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Old Posted Sep 17, 2020, 2:30 PM
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Originally Posted by isaidso View Post
In order to mitigate low TFR, countries with relatively small populations like Canada don't need to attract as many immigrants as countries with huge populations like the US. The US has 9 times Canada's population and would need to attract roughly 9 times as many immigrants (assuming TFR in both nations is similar) to accomplish the same thing. That's a tough ask. In reality, net migration is nowhere near that 9 to 1 ratio. Canada, shockingly, had net migration numbers only slightly below the US in 2018-2019.

Throughout history, the vast majority of migrants heading to northern America went to the US. For the first time in history, Canada is grabbing a large chunk of those migrants. Unthinkable just a few years ago, but Canada could potentially record a higher number than the US in the near term.

Net International Migration 2018 - 2019

Canada: +436,689
United States: +595,348
None of this really contradicts what I said. I'm well aware Canada is a fraction of the size of the US. The US does not take in as many immigrants as it should/needs because it doesn't want to, not because people don't want to come to the US.
Spawn of questionable parentage!
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