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Old Posted May 3, 2023, 11:57 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by Docere View Post
Seattle is almost like a Canadian city in this respect. The affluent never really left the city proper, although some newer money suburban areas developed in the eastern suburbs. You have upper class early 20th century SFH neighborhoods in city limits. Meanwhile, you have a large swath of blue collar suburbs in the southern sector, akin to maybe Surrey, BC or the area around Pearson Airport in Toronto.
It's an uncomfortable conversation, but the U.S. cities demographically most like Canadian cities (i.e. marginal population of African Americans) had almost none of the racial trauma of postwar America and more or less developed like Canadian cities. Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis to some extent, are Canadianish. Postwar wealth flight was limited in the absence of rapid racial change. American postwar carnage probably had less to do with freeways and stupid planning policies than race.
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