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Old Posted Sep 17, 2020, 10:10 PM
jd3189 jd3189 is offline
An Optimistic Realist
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Originally Posted by isaidso View Post
Agree on all of your points. I didn't see it coming just a few years ago but the US is looking more and more like Europe demographically. TFR is heading well below replacement, population growth is tanking, and the ability to plug that demographic hole with immigrants is limited.

Judging by the social upheaval occurring in the US you'd never know that the non-Hispanic white population in the US were still in the majority. It gives one pause for thought. When they dip close to 50% and then lower, things might go from terrible to worse. On second thought, maybe I'm wrong. California's social cohesion doesn't seem any worse than states like Ohio.
I have feeling that the non-Hispanic White and African American populations in the US are declining while the Hispanic population is slightly growing. The portion of the white and black populations still growing are probably children of 1st generation immigrants from Europe and Africa/ Caribbean respectively and most of those folks are in the top urban areas in the country.

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that small town/ rural America is dying a slow death. With stuff like the opioid epidemic, economic decline, meth addiction, overall despair, and loss of community among other things due to decreased church or community involvement, it’s hard to think that things are really going well outside the major urban areas.
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