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Old Posted Sep 14, 2021, 6:46 PM
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ardecila ardecila is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Downtown View Post
The problem with using the old streetcar tunnel as a pedway is how unrelievedly boring it is. It's one thing to walk 1000 feet on a sidewalk, past shop windows and intervening streets, but an entirely different thing to walk that far in a lonely underground tunnel. For anyone to ever use it—except when it's below 0º—you'd have to put in a little shuttle, like the Senate Subway or Denver airport. Maybe we could put some electric scooters at both ends.
I've seen some high-speed travelators in the Toronto airport that could probably make it a quick trip. Might need to be adapted for the slope of the tunnel though. Do a nice mosaic on the walls and call it a day.

Originally Posted by BuildThemTaller View Post
I can think of a way to make it interesting.
Well, imagine a tunnel that's 1/3 that width.

Originally Posted by BrinChi View Post
Is the Washington tunnel what the Block 37 superstation was supposed to use?
No. The Washington tunnel ran east-west under the river from Franklin to Clinton (if you go down Washington under Ogilvie, the center section of the viaduct is where the streetcars would surface).

The Block 37 connection is a new tunnel built diagonally under the mall from Washington/State to Randolph/Dearborn. The tunnel exists in the parking garage levels, sealed off, but they never broke through into the existing Red/Blue Line tunnels to finalize the connection. They still could finish the project and use it for something, but there would need to be a good reason to spend all that money besides a half-baked Airport not-Express train.
la forme d'une ville change plus vite, hélas! que le coeur d'un mortel...
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