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diskojoe Jul 1, 2011 8:35 PM


Originally Posted by mr.John (Post 5334701)
could be some joker messing with you, click on any photo (not one of yours) then tap f5 for about a minute, and presto the photo has 300-500 views, and of course if your account is about to expire views mysteriously start spiking

The flickrati are out to get you :notacrook:

ThatDarnSacramentan Jul 1, 2011 9:33 PM


Originally Posted by diskojoe (Post 5334936)
The flickrati are out to get you :notacrook:

Or, in my case, the Brits: over 90% of all the hits are from :shrug:

photoLith Jul 2, 2011 12:59 AM

Than they took your picture and posted it on some website.

ThatDarnSacramentan Jul 2, 2011 2:48 AM


Originally Posted by photolitherland (Post 5335126)
Than they took your picture and posted it on some website.

I've discovered the cause: Bing has the photo as its 7th result for some online game of the same name as the title of the image, so my assumption would be people might be clicking on it thinking it's photos of the game.

diskojoe Jul 5, 2011 8:46 PM

lol :haha:

Ramsayfarian Jul 11, 2011 5:08 AM

Has anyone here checked out 500px yet? Great article about it here:

diskojoe Jul 11, 2011 4:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsayfarian (Post 5343511)
Has anyone here checked out 500px yet? Great article about it here:

interesting but yet one more place I have to spam my crap. Thanks for the tip.

bulliver Jul 12, 2011 2:36 AM

Meh, looks like a mutant stepchild of flickr and facebook. Also, that article has some glaring errors/untruths in it:

"Most images on Flickr fall under Creative Commons, so the site is a free for all to spread beautiful images around the world without paying attention to copyright"

Wrong. By default all images uploaded to flickr are All Rights Reserved and will remain so unless changed by the user. Also, Creative Commons _is_ a copyright, it is just a very permissive one. It does not mean that all and sundry can use the shots for whatever they want.

Ramsayfarian Jul 12, 2011 2:49 AM


Originally Posted by bulliver (Post 5344465)
Meh, looks like a mutant stepchild of flickr and facebook. Also, that article has some glaring errors/untruths in it:

"Most images on Flickr fall under Creative Commons, so the site is a free for all to spread beautiful images around the world without paying attention to copyright"

Wrong. By default all images uploaded to flickr are All Rights Reserved and will remain so unless changed by the user. Also, Creative Commons _is_ a copyright, it is just a very permissive one. It does not mean that all and sundry can use the shots for whatever they want.

I've been trying it out for just over a week now and really like it. The part I really like is so far I've yet to see one of those annoying html badges in a comment. That and there's some really good photographers one there. Based on this first week, I can see me letting my flickr account lapse when it comes up for renewal.

bulliver Jul 12, 2011 3:36 AM

Ha ha, yeah, those glittering group invites and crap make me crazy.

bulliver Jul 12, 2011 3:40 AM

Oh, and forgot what I was originally going to write...a large part of why I use flickr, and indeed, the original reason I created a flickr account was to host pics to post here. How is 500px for that? I can see running into issues with the 20 photos per week limit, and also the fact that this place seems to want to be 'artsy'. I don't think my construction updates would do well there :)

Witty Nickname Jul 12, 2011 4:17 AM


Originally Posted by bulliver (Post 5344513)
Ha ha, yeah, those glittering group invites and crap make me crazy.

I delete all those cheesy or post 1 comment 100 invites too

I sometimes go so far as to block the users who happen to invite me more than once to those lame groups.

Ramsayfarian Jul 12, 2011 4:38 AM


Originally Posted by bulliver (Post 5344517)
Oh, and forgot what I was originally going to write...a large part of why I use flickr, and indeed, the original reason I created a flickr account was to host pics to post here. How is 500px for that? I can see running into issues with the 20 photos per week limit, and also the fact that this place seems to want to be 'artsy'. I don't think my construction updates would do well there :)

I'm not sure where the 20 photos per week is came from. Maybe when the first started as I've uploaded more than that in one night.

You'd probably be wasting bandwidth with construction pics. I'm planning on continuing to use either flickr or Picasa for those types of shots.

I'll be treating 500px as an online portfolio and only post what I think are my best shots. As I mentioned before, their's some amazing photographers there. If that makes it "Artsy" so be it, I'm there to view some incredible photos and hopefully learn something.

I think this site shows a lot of innovation and I think that continue to happen.
I follow one of founders on Twitter, and he's on google+ and he actually responds personally to user's questions and requests. That's not going to happen forever, but for now it's pretty awesome.

diskojoe Jul 12, 2011 6:47 PM


Originally Posted by bulliver (Post 5344517)
Oh, and forgot what I was originally going to write...a large part of why I use flickr, and indeed, the original reason I created a flickr account was to host pics to post here. How is 500px for that? I can see running into issues with the 20 photos per week limit, and also the fact that this place seems to want to be 'artsy'. I don't think my construction updates would do well there :)

You may post a lot of construction stuff but you my friend are a true artist at heart and have some really amazing works of art. Dont sell yourself short.

entheosfog Jul 13, 2011 7:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ramsayfarian (Post 5344567)
I'll be treating 500px as an online portfolio and only post what I think are my best shots. As I mentioned before, their's some amazing photographers there. If that makes it "Artsy" so be it, I'm there to view some incredible photos and hopefully learn something.

Because of this very thread I found out about the site and I'm going to give it a go and use it just for my best pictures. I like the 20 per week limit so I'll be a bit choosy on what I post. Unlike flickr where I put much of what I take, good or meh.

diskojoe Jul 13, 2011 3:18 PM

500px is down, lol. I think we crashed it but uploading to much whoop ass. :haha:

Ramsayfarian Jul 13, 2011 5:14 PM


Originally Posted by entheosfog (Post 5345842)
Because of this very thread I found out about the site and I'm going to give it a go and use it just for my best pictures. I like the 20 per week limit so I'll be a bit choosy on what I post. Unlike flickr where I put much of what I take, good or meh.

I've yet to run into the 20 a week limit, but I like the idea of only uploading your best. I'll see if I can find your account.

diskojoe Jul 13, 2011 5:47 PM

Mine is diskojoe. surprise right?

ThatDarnSacramentan Jul 13, 2011 7:01 PM

I don't think I'd do well with this service. I'd never be able to pick my 20 best shots.

Ramsayfarian Jul 13, 2011 7:22 PM


Originally Posted by diskojoe (Post 5346045)
500px is down, lol. I think we crashed it but uploading to much whoop ass. :haha:

Shitty time fore this to happen. Just when they really started to get noticed. Check out google+ for all the updates.

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