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Old Posted Jan 23, 2023, 1:32 PM
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hauntedheadnc hauntedheadnc is offline
A gruff individual.
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Greenville, SC - "Birthplace of the light switch rave"
Posts: 13,626
My Greenville (/ˈɡriːnvɪl/; locally /ˈɡriːnvəl/)

Not a parody, but more of an homage to sopas ej's fantastic My Los Ángeles thread, perhaps it is time to just collect all the photos I take in one place rather than keep generating individual threads. As in sopas ej's thread, expect more pictures of food.

I ended up taking quite a few photos this past weekend, in part because while I disdain New Year's resolutions, my husband went on a tear and said we need to do more this year that involved leaving the house. We ended up going downtown for dinner on Friday night, went out to explore a suburb we hadn't yet visited on Saturday before taking a walk around a toxic swamp, and I even managed to get a couple of photos of my dinner on Sunday.

I only have the photos from Friday night uploaded so far, so give me time to get the rest, and I'll have updates. Meanwhile, this was how things looked via my phone's camera on the night of...

Friday, January 20th, 2023

Greenville, SC: Disco Concerto

We found a nice houseplant shop on the way to the restaurant.

The restaurant is called Smoke on the Water and their macaroni and cheese is lifechanging. Their sauces are also fantastic, to the point that while I wanted the smoked salmon cakes, I was seduced by the possibility of slopping sauce on shredded meat and changed my order so I could.

I love this light fixture at the Peace Center for the Performing Arts. It rotates.

Greenville's famed drooling warthog fountain, a copy of one in Italy and given to Greenville by Bergamo, its Italian sister city. Tourists' constant fondling of the warthog's snout has worn it smooth.

Stay tuned for charming small town Americana and a toxic swamp... whenever I can spare the time to upload them, since I took them with a real camera instead of my phone!
"To sustain the life of a large, modern city in this cloying, clinging heat is an amazing achievement. It is no wonder that the white men and women in Greenville walk with a slow, dragging pride, as if they had taken up a challenge and intended to defy it without end." -- Rebecca West for The New Yorker, 1947
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