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Old Posted Feb 25, 2013, 12:11 AM
AccraGhana AccraGhana is offline
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Posts: 250

Furthermore, the propaganda of the media ignores the efforts of grassroots organizations, and appoints several black celebs as spokespeople for "the black community", the more ineffective, the more press time they'll get (Jesse, Al), then when someone demonizes the poor without holding all parties accountable (Bill Cosby), it gets disproportionate coverage on right-wing media. When in reality, every single grassroots movement has leaders who've said the same things to their people as Bill Cosby! They just choose not to do it on public forums like the Cos, you don't air out your dirty laundry. Look at how our country can use "News" to twist the facts around. 1984 for real.

Don't forget the systematic destruction of the civil rights movement and any organized black mobility movement by the efforts of the CIA and J.Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO program. If violence by racists whites, and redlining wasn't enough, you had portrayals of blacks as inherently more violent, when blacks organized in their own forced segregated communities to become more upwardly mobile, the US Government pretty much crushed that too.....This was a psychological attack from all angles, and its legacy still exists. No wonder why there were riots in the late 60's.
I agree with all of that. The real corruption was the moral corruption of racism and its impact on African Americans....and by extension....the city of Detroit. Yet, the popular narrative of Detroit problems somehow excludes this.
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