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Old Posted Jan 17, 2023, 1:16 PM
cardeza cardeza is offline
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Originally Posted by PHLtoNYC View Post
To address the bold...

It was a mistake not to demolish the mall in 2018. A poorly planned and researched project from the start, most of us predicted it. So it's not insane to suggest the mall be torn down and replaced with a mixed-use plan like across the street. I figured you would at least agree with that idea... I also didn't say anything negative about the retailer offerings in the mall.

"Couldn't care less".

They weren't empty when I walked by.
Your statement about the FDP project is pure speculation. What evidence do you have that the entire project was poorly "researched"? NOTHING will be better during the daylight hours with an empty stadium. That is just a fact. And if there are dollars and the will to invest tens or hundreds of millions into east market outside of the arena location then that should be done anyway. I have not heard anything from the sixers suggesting they plan to invest heavily in the surrounding area so I do not understand where all this talk of hotels and mixed used development beyond the perimeter of the arena is coming from. The sixers need NONE of that to make the team more valuable- all they need is their own arena- surrounding development is of no consequence to their overall mission.