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Old Posted Dec 16, 2021, 2:00 PM
MAC123 MAC123 is offline
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Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker View Post
This is literally the Jetsons in real life.

Also flying electric cars and copters can alleviate the elevator problem in tall buildings meaning we should now be able to build comfortably over 2000 ft.
Nobody, not a corporation or government even has a proven prototype yet (and you'd know if they had because they'd be screaming it from the rooftops how they were first to do it).
And that's not even commenting on the practicality of such a system.
Now that's not to say they're impossible, they aren't, but don't get your hopes up just yet.
NYC - 20 Supertalls (including UC)
NYC - Future 2035 supertalls - 45 + not including anything that gets newly proposed between now and then (which will likely put it over 50)
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