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Old Posted Apr 23, 2021, 8:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post

I know that we have discussed this D of B location on NLA and if I'm not mistaken one of the posts included a black n white photograph. (but I wasn't able to find it.
Is this the one you were looking for? It was part of one of Martin Pal's posts from 2013.

Originally Posted by Martin Pal View Post

By the way, if you turn left on McCadden and go up a building or two you'd see the famous Don the Beachcomber's restaurant. It was first a bar on the east side of McCadden and then a restaurant and bar opened across the street in 1937. A famous "studio publicized date" took place there with Montgomery Clift and Marilyn Monroe. I ate there a few times in the 80's and they had a booth with a picture of Joan Crawford above it. She apparently used to take lunch there on occasion and sign autographed pictures for the publicity department. The bar contained photos of celebrities and military men of the 1940's making up drinks that became famous, like the Zombie and Navy Grog. It is said the first pu pu platter was served there.

Alas, it's one of those places that in 1985, like the Wilshire Brown Derby, was closed for remodeling, which meant they tore it down after no one was looking.
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