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Old Posted Feb 19, 2013, 2:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Novacek View Post
But that's not what M1EK is claiming.
He has been _very_ vocal in his claim that the MetroRapid is _no_ improvement over the express bus service which is already operating in that corridor. But he can't have his cake and eat it too. If Metrorapid is no better than the existing express bus, then it doesn't prevent federal grants for rail in that corridor any more than the existence of the express bus line does.

He's claiming that rail would still be a substantial improvement over metrorapid, that there would still be compelling purpose and need, but the mere fact that some federal money was spent on the busses would prevent rail.
Don't be so hard on SecretAgentMan - you guys are fellow travellers - experts at misleading people from behind the cloak of anonymity.

SAM is pretending that I and the others are saying "urban rail" means "rail running in mixed traffic".

And YOU'RE pretending that the actual benefits of Rapid Bus are the same as the CLAIMED benefits of rapid bus.

Neither one of those assumptions is actually true.

1. Everybody pushing for rail up Guadalupe is pushing for a light rail solution running in its own lane. Nobody is stupid enough to run trains in traffic there. Not even the people at the city who appear stupid enough to do it elsewhere. And nobody ever argued for a streetcar solution stopping every block either. SAM is conflating that to make Capital Metro look better for avoiding the obvious slam-dunk rail corridor until the 2040s.

2. Rapid Bus has been sold to the Feds as a tremendous benefit, based on nebulous marketing tying together a bunch of individual treatments which, on the MAIN corridor, have no actual benefit. The theory pushed by snakes like JMVC, when they are forced down to actual details on the actual corridor being compared (rather than on the Burnet/S Lamar corridor, for instance), is that the sum will somehow be more than the parts. What it actually boils down to is more frequency if you happen to live next to an existing 101 stop; but less frequency if you live next to an existing 1 stop; and no improvement in time for either.
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