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GaylordWilshire Mar 23, 2011 6:48 PM

A Place In the Sun

Ninja55 Mar 24, 2011 12:25 AM

That's Frank Morgan on the left visiting the Paris Inn. (the wizard of oz!!)

Beaudry Mar 24, 2011 12:25 AM

Dang that Mode O' Day! I've poked about...all we know so far it it's the Washington Furniture Co bldg, 1927...I like to think someone noted in American Architect or some other type of journal back in the day...

gsj, love the Harold Lloyd BH -- have seen a clip of the 3rd St but didn't know he rocketed up Clay!

GW, love not only the doggie silhouette but instead of erecting a billboard, they painted the image of a billboard, complete with lattice, and the name of the billboard manufacturer?

Not how Cat & Dog's finials are gone. They disappear from everywhere -- the Southland Hotel, oh, I could go on. Mostly because of the city's 1949 Parapet Correction Ordinance, which stipulated that unless parapets were laterally braced, they had to be removed. Most of the time they were simply removed, of course. I was told once that was taken as blanket regulation for obelisks and finials and other large doodads teetering over the street.

Which is why those towering atop the Mode O' Day are so remarkable...

Ninja55 Mar 24, 2011 12:28 AM

These pics are from around 1921. Any info on the building and its markings?

Ninja55 Mar 24, 2011 12:29 AM

Ninja55 Mar 24, 2011 12:31 AM

The lady all in black on the left is my grandma, and thats my mom on the right at about 4 years old

Ninja55 Mar 24, 2011 12:33 AM

That's mom on the left and my grandpa on the back right. Did these people have to rent their bathing suits? What's "OP"?

sopas ej Mar 24, 2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5212458)

RIP, Liz.

Speaking of which, apparently she'll be laid to rest next to her parents at Westwood Memorial Park, along with other dead celebs.

Elizabeth Taylor's Final Resting Place

GaylordWilshire Mar 24, 2011 12:46 AM


Your relatives were frolicking at Ocean Park in Santa Monica...hence "OP" on their bathing costumes....

ethereal_reality Mar 24, 2011 12:52 AM

^^^Interesting news sopas_ej..... Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe in the same small cemetery.

GaylordWilshire Mar 24, 2011 12:55 AM


I guess that is the standard-issue mausoleum space at Westwood. That reminds me of a trip there years ago, which happened to coincide with the June birthday of another legend. A couple had driven in a van from Indiana to pay homage to Marilyn on that day... they stood vigil all day in costume, with champagne and roses... and I though I was strange just for wheedling my companion into seeking out this odd graveyard, now tucked behind Wilshire Boulevard skyscrapers....

Beaudry Mar 24, 2011 1:01 AM

A little then-and-now with something from the collection...

...looking down 4th toward Fig. The Union Bank replaces the Monarch; behind the Monarch, the Architects Building and the Richfield Tower become the twin ARCO towers (note the wee bit of the California Club peeking out). The "Jesus Saves" Open Door church is now the California Bank & Trust; the Bonaventure obscures Central Library. I dig, at left, Bunker Hill rising up from behind the Sunkist (for example ) though that's now all gone save for the Edison. The Mellon Bank is all one sees now.

GaylordWilshire Mar 24, 2011 1:02 AM


It's practically the MGM commissary ca. 1939 in there... more stars than there are in the heavens etc. Liz will be joining not only Marilyn but the bodacious and recently discussed Cornel Wilde, as well as Darryl F. Zanuck, Natalie Wood, Donna Reed, all with a little noir thrown in: Eve Arden and no less than Billy Wilder. Seems to me Natalie was buried in the actual ground. Not sure if the others are in the ground or in drawers....

sopas ej Mar 24, 2011 1:14 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5213007)

It's practically the MGM commissary ca. 1939 in there... more stars than there are in the heavens etc. Liz will be joining not only Marilyn but the bodacious and recently discussed Cornel Wilde, as well as Darryl F. Zanuck, Natalie Wood, Donna Reed, all with a little noir thrown in: Eve Arden and no less than Billy Wilder. Seems to me Natalie was buried in the actual ground. Not sure if the others are in the ground or in drawers....

A lot of notable people are buried in Westwood. On my facebook, I created a Celebrity Graves photo album; needless to say as soon as Liz gets filed away, I'll be snapping a photo and adding it to the album.

But anyway, some really cool people are in Westwood, like Dean Martin, Bettie Page (she's in the ground), Truman Capote, Lew Ayres (he's in the ground too). Billy Wilder, Jack Lemmon, Peggy Lee, Eva Gabor, Donna Reed, the list goes on and on. Even Minnie Riperton!

gsjansen Mar 24, 2011 1:25 AM


Originally Posted by Beaudry (Post 5213002)


GaylordWilshire Mar 24, 2011 1:35 AM

"Is that all there is?"
I didn't know that Norma Deloris Egstrom was buried at Westwood. I was a little surprised that the
obvious epitath wasn't on her marker there.... Here she is across town riding Angels Flight in 1968, the
same year I saw her at the Shoreham on a class trip to Washington. I always wondered about the organizer
of that trip and what he was thinking taking a bunch of 7th-graders to see her in a glamorous supper
club. But I have to admit that I was the only one who knew who she was... everyone else in my class
snickered when she kept saying over and over, looking out at the tables, "Hello all you
beautiful people...." That is some group in Westwood. (Bettie Page even...)

GaylordWilshire Mar 24, 2011 1:43 AM

The Richfield, the Monarch, and...

gsjansen Mar 24, 2011 1:53 AM

peggy lee lends a hand in putting out a gas main fire outside ciro's 1960.........................(the things a girl's gotta do to get a gig in this town)
Source: Corbis Images

peggy and jimmy enjoying lunch together at the vine street brown derby 1948
Source: Corbis Images

Beaudry Mar 24, 2011 1:56 AM


Originally Posted by gsjansen (Post 5213041)

Heh heh...thought I might find an appreciative audience. Those west-to-east shots, right? GSJ, I credit you with teaching me something very important: in a then-and-now, put the modern view above the vintage. Totally makes sense.

malumot Mar 24, 2011 8:16 AM

A SPECTACULAR post, Beaudry.

One of the best then-and-now's ever. The railings have survived well over 50 years. (As have the weeds.....I always thought the landscaping along that part of the Harbor...or I guess that's now the 110....looked junky, filled with trash and ill-kept......and that goes back to the mid-80s when I used to drive from my apartment in PDR to Robinson's one a week or so.)

And is that the Touraine I see, just to the left of the Sunkist, mooning us with her enormous 8-story backside in the early pic? :)


Originally Posted by Beaudry (Post 5213002)
A little then-and-now with something from the collection...

...looking down 4th toward Fig. The Union Bank replaces the Monarch; behind the Monarch, the Architects Building and the Richfield Tower become the twin ARCO towers (note the wee bit of the California Club peeking out). The "Jesus Saves" Open Door church is now the California Bank & Trust; the Bonaventure obscures Central Library. I dig, at left, Bunker Hill rising up from behind the Sunkist (for example ) though that's now all gone save for the Edison. The Mellon Bank is all one sees now.

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