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ethereal_reality Jan 13, 2012 1:44 AM

Excellent Lila Leeds & Robert Mitchum post 3940dxer!! I love that you made the effort to find & document the 'pot shack'.

I have a couple of photos to add.

below: Lila Leeds and Robert Mitchum receiving the verdict.
Hollywood Babylon

below: Robert Mitchum being released from jail.
Hollywood Babylon

Who in their right mind wouldn't smoke pot with Lila Leeds?


3940dxer Jan 13, 2012 1:55 AM

Thanks for the photo adds, e_r!

I have a barely related question, but this is something I've observed many times in this thread...

Mitchum's necktie in the second photo is quite short by today's standards and looks silly to me, but apparently that was the norm for quite a while. Was that the standard length in the past? I'm no fashionista, but as a young man I recall reading that a man's necktie should about reach the belt buckle, and that's been the standard for as long as I can remember. Can anyone comment on this?

And I totally agree about partying with Lila...Mitchum must have thought he'd gone to heaven and if I were him, I'd have done just the same if I could. Although it's easy to look back with a bit of sarcasm, I feel sorry for both of them and think they were in fact victims. Many at the time thought the bust was an orchestrated stunt, intended to send a warning to Hollywood.

BTW, finding the pot shack was confusing because many articles show the address as 8334, not 8443. I guess some dyslexic reporter got the number wrong, and then it stuck!

FredH Jan 13, 2012 4:51 AM

Here's Robert Mitchum in the sneezer:
Los Angeles Times

He deserved 30 days just for those socks!

FredH Jan 13, 2012 5:35 AM


Originally Posted by 3940dxer (Post 5548025)
Thanks for the photo adds, e_r!

I have a barely related question, but this is something I've observed many times in this thread...

Mitchum's necktie in the second photo is quite short by today's standards and looks silly to me, but apparently that was the norm for quite a while. Was that the standard length in the past? I'm no fashionista, but as a young man I recall reading that a man's necktie should about reach the belt buckle, and that's been the standard for as long as I can remember. Can anyone comment on this?

And I totally agree about partying with Lila...Mitchum must have thought he'd gone to heaven and if I were him, I'd have done just the same if I could. Although it's easy to look back with a bit of sarcasm, I feel sorry for both of them and think they were in fact victims. Many at the time thought the bust was an orchestrated stunt, intended to send a warning to Hollywood.

BTW, finding the pot shack was confusing because many articles show the address as 8334, not 8443. I guess some dyslexic reporter got the number wrong, and then it stuck!

The short ties always bother me too, but they seem to have been the norn back in the "noir" days. Here are a few more.

Bogart in The Big Sleep:
The Big Sleep, Warner Brothers

Fred MacMurray in Double Indemnity:
Double Indemnity, Paramount Pictures

Dick Powell in Murder My Sweet:
Murder My Sweet, RKO Radio Pictures

FredH Jan 13, 2012 5:42 AM


Originally Posted by Handsome Stranger (Post 5545740)
Looking east along Wilshire Blvd. from the Dominguez-Wilshire Building, 1932.
[source: USC Digital Library]

Looking east along Wilshire Blvd. from the Dominguez-Wilshire Building, 2012.
[source: Handsome Stranger]

Someone at Samsung should be shot over that sign.


3940dxer Jan 13, 2012 5:48 AM


Originally Posted by FredH (Post 5548237)
Here's Robert Mitchum in the sneezer:
Los Angeles Times

He deserved 30 days just for those socks!

Sounds like someone doesn't like...
Google Street View

scanlessfool Jan 13, 2012 7:32 AM


Originally Posted by 3940dxer (Post 5539802)
El Sereno is just east of downtown. There's a gang presence and some sections are a little iffy but it has interesting older architecture, and some areas have striking views of downtown.

Last year my wife and I did some long urban walks in El Sereno and they were quite interesting. In fact I spotted some "thens" of El Sereno on this thread, and want to revisit one or two of those spots.

El Sereno is striking for its closeness to downtown, largely unchanged (if decaying) old homes and businesses, and a surprising number of rough, unpaved roads in the hills. Just minutes away from downtown there are steep old rutted dirt roads with an odd mishmash of houses, and amazing views of L.A. from just east -- very different from the city views usually seen here.

I actually live in El Sereno and on one occasion, while driving looking for my stolen car :P, I traveled the unpaved roads in the hills and was quite surprised. I am going to see if I can contribute or at least if someone post before shots, I can go and get the afters. I do know that El Sereno was once called something different though. I can't exactly recall, but it was something-ville. It was known as a retreat destination so to say, to get away from the city, thus resulting in it's current name, El Sereno, which translates to Serenity in english.

Food for thought, in the upcoming film Gangster Squad, the production company is making it a time specific film and really going out of their way to do so. I work with the Film Office for the Department of Recreation & Parks and having dealt with them, unfortunately because they are a pain in the ass, they are removing modern things like water fountains and other miscellaneous things. In one scene, they use Ascot Hills, an area in El Sereno, that they used to represent Chavez Ravine. I saw the CGI shots of it and it came out good! I'll see if I can find scan the paperwork for you guys :)

minkykat Jan 13, 2012 3:41 PM

Just want to put out a HUGE thank you for the folks putting out the menus.
Unless one was utterly down on their luck, it was easy for most anyone to have at least one square a day, wasn't it?

Say, anyone have any grocery ads from the 1920's or rent rates from the same period?

minkykat Jan 13, 2012 3:54 PM

Taking a trip to the past!
Next weekend, Hubby and I are doing an all old LA day. I am doing much needed research for a book and will be hitting areas such as the old Powers district on Bonnie Brae, the Echo Park, (Edendale) area and other surrounding neighborhoods. Exploring this thread has gotten me all hyped up for it.:banana:

We'll be using his old 1965 "Guide to Architecture in Southern California" as a yard stick to see what has survived and what has not.

Of course no trip into the past is complete without a cemetery crawl or two. I know that he'll go to H'wood Forever, no prob but will try to drag him into Angelus Rosedale. Hey, on an early Sunday morning, it should be ok! ;)

GaylordWilshire Jan 13, 2012 5:13 PM


Originally Posted by FredH (Post 5548299)
Someone at Samsung should be shot over that sign.


I agree! It should be replaced with this one:

This Dominguez-Wilshire topper is iconic to someone who became familiar with L.A. in the '60s. But you just know that once it was said... "Someone at Mutual of Omaha should be shot over that sign."...

KevinW Jan 13, 2012 7:36 PM

I remember that sign being for Asahi beer. And wasn't it the Daily Comet building in Superman before having its top covered?

Handsome Stranger Jan 13, 2012 8:11 PM


Originally Posted by FredH (Post 5548299)
Someone at Samsung should be shot over that sign.

We had an early evening power outage along six blocks of Wilshire a few nights ago. It was oddly satisfying to see the Samsung sign darkened.
[source: Handsome Stranger]

GaylordWilshire Jan 13, 2012 8:12 PM Art America

Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... it was the Daily Planet...
Here's the naked Clem Wilson building... if you do a search here with "Daily Planet"
in the box, I think the Superman story will come up....

Fab Fifties Fan Jan 13, 2012 10:47 PM

Garcon! Garcon!
A few more old restaurant menus that I have in my files:

Cocoanut Grove 1948

This was not the Billy Wilkerson Trocadero Nightclub but a cafe of the same name that was opened by a chef formerly of the Trocadero London. 1930's

"Refined and Artistic Surroundings"
and they even had a "Fone":yes:

Mocambo 1950's

I'm always fascinated by old menus and know that I have more somewhere in this hoarder's mess I call a computer. I'll post as I find.

~Jon Paul

KevinW Jan 13, 2012 11:27 PM

Of course I knew it was the planet as soon as I posted comet. And I wondered how long it would take to get corrected. Looking around, I found another company sign pre-Mutual of Omaha. Anyone ever heard of "General of America Insurance"


FredH Jan 14, 2012 1:34 AM


I give up! I guess ruining the looks of that building is just an L.A. tradition, or something.

What a great picture this is though! White King Soap, Brew 102, and a Vic Tanny gym.

KevinW Jan 14, 2012 1:45 AM

What I wouldn't give for any one of the cars in that photo...

dchan Jan 14, 2012 2:00 AM


Originally Posted by FredH (Post 5548288)
The short ties always bother me too, but they seem to have been the norn back in the "noir" days.

The short ties seem to be directly related to how high men hitched their pants back then. The pants in the photos appear to be cut very baggy and high in the crotch, which I guess was the style back then. Nowadays, many men's jeans are tight and cut below the waistline - you couldn't hitch them up even to waist level if you tried.

Albany NY Jan 14, 2012 2:13 AM

[QUOTE=Fab Fifties Fan;5546062]Paulais Hollywood Blvd. 1925

OK, just one question. Why the heck are there 2 steam locomotives in the courtyard of the Egyptian? Anyone know? Or is it another one of my dumb questions?

3940dxer Jan 14, 2012 2:52 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5508696) Street View

Vintage postcard drawings often exaggerate, and these of the Rosslyn are no exception. Usually I shy away from postcards here; I posted these because I think the colors are great. But my real quarry for this post was a pic of the connecting marble subway--no luck. Dinner on me at any of the Restaurant Row joints we've seen to first person who can produce a shot--3940? You seem brave, having visited the Castle of Enchantment--perhaps you can find your way into the subway. Is the passage even still open? The "Auto Drive-In Lobby" is also intriguing....


I had business downtown today, and planned a side trip to the Rosslyn. I printed a big batch of old Rosslyn photos and L.A. Times articles as a gift, tried to dress well, and crossed my fingers -- having no idea what might happen.

I had read something about a multi-million dollar renovation, but that hasn't happened yet. The north building appears to be closed and unoccupied, the south wing is open but dark and dusty. In the old lobby, thick bulletproof glass wraps around the front desk, like in a bank. I waited until the gentleman behind the desk was free, made my pitch, and passed all the prints through a slot in the glass. The man was quite interested, appreciated the prints, and after listening to my story told me that indeed there was a tunnel beneath 5th Street connecting the two wings, and agreed to take me down there.

We walked over to a pitch black stairway on the left, descended to the bowels of the building, and had a look around. The first thing I noticed was "The Monterey Room", a long-closed bar with a Mexican theme. I immediately wondered whether this was the spot where the Rosslyn bar room murder took place in 1951. (I think this has been discussed on the thread before, but not sure.) The wall looks the same, but it seems the "Monterey" decor was part of a later remodel. Here's the USC photo, followed by the first of my (very poor :yuck:) shots.

The USC description is "Rosslyn Hotel bar death, 27 October 1951. Allen Burnell (Patron); Mary McCall (Patron); Joe Moore (Patron); George D. Miller -- 34 years (victim killed in bar room fight over juke box tune...The tune playing was "The Song Is Ended").

I think this is where the murder took place, but it's hard to be sure. Here's the inside of the bar. I think it's more or less beneath the sidewalk beneath the south side of 5th Street. Sorry about the poor was very dark down there, and I didn't have much time...oh well.

OK, now here's the tunnel. This shot was taken from beneath 5th Street. I had to duck as I passed under that giant pipe. Hard to imagine well heeled guests actually using this to go back and forth but maybe the big pipe was added by the city in later years, and maybe the passageway was much more elegant when first built.

As we walked around the tunnel my guide confided to me that the hotel is haunted and that down in the tunnel one day he saw a female ghost. The form passed by him, then turned and ran down another hallway He seemed quite shaken, remembering this. I told him that looking through the L.A. Times articles that morning, I learned that there has been several murders and suicides in the hotel over the years. (More on this later.)

Finally, here is the door on the other end, now sealed tight, that used to lead to the north wing.

Very interesting visit; it was a great Friday the 13th for me. I celebrated by having lunch at the Colima Cafe, which I'd always been curious about. While preparing for today's adventure I found some other interesting Rosslyn photos and articles, will probably post some of those later.

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