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Old Posted Sep 19, 2020, 3:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Loco101 View Post
I had a few bottles of Molson XXX back then. It certainly was terrible. For strong beers I used to drink (circa 1995-2000) ones made by Unibroue from Quebec. La Fin du Monde is 9% and you can still get it today. Tasted a lot better.

Labatt also had a strong one called Maximum Ice but I don't think it was actually that strong compared to XXX but I could be wrong. A friend of mine used to drink Labatt Wildcat Strong which was 6.1% but as cheap as any 5% discount brand.
I'm OK with beers in the 5.5-7ish% ABV range but anything above that is just too strong to be enjoyable for me. Not a fan of Fin du Monde...had it a couple of times in my younger days for the novelty but I would never buy it now. If I just want alcohol there's always vodka instead.

Also, I see that people love to dump on Coors Light but man, when you've been doing some work outside on a hot day, a cold one just goes down great.
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