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Old Posted Jul 26, 2011, 6:35 PM
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Originally Posted by telyou View Post
Ahahahahaaaa, you guys really don't understand what spending for the future means.
The green energy act is the future of Ontario and unfortunately Hudak may very well be the demise of Ontario.
2003: McGuinty "I won't lower your taxes but I won't raise them either"

If it were truly investing in the future I would agree. Some investments have been ok however the McGuinty Liberals have been text book tax and spend liberals in the worst sense. A $1 billion wasted in e.Heath, hundreds of millions lost by OLG, yet no one fired, no one gets punished, instead they get gold plated severance packages at our expense. The Liberals don't seem to understand that, the Ontario treasury is their money for them and their friends to piss away.

As well McGuinty has allowed the public service to become bloated in both size and pay scale. He refuses to fight for whats right for Ontario, but just caves into OPSEU and OSSTF and all these other unions demands rather than hold the line. It's only been in the last year or two since shit really hit the fan he's started to tighten the belt but were still in a ~$17 billion deficit.

Originally Posted by telyou View Post
I didn't know Harris had to go through the worst recession in the history of Ontario since WW2.
Bob Rae used the same line during his abortion of a term in the early 1990's. Harris had to clean up the mess that Rae & Peterson had left in wake of their decade of rule and got our economy going again, created jobs, shrunk the size of government and balanced the books.

While not everything McGuinty's fault in recent years with the economic turn-down, he has continued to grow the size and spending of government when it's clearly unsustainable.

Ontario use to be the Cadillac province of Canada, we use to drive economic growth in Canada, now were dragging Canada down, our unemployment rate is above the national average and were even qualifying for equalization payments now! Thanks to Dalton & Co. with their big government, big spending ways.

October cannot come soon enough to vote these jokers out!
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