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Old Posted Apr 22, 2019, 11:00 AM
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hkskyline hkskyline is offline
Hong Kong
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Chichen Itza is the most famous Maya site in the region, although elements of it differed from actual Maya tradition. Easily accessible today by highway from Cancun, get there early before the tour buses arrive.

The Gran Juego de Pelota is the largest ball court of its kind, stretching 90m long. Historians are not sure how the game is played or its significance, although panels with scenes are found at the bottom of each side.

It is believed human sacrifices took place here, judging from the Tzompantli's carvings of human heads.

The highlight of the site is the El Castillo, with stairs going up each side through 9 terraces. Designed with the Maya calendar in mind, each staircase has 91 steps, totalling 365 after including the 1 step at the main temple entrance. Special shadow effects also take place during the equinoxes.

The Templo de los Guerreros and Groupo de las Mil Columnas is quite impressive for its details and colonnade-filled courtyard.

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