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Old Posted Jul 6, 2017, 5:34 PM
JK47 JK47 is offline
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Originally Posted by Near North Resident View Post
no such thing as a labor shortage as the one solution is to raise wages (but I'm sure its way easier to just blame the president lol)

There's a lot of rotting produce in California and Georgia that would beg to differ.

"In the last five years, he has advertised in local newspapers and accepted more than a dozen unemployed applicants from the state’s job agency. Even when the average rate on his fields was $20 an hour, the U.S.-born workers lost interest, fast.

“We’ve never had one come back after lunch,” he says."

The going rate for migrant labor is about $11 to $12 an hour. Going higher above $20 makes mechanical alternatives to manual labor more cost effective.

In any event the unemployment rate has hit 4.3% which is below the full employment mark of 4.7%. The job market has become so tight it's actually becoming difficult for employers to generate new jobs since they are having trouble filling positions. Migrant labor fills a need since there are, in fact, jobs that the native born are unwilling to perform at any reasonable price.
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