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Old Posted Apr 20, 2019, 1:56 PM
Crawford Crawford is online now
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Originally Posted by bossabreezes View Post
At some point it will slow. But I believe that the Indian immigration wave will continue for a very long time.

If you go to any suburb in the New York or Philadelphia metro regions, you'll notice that Indians and South Asians are quickly dominating entire towns and regions, displacing formerly white neighborhoods. I've heard lots of contention due to this, as Indians and South Asians are culturally very different than most American born people. It's kind of a culture clash that I don't see resolving any time soon.

This started mainly with Obama, as entire extended families came to the US together. I know more cases than I can count of multiple generations and sides of families, upwards of 10 people living in 3 bedroom apartments and homes.
Yeah, that doesn't sound absurd. Indian families came to the U.S. "under Obama" and there are "big cultural clashes" in McMansionland. The Princeton, NJ area is under near-riot conditions from the influx of highly educated, high earning, family oriented Indian techies, doctors and engineers.

In reality, Indian families have pretty much seamlessly integrated into upper middle class sprawl America, even in very conservative red areas (which would not describe Central Jersey).