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Old Posted Jun 30, 2021, 4:44 PM
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ethereal_reality ethereal_reality is offline
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Thanks for bringing Bill Buerge to my attention GW and odinthor.

I thought I had discovered the mountain mermaid website but now I see that Martin had included the link in his earlier.

I decided to go ahead and post some of the things I found on the site and a few other sites. (mainly the topanga messenger)

This pre-renovation photograph is undated, but it shows. . .umm. . .a dump the property in disuse.

Courtesy of Dede Warpole via mountain mermaid

. . .before the decline.

mountain mermaid

This next photograph was taken in 1934 when the building was the Sylvia Park Country Club.

The occasion was the 50th anniversary of Columbus & Lucy Cheney. (whoever they are) .... . perhaps someone can dig up some information on them.

mountain mermaid

. .looks like a real shindig....zzzz


A very rare membership token for the Sylvia Park Country Club. (150.00 dollars a year) found on worthpoint




P.S. I just noticed the token on worthpoint is different. Instead of saying "Sylvia Park Country Club" it, instead, says "Sylvia Park Development Company".
soooo. . .umm. . .worthpoint must have more than one token for sale.

P.S.S. The token (shown above) is for $150.00 Club Membership and the other coin (also on worthpoint) is for $150.00 LOTS!...(I wonder what the size of the lots were) preposition, sorry

Lastly, take a look at this remnant of an old wrought-iron gate at the entrance of the property.

google earth

I want this for our clubhouse.


Last edited by ethereal_reality; Jun 30, 2021 at 5:14 PM.
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