune is up to dat.

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