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rick m Nov 1, 2012 9:57 PM


Originally Posted by austlar1 (Post 5886743)
I have no idea what the building was used for when first built, but by the early 1970s it was being used as a furniture factory for Phyllis Morris. The furniture was a kind of high end baroque fantasy usually involving lots of carved blond wood. They also produced some astoundingly gaudy floor and table lamps. I think the company is still in business and being run by the founder's daughter. The first gay bar in there only took up part of the space, if memory serves me correctly. It often does not.

Here is a link to the current Phyllis Morris website. Looks like their current showroom is still there next door on N. Robertson.

That 1st bar was The Factory -- later to be Studio One. And during WW2 was a munitions factory - and covered with plenty of foliage camafloge during the airwar scare with the Pacific threat of Japanese bombers ---

malumot Nov 2, 2012 3:01 AM

I'm no huge fan of AMTRAK, but you guys are on drugs.

My mother took the Southwest Chief just this past summer.

LA - Chicago. 43 hours.

True, it IS sad that it was faster 70 years ago.....,0.pdf


Originally Posted by rcarlton (Post 5886507)
Today: 69 hours 16 minutes!:shrug:

Those Who Squirm! Nov 2, 2012 3:32 AM

According to this landmark assessment report by the City of Santa Monica, the house dates back only to 1920 and was built by one John Myers, who specialized in the Spanish Colonial Revival style. Who knew there was such a thing? I don't mean that the region wasn't literally breaking out in "Spanish" style houses, because obviously it was. But I've never seen one that so closely emulated the actual adobe houses from the colonial period.

While the build date given for this site is obviously wrong, I don't think it means that the build dates generally are unreliable; in the case of L.A. County the build dates from appear to come from the actual database of the County Assessor's office. I imagine it's mostly accurate in general, although people who have to compile enormous masses of such data are bound to slip up here and there. If you search out buildings for the years in the later 19th Century and then look at them at them with Google SV, the structures seem to be typical of the years given, and the years themselves seem reasonable given the neighborhoods in question.


Originally Posted by rentatrip (Post 5887239)
FYI, many of the houses have info which is in error- I looked up the house I lived in (Hawthorne CA) It says it was from the early 50's, however the current home was built in 1993 after the old 50's building was totally demolished, but the info on the data search does not have any specifics about the demolition in 1991, Just be advised , the 1840 house , is probably long gone , where as the title deed for the property goes back as far as 1840, Many of these entries are added by small brained part time real estate hacks without any background in legal documentation and the data is not a final legal binder.

MichaelRyerson Nov 2, 2012 1:15 PM
Lovely Ladies of the Airlines, 1951


Chuckaluck Nov 2, 2012 2:34 PM


Originally Posted by KevinW (Post 5879753)
So for the last month, I've been working at a company in the Helms Bakery building.
Alan Weeks Collection

After years of watching dough rise, the Helmsman yearned for the sea.


"On October 6, 1971, [the statue] was generously donated to the Marina by the Helms family. In 1975, through the generosity of the Marina's Yacht clubs it was provided with a new helm."

unihikid Nov 2, 2012 5:03 PM

So i was going through my grandmothers trunk.she didnt toss anything away!So ive told you all she worked for the Candys who owned the Bullocks/I.Magnin stores.Well during the early 60s granny got in a few accidents on the way to work at their beach house.In every accident she kept a record of the whole thing,the police cards and even the auto repair cards which look mint.anyways heres one,please forgive the scan.


photos by me

unihikid Nov 2, 2012 5:08 PM

another thing i found was her paper work for her 1954 pontiac,she bought it in 1955,notice the name of the dealership and post mark.the site is now the convention center,but its cool that it was once home to "the worlds largest pontiac dealership"


unihikid Nov 2, 2012 5:21 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5883102)
Found on ebay. Wilshire Boulevard winding through Westlake (MacArthur) Park.

There are quite a few noteworthy buildings in this panoramic scene...from the art deco tower of Bullocks Wilshire at far left to the magnificent
Elks Club Building at far right.

Built in 1925 by the Elks to be used as lodge number 99. The building, in Neo-Gothic style, was created by renowned
architect Claud Beelman. The pool area hosted many indoor swimming events during the 1932 Olympics.

Today, the building survives as the Park Plaza Hotel.
google street view

so like in 08 i decided to go into the hotel,i was asked to leave but the docent was nice enough to let me take pictures,whats funny is that my goal was to go to the westlake since they were about to restore it(and havent yet)anyways heres a few pics taken with my phone.I walked from pico and fairfax,to coles deli just taking pictures of old la,it was a nice day and boy was i tired afterwards.





Chuckaluck Nov 2, 2012 6:14 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5877741)

If they ever decide to remake 'The Day of the Locust' they don't have to look any farther than 1125 California Street in Glendale. (see below)
google street view

Guessing there were many "fastest" growing cities.

No doubt Glendale's population surged per the '30 Census. Where the celebratory photos were taken is unknown.

Undated photo, Brand Blvd. and Wilson Ave. (Probably early '30s - a time D.Sutherland's character, Homer Simpson, knew well.) Bowling and Billiards across from the Central Hotel! Move there before all parking spaces are taken!

KevinW Nov 2, 2012 7:42 PM
USC Digital

After our conversation about the Arcadia awhile back, my eyes caught these great reverse angle shots obviously taken from the hotel:

First, in the 1880's:

Then at the turn of the Century:

The train tracks essentially follow the route of the 10 Freeway. Very Cool.

KevinW Nov 2, 2012 10:50 PM

There is a number of things I've noticed about these two pictures and the intervening ten or fifteen years between them.

First, in the 1880's:

The first thing I noticed is the remodel of the house in the right hand foreground. The attic windows with Gables. The completely redone roof. The removal of the second story porch. Then looking over the house I notice they've built some kind of racetrack complete with grandstand. And what about the elevated railway over there north of the train tracks in the 1880's shot? What happened to that? It's gone ten years later. Also, in the 1900 photo, what's that bridge there in the background on the right hand side? I'd love to compare this with maps of the era. How about the confusing trees? If you go by the foreground trees, the only ones to age properly are the deciduous ones on the right hand side. All the palms are the same size and the trees on the left are actually smaller. One last thing, the fact that both shots are car free and instead sport horse drawn carriages. Our fair city is older than it currently seems...[/QUOTE]

ethereal_reality Nov 2, 2012 11:14 PM

:previous: Great photographs and commentary KevinW.

Interior view of the 3,000 seat Venice Auditorium in 1907.

I found this exterior view of the auditorium tonight on ebay.


below: At first, I thought this was the Saltair Pavilion on the Great Salt Lake in Utah...then I noticed
the border with L.A. Bears and an images of the coliseum.
old cd of mine/porbably ebay

I'm not entirely sure which pier this would have been. I still get them confused.

below: Here is a wonderful snapshot of fireworks over Venice CA in 1929.
(ocean left....canal right)

Can anyone figure out the vantage point of this photo?

ethereal_reality Nov 2, 2012 11:19 PM
found on an old cd of mine

below: Site of the convention...the Hotel Hayward.


ethereal_reality Nov 2, 2012 11:30 PM

.......more Hayward.
Eric Richardson.
Ernesto D. Arias.

The green neon leads me back to one of my favorite movies.....

Anyone? :)

KevinW Nov 2, 2012 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5888823)
below: Here is a wonderful snapshot of fireworks over Venice CA in 1929.
(ocean left....canal right)

Can anyone figure out the vantage point of this photo?

My guess is it's taken from the Bluffs in Playa Del Rey right at the end of Jefferson/Culver Blvds at the beach.

ethereal_reality Nov 3, 2012 12:21 AM

My guess was Playa Del Rey as well but I wasn't sure. I thought it might be too far south.

I need to get out a map.

Mayor Shaw Nov 3, 2012 3:00 AM

Happenings at the Hotel Hayward
The Hotel Hayward was mentioned in these articles which ran in the Los Angeles Herald circa 1910.

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Articles and image from Los Angeles Herald, cndc

ethereal_reality Nov 3, 2012 3:04 AM

:previous: Interesting Mayor Shaw. Think how many 'secrets' there are in each and every hotel in Los Angeles.

ethereal_reality Nov 3, 2012 3:23 AM


Originally Posted by rick m (Post 5887453)
During WW2, the Studio One space was a munitions factory - and covered with plenty of foliage camafloge during the airwar scare with the Pacific threat of Japanese bombers ---

Interesting information rick m. A munitions factory, in of all places, 'Beverly Hills Adjacent' (WEHO before WEHO was WEHO :))
I heard this story years ago, but didn't think much of it until your post.

Let's keep digging. I think you're onto something.

ethereal_reality Nov 3, 2012 4:03 AM

Curtained trolley car at Pico and Main...1880s.

below: Detail showing Spring Street and First 'something' above the curtains.


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