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Old Posted Mar 3, 2014, 4:27 PM
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Originally Posted by jmatero View Post
Comparing the two is NOT ridiculous. They were building the bridge and late in construction cut costs (the depression) and left the towers naked... Just the skeletons showing... To this day.
It is ridiculous, because you can't compare a skyscraper to a bridge. As I've pointed out, the bridge will be a bridge regardless, and the aesthetics of the bridge aren't nearly as important.

SOUND FAMILIAR? They didn't redesign the skeleton. They just left it naked. SOUND FAMILIAR? And the result of this is FAR more significant (and noticeable) than WTC.
Again, it is not the same thing at all. And the bridge itself didn't "shrink".

You (and I) think the Chrysler Building is a masterpiece. Guess what? When it went up, a lot of New Yorkers HATED it. My Grandfather and his brother worked on both the dismantling of the Waldorf Astoria and construction of the ESB. They used to tell us people joked for years about the Chrysler Bldg making fun of the hubcaps and hood armaments. New Yorkers used to call it "The Swordfish".

Few buildings get universal praise as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Again, it's done. Over. Get over it and celebrate. Children today (and future generations) will accept this building as-is.
You speak of what people may have thought a century ago, and disregard it. Yet somehow seem to think because you are okay with how the mast looks today, future generations will do the same. Not only do I find that hypocritical nonsense, it just isn't so. (I also find it laughable that you compare the two).

The ironic part of this? NOBODY in NY liked the twin towers when they went up. Everyone felt they looked like nothing in the city and ruined the skyline. When they replaced the antenna with the larger one, a lot of people were even ticked off. A generation later, nobody cared. Today, we wish they were back.
People didn't care about the original antenna, it was rarely if ever considered for anything. And that was appropriate, because it was just there. And don't tell me that nobody in NY liked the originals when they were built, because many did. I know this personally.

This spire/mast is not only supposed to be considered the crowning part of this tower, it is the single most important element of the rebuilding of the WTC itself.

You wanna talk about what future generations will think? When they look back at 9/11, and look on our tepid and uninspired response to it - a wasted opportunity here - it will not be looked on favorably at all.
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