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Old Posted Jan 7, 2024, 1:06 AM
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Originally Posted by jimthemanincda View Post
The Census Bureau finalized state population estimates for 2023 recently. Idaho's population was estimated to be 1,964,726 on 7/1/23.

Between 4/1/20-7/1/23, Idaho was the fourth fastest growing state in the nation, at 1.3%. Only South Carolina (1.7%), Florida (1.6%), and Texas (1.6%) grew faster.

Idaho did not surpass Nebraska in population but should do so sometime over the next few months...Nebraska's population was 1,978,379. This will make Idaho the 37th most populous state. At this growth rate, Idaho will pass New Mexico in about 5 years to become the 36th most populous state. After that we have quite a while before moving up the state population table any more since Mississippi, Kansas, and Arkansas are all at least 39% more populous than New Mexico currently is.

Nothing will be in stone for anoter 6 years, but it is looking more likely that Idaho will gain a 3rd seat in the U.S. House after the 2030 Census...
Crazy! I'm old enough to remember when the state surpassed 1 million in the early 90s, and, that was a big deal back then. It's safe to say the secret about Idaho is out.
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