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Old Posted Sep 19, 2020, 6:14 PM
ssiguy ssiguy is offline
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The current low growth rate of the US is playing out all over the Western world and has been for decades. The birth rate is well below replacement levels and this will continue to accelerate. Immigration now accounts for a staggering 80% of all population growth in Canada.

For many people in the countries effected, they are fine with this. Their countries or big cities are crowded enough for them, allowing people in who have totally different values and social norms {especially in Europe}, and as housing prices continue to rise, many think the negatives of immigration out weigh the positives.

The problem the governments have is that as the Boomers continue to retire, live longer, but with far fewer young workers to take their place, the pensions systems and healthcare costs will be untenable. Governments need these younger workers to keep the economy rolling and pay for the ever rising costs of a aging population.
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