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Old Posted Oct 2, 2020, 2:26 AM
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Steely Dan Steely Dan is offline
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Did you grow up in and/or are you raising a family in urban multi-family housing?

This is a tangent thread from the most populous city in the future thread.

Molson's post in that thread got me thinking:

Originally Posted by MolsonExport View Post

You ungrateful little brat! Just look at everything you have. When I was your age, we... lived in a duplex! We didn't even have our own house!

there is no other line in this movie (American Beauty) that speaks to Carolyn Burnham's shallow, materialistic personality, than this one.

I myself was raised in a detached SFH in an upper middle class burb of chicago. But now I'm raising my family in a chicago 3-flat in a city neighborhood.

Though molson's post was tongue in cheek, it did get me wondering, will my kids look back on their own childhoods as something "less than" because they didn't get the stereotypical american SFH home experience?

Our condo is valued at many hundreds of thousands of dollars, so our kids are by no means growing up poor or deprived, but might they still develop some lingering sense of it not being enough?

What about those of you who grew up in urban multi-family housing? Have you ever looked back on it as "less than"? Has it ever factored into your own housing decisions as an adult? Did it impact where you decided/will decide to raise a family of your own?
"Missing middle" housing can be a great middle ground for many middle class families.

Last edited by Steely Dan; Oct 2, 2020 at 2:48 AM.
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